
Apocalyptic World: I've Got The Second System

Seventeen-year-old Seth's mundane existence takes an astonishing twist when he hears a divine proclamation from God. The world teeters on the edge of an apocalyptic event, but instead of the typical chaos and destruction, God transforms it into a challenge. A challenge where every human receives a unique system and concealed abilities, all in the name of survival. "Shit! What should I do?" I could hardly hear my own voice as I faced imminent death. In the midst of the darkness, a woman's voice taunted me. "What an intriguing human, on the verge of death, aren't you?" Yes, I am! Please, stop talking and let me pass in peace. "How about I offer you a chance? You need to help me escape, and I believe you're the only one who can." How could I possibly do that? "Yes, yes, just form a pact with me. I'll grant you the victory you desire most, and in return, I'll gain my freedom. But it won't be without a cost. I'll bestow upon you the Ouroboros curse." Are you seriously presenting me with this choice while I'm on the brink of death? Ugh, do I even have a choice? As I resolved to accept, I heard a voice. [Downloading the new system] [100% success] [The new system connects to the server] [100% success] [Incognito mode: activated] [Welcome to the second system, Tiamat] Huh!? I have two systems now!?

Solastius_Seena · Games
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99 Chs

Dragons Showdown

The dragons engaged in a standoff, sizing each other up before initiating their clash. The Red Emperor and Frostbane exchanged intense glares, seemingly awaiting the opportune moment to commence their draconic duel.

Now, I'm no expert on Red Emperor, but Frostbane's got a brain as sharp as ours – probably even more so. Sadly, its genius level took a hit when it became my summoned creature. 

If it hadn't, who knows? We might have had a chaotic fight that could even make the situation worse. 

The Red Emperor took the initiative with a thunderous roar, expelling flames that transformed the surroundings into molten lava. 

This is bad since the lava direction also coming here. 

"Time to move, guys!" I told the kids. "Anyone got a flying skill?"

"We can," said the buzz-cut child with brown eyes. "But Yvonne's MP is drained."

Yvonne, seemingly the most injured, looked dejected with her short red hair covering her face.