
Apocalyptic Mayhem: System's Dawn

------------------- System Loaded: May Earth's Evolution commence! ------------------- This is the last thing every human being saw before the Apocalypse began. It was like a herald, a harbinger of doom before the entire planet fell into chaos.

InfinitumBlood · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Invasion

Unsurprisingly 'Babel's Rectification' had won the vote. After all if you had no knowledge of video games, or didn't understand the term "experience gain", the best option would obviously be 'Babel's Rectification'. While those with video game knowledge would still be split on the vote regardless which was shown by how large the victory was.

'I wonder, so there's a status? How can I open it?' Arthur pondered, as the previous voting screen disappeared. 'Status!' He summoned internally, and to his surprised a blue screen appeared in front of him. Just like the other screen its was intangible, but this one displayed his Status.



Name: Arthur Steel

Race: Human (Tier 1 Species)

Home Planet: Earth (ID No. 674-453-001)

Age: 19

Level: 1

Exp: 0/100

Strength: 12

Durability: 10

Vitality: 8

Agility: 11

Wisdom: 9


Babel's Rectification(Lvl 1)


Arthur scanned his status briefly before swiftly dismissing it. There wasn't much information on it that he didn't already know. His stats themselves were interesting, and he assumed he'd be able to increase them somehow whether that be by levelling up or physical activity, but simply staring at them wouldn't make them magically grow.

'But is that all? For an evolutionary process I was expecting some law of the jungle only the strongest will survive type of deal.' Arthur wondered, and as if answering his question another interface appeared.


Earth's 1st Trial: Invasion!

Now that the Earth has begun its evolution, its fair game to hunt down. Survive against the invading forces or risk the extinction of your species.

Global Mission:

Defeat The Invaders!

Time: N/A

Reward: 20 Achievement Points


Immediately the young man's face paled. 'Invasion? From what? And you're telling me we're expected to beat whatever invades us?!' He thought in shock. The people around him began panicking as they read the prompt.

"We're all doomed!"

"What if the army saves us!?"

"Didn't you see what happened before? You think the army can stop devils and gods!?"


Screams of terror, anxiety, and horror rang through the streets and the invasion hadn't even begun yet. Before a fight had even broken out humanity's spirit had been shattered. On the other hand Arthur began to calm himself down.

'Wait think about it. This is clearly regulated by this system one way or another, so chances are those invading us won't be foes we can't defeat. Not to mention with things like stats and experience, it could be that fantasy monsters and races will invade us. As long as we have our weapons we shouldn't lose too badly.'

Arthur tried to rationalise the situation as best he could. After all that was all he could do at this moment. Unfortunately those around him didn't seem to be of the same mind. 'Now that I think about it do I still need to go to work today?'




All of a sudden visceral war cries rang out. Turning his head towards the source of the sound, Arthur's pupils constricted. A portal had appeared, albeit this time a much smaller one, and it was placed at the center of the intersection.

Numerous green beings emerged from with the portal. A number of them were small and skinny, their lower body barely covered by an animal skin cloth, while others were large and muscular standing at over 2 meters tall. The weapons they held were all crude and primitive in nature, but the mere presence of the creatures was enough to send man into disarray.

"A-Are those Orcs and Goblins!?" Someone muttered in shock. If they were panicked before, then it was safe to say that the crowd of people were now completely terrified. In fact a number of them were even stunned in place.

Without missing a beat the goblins charged forth using their daggers to stab and cut any nearby humans. While the orcs merely watched from the side, with an almost smug expression on their faces.






They screamed and cried, while those in their cars began hooting their horns and trying to drive away even if it meant pushing through the cars ahead of them. Seeing this the Orcs raised their eyebrows before muttering some incomprehensible words to each other.

Arthur then came to his sense. He turned around and ran, and ran, he literally ran for his life. Not just him, but everyone else began to run. Those in their cars soon found themselves stuck unable to move the countless cars in front of them, and with numerous goblins jumping atop their cars, leading them to abandon their vehicles all together.

'Fuck where are the police!?' Arthur cursed internally. Looking back 10s of people had already perished, their blood and corpses strewn across the streets, and this was before the Orcs had even made a move.

The people behind Arthur continually thinned out, the goblins were no joke and they efficiently and cleanly killed any humans before them. As he continued to run away Arthur noticed an alleyway which he immediately decided to enter.

He had used it a couple times to go to work and knew it would allow him to escape the goblins. Otherwise it would only be a matter of time until he was on the chopping block. Rushing into the alleyway Arthur ran as fast he could, and then reached a corner. Turning the corner, Arthur's face immediately paled.

There was a wall! The alley he had used countless times suddenly had a wall blocking the exit. 'What the fuck is going on here! Fuck if I run out now I am going to be behind the goblins, I just have to hope they don't look here.' Arthur analysed, trying to stop himself from panicking.

'Wait if I pile up the garbage high enough I can jump over the wall.' He realised and immediately began stacking the garbage bags and various items he found into a pile. Once it was about a meter high, Arthur stood atop it. He then jumped up and grabbed the top of the wall pushing himself up.


Making it over the wall Arthur dusted himself off and just as he was about to run straight out of the alley a figure stood before him. A goblin.