
Apocalyptic Kings System

(Warning: contains taboo, sex, mc stealing women from others, cruel, gory, not retarded MC or FML's) (extra: all women will be exclusive to mc, mc is also extremely possessive and doesnt want his women to be useless unless stated otherwise. Only the mc will know what he wants, when he wants it. Only time will tell this story.) this is my first write, so please any critisims and corrections will help me in the future, and thank you in advance In a world left in ruin, Mike with his Kings system and his entourage of wives, lovers, friends, subordinates, and slaves aim to remake this world in his image. This mission will come with challenges, tragedy, dungeon diving, boss fight, rational and realistic situations, and loses. There is never only one King, but multiple, but Mike won't have any of that, in this mission to retake and remake this world, his goal to become the only king and make this world prosper again. But lurking in the shadows through this whole ordeal, a quite big surprise awaits the one who dares *error*--- information leak found, preparing countermeasures *error*--- suitable candidates found, initiating Kings system *error* --- activating protocol "worlds finale" activating system. *error* *error* *error* *error* "I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain. I know what i have to do but i dont know if I have the strength to do it." - Kylo Ren "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" - Thanos "There can be no progress, no achievement, without sacrifice, and a man's worldly success will be in the measure that he sacrifices". -James Allen *The cover isnt mine, I got it off the internet.* (I will be posting either a really long chapter on Sunday night est or on both Tuesdays and Sundays. if the chapter is released on Sunday it will more than likely be a fighting chapter while if I release 2 chapters they will be story and/or plot and character development chapter)

SiI3nt · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

Stat stuff

Many of the races I add I will add the description for but there are many commonly used races like...



-Lycan (aka Werewolves)

-Dragons, both humanoid shifters and non-humanoid shifters







-Demon Lords

-etc. like I said a lot of commonly used races and unqiue races too

Now we get into the special races. These races use characteristics of famous races and refine them to make them the peak beyond what one would think possible.

-World Elf



These races are the only ones for now and a few more will be added in the future.

each character will also have stat bonuses related to their classes like our main character for example...

the bottom one is the former while the one up top is the current one, the stat bouneses will be the same though.

Ranks are active and inactive at the same time... let me explain a bit.

So ranks are used to describe the progression of levels until the next tier of their respective class. Every class can level as many times as they want no matter what as long as they keep at it.

Life span doesn't relate to class level or rank, the only way a person can increase their life expectantcy is when they level 10 times. Every 10 levels will grant you 100 years of extra life while every rank up will grant you 1000 and every tier reset, ( A tier reset is when the rank goes back to low after the 100th level has been reached and the requirements are met for the next tier) after a tier reset an extra 15,000 years are added onto the respective persons lifespan.


- No tier for 1st 100 lvls

- Tier 1 on next hundred lvls, etc...

-Tier 2

-Tier 3....

can be rest at next rank up 

their are no tier names for the tier represents strength and knowledge.

I used common stat sheet to make it easy to understand and labled what is apart of what aspect even if I added a couple extra different and seperate ones.

I will add to this more later.