
Apocalyptic Wonderland

"Apocalyptic Wonderland: A Journey Through a Changed Universe" Amidst the chaos of a never-ending war between the gods, a mysterious entity emerges to ensure the survival of all races. With a wave of its hand, it merges multiple worlds into one colossal universe, one that even dwarfs the earth. But this is not just any ordinary world, it is a Wonderland filled with wonder and terror, where kingdoms have crumbled, empires have fallen, and mysterious ruins lay in wait. In this new world, people know it by many names - The Great Nexus The Endless Expanse The Cosmic Blending The Harmonious Haven The Omniscient Domain The Apocalyptic Wonderland The Boundless Battleground But one thing is certain, it's a world unlike any other. Enter Asher, a former teenager from a military family, who sets out to explore this new world. Armed with nothing but his courage and wit, he will encounter unique lifeforms, treacherous dungeons, and unravel the truth behind the cataclysmic event that brought the worlds together. But will he have what it takes to survive in this Wonderland, or will he become just another footnote in its endless expanse? !!THE PACE OF THE STORY PICKS UP IN CHAPTER 16 AND CONTINUES TO ESCALATE IN EVERY ASPECT!! !!THE MAIN STORY STARTS IN CHAPTER 25!! (You can skip to chapter 25 if you don't like slow starts, but at least read the glossary) !!NO YOUNG MASTERS!!

ExpiredRice · Action
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33 Chs

"The First Alien Kill: A Burden Shouldered"

Amidst the chaos of war, Asher steeled his resolve. The symphony of destruction that surrounded him was a harsh reminder of the stakes at hand.

Spaceships roared overhead, their engines a persistent hum as they flew through the skies.

The crumbling of buildings was a relentless bassline, rumbling in time with the heartbeats of the soldiers on the ground.

The clashing of weapons was a crescendo, each strike ringing out like a cymbal crash.

The shouts of the recruits and soldiers filled the air, a chorus of defiance in the face of overwhelming odds.

They cried out orders, curses, and battle cries, their voices a symphony of courage.

But it was the screams that Asher found the most haunting. Some were human, begging for mercy as they were cut down.

Others were inhuman, so shrill and pained that they made Asher's skin crawl.

The hisses of alien creatures and the report of weapons only added to the madness, an unrelenting wall of sound that threatened to break him.

Asher took a deep breath and tightened his grip on his knife.

He would not be broken by this sensory assault. He would stand tall and fight for his life, for his home, for his future.

The sounds of war may have been overwhelming, but Asher's determination was unwavering.

With practiced precision, Asher closed in on the unsuspecting Navi. Each step was silent, every movement calculated. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he prepared to strike.

In a lightning fast motion, he lunged forward and sliced his knife through the Navi's leg nerves, causing it to crumble to its knees.

Asher didn't hesitate. He raised the knife to the Navi's throat, the blade gleaming in the dim light.

The Navi's final gasp was cut short as the knife sliced through its flesh, the sound sending shivers down Asher's spine. The feeling was eerie and unsettling, but he didn't flinch.

With a swift stab, he plunged the knife into the Navi's back, aiming directly for its heart.

The Navi convulsed once before going still, its life force extinguished. Asher let out a deep sigh, the weight of the kill settling onto his shoulders.

Asher sighed heavily, the weight of his actions settling heavily on his shoulders. He gazed down at the fallen Navi, its youthful face now still and devoid of life.

He couldn't help but reflect on the choice he had made to end this young warrior's life.

Despite its inexperience and lack of rank, Asher had deemed it the best option in the heat of battle.

"The Navi's towering height makes them formidable foes," he mused to himself. "But their legs are their weakness. If I can bring them to their knees, then I stand a chance of taking them down."

Asher took a moment to pause and examine his first kill. The weight of his actions was heavy, but he couldn't dwell on it.

Not now, not in the middle of a war. He silently moved forward, taking cover behind a broken tank.

Taking cover behind a broken tank, Asher was peeking from the side of the tank. His eyes constantly darting around in search of the next target.

Asher scanned the battlefield, focusing his attention on the Navis, who appeared to be easier to take down than the armored reptile beings, he thought to himself as he glanced at the xenomorphs.

As he scoured the battlefield, he spotted a Navi. This time it looked to be a little stronger, possibly an early bronze ranked Navi, with the strength of two and a half men.

Asher advanced quietly, his small, agile body making it easy for him to move through the rubble without being seen.

He watched as the early bronze ranked Navi fought against a soldier, the two battling it out on the unstable remains of a building.

Suddenly, the rubble shifted and both fighters had to step back to find stable ground. Asher took advantage of the momentary distraction and rushed forward, closing the gap of four meters in a matter of seconds.

With fierce side-slashes from his daggers, Asher attacked the Navi's back legs.

The Navi staggered in pain, nearly falling to the ground, but to Asher's surprise, he stood, albeit shakily. Asher's eyes widened in shock as he quickly retreated, taking cover once again.

The soldier, who had also been taken off guard by Asher's sneak attack, rushed forward and swung his axe at the Navi, who blocked with a weapon that appeared to be a hybrid between a rifle and a long sword.

The Navi used his strength to push the soldier away, and aimed the hybrid weapon at the soldier when a stone suddenly hit him on the head.

With a grunt, the Navi quickly peered to the side spotting the bug that sneaked attacked him and saw Asher standing there, holding two daggers in his hands.

The Navi's eyes narrowed as he realized that he was now facing 1 more formidable opponent.

The tension was palpable as the three stared each other down, both aware that the next move could mean the difference between life and death.