
Apocalyptic World: I've Got The Second System

Seventeen-year-old Seth's mundane existence takes an astonishing twist when he hears a divine proclamation from God. The world teeters on the edge of an apocalyptic event, but instead of the typical chaos and destruction, God transforms it into a challenge. A challenge where every human receives a unique system and concealed abilities, all in the name of survival. "Shit! What should I do?" I could hardly hear my own voice as I faced imminent death. In the midst of the darkness, a woman's voice taunted me. "What an intriguing human, on the verge of death, aren't you?" Yes, I am! Please, stop talking and let me pass in peace. "How about I offer you a chance? You need to help me escape, and I believe you're the only one who can." How could I possibly do that? "Yes, yes, just form a pact with me. I'll grant you the victory you desire most, and in return, I'll gain my freedom. But it won't be without a cost. I'll bestow upon you the Ouroboros curse." Are you seriously presenting me with this choice while I'm on the brink of death? Ugh, do I even have a choice? As I resolved to accept, I heard a voice. [Downloading the new system] [100% success] [The new system connects to the server] [100% success] [Incognito mode: activated] [Welcome to the second system, Tiamat] Huh!? I have two systems now!?

Solastius_Seena · Games
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99 Chs

Ara's Quest for Home

"Ara, let's get out of here," I said, my hand reaching out to her.

She looked up, tears still in her eyes, and grabbed onto my hand as we stepped away from that messed-up scene.

The sight of that cottage fueled a burning anger inside me. These players, especially that jerk Amy, needed a reality check. Today, they made an enemy, and they were about to find out what that meant.

But still, I wasn't about to let those idiots off the hook for treating a kid like that. Today kicked off a mission to settle the score with those who thought they could stomp on others without facing consequences.

It was time to show them that in this new world, justice had a way of catching up.

Sure, it might mean that someday, somewhere, I'd face my own reckoning – whether from a person or maybe even from the big G herself. Fuck it! for now, let's play the hero and put my own screw-ups on the back burner.

"Ara, listen up. We're going to make things right," I declared, my tone more determined. "I'll find you a new party."

But now, let's do something more important! Quest accepted and let the awkward social interaction marathon begin.

I sighed like I was deflating a balloon – I bet people from a hundred meters away could hear it. Time to play matchmaker for Ara with a stranger.

Lord, it feels so wrong to articulate it that way.

As I strolled through the colony, I spotted a different block with larger cottages – seemed like a promising place for Ara. More space often meant more members, and hopefully, more protection for her.

With a gulp that echoed my nervousness, I approached one of the cottages and gave it a good knock.

It was still morning, and it being the weekend meant fewer mini-games. The residents were probably having a lazy morning.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, the door creaked open, and a guy peered out, asking, "What's up?"

I nudged Ara forward, mustering my best pitch. "Interested in adding another party member?"

He eyed me up and down, looking uninterested. "What level are you?"

"Not me, this kid," I clarified. "I promise she's trouble-free! She's also an orphan, just lost her father, so please-"

Before I could finish my heartfelt plea, he slammed the door shut in my face.

"Well, that's a solid 'no' then."

Another frustrated sigh escaped me. I did my best to present Ara as the most angelic and pitiful kid ever, but clearly, my advertising skills needed an upgrade.

Maybe I should've brought Matthias – he's got that extroverted vibe and could sell a party membership like a pro.

Or Garcia, because, well, who could say 'no' to her? Because she was fucking scary. I bet if she was here, this place would transform into a bloodbath scenario, especially with that teenager asshole.

"Seth, are you okay?" Ara tugged at my jacket, her face a canvas of sadness.

I suddenly realized she hadn't smiled once around me. I might not be the best with kids, but even Jayden cracked a smile – especially when he looked at me. Now I felt guilty for dragging her into this mess.

I gave Ara's shoulder a reassuring squeeze and said, "Don't worry, we'll find you a great home."

I marched into another cottage, revamping my sales pitch. As the door creaked open, I grinned and declared, "Ever dreamt of adding a cute and angelic member to your party?"

With theatrical flair, I nudged Ara forward, presenting her like some fantastical treasure. "Presenting the star of the show, Ara! She's the dream companion you never knew you needed—" And just like that, the door slammed shut.

Sighing, I couldn't help but think, maybe the third time was a charm. This marketing gig wasn't as easy as it seemed.

But man, things were getting worse. Every door seemed to be practicing its slam routine, and once, I got a full-on lecture like I was running some shady kid prostitution agency.

Like what the hell was wrong with all of these people!? I WAS NOT DOING THAT ILLEGAL THING!

So there we were, perched on a bench, me looking like I lost a fight with a blender, head low, and spirits crushed. Today hit rock bottom, and I didn't even know rock bottom had a basement.

It felt like life handed me lemons the size of watermelons, telling me, "Here you go, champ, enjoy the sour, bitter feast."

"Seth, are you not hungry or tired? You can have this." Ara showed me a half-eaten bun with innocent and worried eyes.

"I'm fine. Maybe lucky number seven will turn things around," I replied, feeling like I'd said it a million times before.

"But you know, you don't need to do this for me... I'm fine by myself! Daddy said I am strong!" Ara exclaimed with pride laced with sadness.

I gently brushed her hair and reassured her, "It's fine, you're not a burden at all."

Ara just nodded and smiled. Her smile, the first I'd seen from her, warmed my heart. But I had to remind myself not to get too attached.

After all, I was the one who took her father away and thrust her into this mess.

As I scanned for another potential recruit, my attention snagged on something intriguing.

The woman who had lectured me earlier was engaged in a spirited conversation with the ax-wielding player and his skinny companion, frequently glancing and even pointing in our direction.

Smelling trouble in the air, I grabbed Ara's hand, urgency in my tone, "Let's go, Ara. Time to run!"

With the two guards in tow, we sprinted away, their shouts indistinct as the distance grew. Yet, Ara's small steps and weariness slowed us down.

Eventually, I hoisted her onto my back, and we continued our dash toward anything that would obscure our pursuers.

We weaved through the chaos, barreling toward a group of players blocking our path. "Move, people!" I hollered, shoving a woman out of the way. "Outta my way!"

"S-stop running, you idiot! Get back here!" Skinny man's shouts echoed behind us, but I wasn't about to slow down.

In the bustling market, I even managed to tip over a few buckets of fruit, sending the guards stumbling. "Suck it!" I chuckled, and to my surprise, Ara joined in the laughter.

I even heard Ara also laugh behind me, it seemed she enjoyed it, and didn't even realize if we got caught, it would be the dead of us.

Suddenly, someone seized my hand, yanking me into a narrow alley. My instincts flared, ready to retaliate, but a hushed voice intervened, "Shh... It's me, Aoki. Don't make noise; they'll catch you."

Relieved but still nervous, I couldn't help but notice her fragrance, sweet and enticing. Her breath against my ear sent a shiver down my spine. This woman was trouble.

As the guards took a wrong turn, leaving us be, Aoki sighed in relief. "Care to explain what happened?" she asked, and I turned to face her, ready to spill the chaotic tale.

Its hard to make this chapter for some reason, but it was fun! Glad my creativity is back to normal, so at least I could write again.

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