
Apocalyptic:I Have A Super Farm

The end is coming, and all plants and water sources on the earth will dry up and decay. The world fell into panic, and order and humanity collapsed. Food and survival have once again become the topics of greatest concern to people after the new century. Rice and noodles have become a luxury product that only the rich can enjoy. The price of vegetables has skyrocketed ten thousand times, and there is no market for it! However, at this moment, someone picked up a mobile phone. After accidentally opening it, the video in the mobile phone shocked the world. The sweet vegetables are rolled into the hot pot, exuding an attractive green color! The roasted golden lamb leg is sizzling with oil and dipped in sesame-like cumin! The delicious fish soup is stewed as pure white as milk, sprinkled with green chopped green onion! At the dinner table, a pretty little girl bit off half of a strawberry and begged: Brother, I really can’t eat any more! !

Clownfish786 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 54: Chase all the way, the gangsters were defeated

boom !

At this moment, a pitch-black gun barrel suddenly protruded from the nearly burned car window, flames suddenly appeared, and countless steel balls sprayed out. 


Because a self-defense team member was standing relatively close, his shoulder was suddenly scratched by steel balls flying in the sky, and blood instantly wet the clothes on his shoulder. 

The two team members standing next to him immediately dragged him behind the nearby mound to prevent the other party from shooting again.

The three ceased fire at the same time, and the pressure on the gangsters was greatly reduced.

With a fierce look in his eyes, Wells kicked the car door open, blocked Chen Jinshui in front of him extremely fiercely, and jumped out of the car, which was already about to become a fire. 

Following him were the remaining thirteen or four gangsters, who also jumped out of the car in great embarrassment and fled frantically along the road towards the base camp. 

In just one minute of confrontation, nearly half of them were lost. 

Some were shot to death randomly, and some were burned alive... 

Even the fierce gangsters were close to the edge of collapse after seeing such a tragic scene. 

They dare not continue fighting with Li Tianran because they have no idea how many cards Li Tianran and the others have! 

The unknown is always the scariest thing! 

"You son of a bitch! Didn't you say that their ambush was near the farm? Didn't you say that they were just a bunch of trash with basically zero combat effectiveness?" Wells looked at Chen Jinshui while running for his life, his face He asked ferociously: "Then explain to me why a group of people with zero combat effectiveness were able to beat my men like this in one round? At least half of my men died!" 

Chen Jinshui's legs were trembling at this time and he could hardly walk on his own. He had to rely on the tall Wells and another gangster to drag him to run. 

Wells suddenly smelled an unpleasant smell. He looked down and saw that Chen Jinshui's crotch was already wet and steaming. 

"Fuck you!" Wells was so angry that he blurted out his native language! 

He turned around and looked back, only to see that Li Tianran had led the people to catch up. He was suddenly filled with anger and panic. He directly raised the shotgun in his hand and pressed it against Chen Jinshui's chest: "If you dare to lie to me, you are cheating me." The price!" 

Chen Jinshui seemed to suddenly react. He screamed: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I was kept in the dark too! I really want to help you, Mr. Wells..." 


Wells looked fierce and pulled the trigger directly. 

Chen Jinshui's body flew backwards for three to four meters in an instant. A large bloody hole was opened in his chest. He fell on the road, twitching non-stop. 

"Let's go!" Wells shouted, quickly leading his thirteen men to run away like crazy. 

Chen Jinshui's eyes were dull, his pupils gradually dilated, and blood flowed all over the floor.

He opened and closed his mouth and murmured to himself: "Li Tianran... you lied to me, you lied to me... you will have to die..." 

Li Tianran also led people to catch up. He saw Chen Jinshui lying on the ground with only one breath left. He had no sympathy in his heart, let alone any sense of guilt. 

From the moment Chen Jinshui decided to betray, whatever outcome he had was all caused by him and had nothing to do with Li Tianran! 

"In the next life, don't be a traitor again." Li Tianran gave him a cold look, and then walked past him quickly. 

Several people from the Self-Defense Force also saw Chen Jinshui's tragic situation, but Li Tianran had already told them that Chen Jinshui was going to join the gangsters last night, so their eyes were full of contempt at this time, especially Wang Bing, who I hate gangsters, and even more hate lackeys like Chen Jinshui who have no bottom line!

"Ha...ah!" Wang Bing was the last to pass by him and expressed his contempt for Chen Jinshui with a spit of saliva. 

Chen Jinshui's body finally stopped twitching and there was no sound anymore. 


Wells ran all the way, and he began to spread out his many men, no longer just along the road, but towards the fields on both sides of the road.

Because he has seen that although the Self-Defense Forces led by Li Tianran are well-equipped, except for Li Tianran, most of the team members are indeed ordinary people with low combat effectiveness, and their physical strength is far inferior to those of his men. . 

After two or three minutes of chasing, the self-defense team members gradually distanced themselves from them, but Li Tianran kept pursuing them. 

As long as these gangsters disperse, Li Tianran will not be able to chase in several directions at the same time! 

But at this moment, the sound of artillery fire suddenly sounded again. 

A gangster who had already run into the wilderness fell to the ground with half of his body being blown away!

The other gangsters were immediately frightened and retreated one after another, returning to the road again! 

Wilson felt his scalp numb when he saw this scene. 

Among the people chasing them, not only Li Tianran himself, but also a sniper! 

At this time, an adult-level combat warrior with a mechanical sheen all over his body was lurking in a hidden place five hundred meters away, with a gun barrel sticking out of his palm and white smoke slowly rising... 

"This hateful yellow-skinned monkey... If we can't get rid of him, then we will all be killed by the sniper hiding in the dark!" Wells turned his head to look at Li Tianran with great anger, and suddenly raised his gun and backed away. A shot was fired. 

Li Tianran's pupils shrank, and his body suddenly dodged to the left, and the steel balls passed by his side. 

"Damn it!" Wells cursed again and continued running. 

The evil aura in Li Tianran's eyes became stronger and stronger. In fact, he could have caught up with him a long time ago, but the number of opponents was a bit too large. The self-defense team members could no longer keep up with his pace. If Li Tianran rushed up on his own, they would probably The embarrassing scene of facing a dozen shotguns pointed at him at the same time. 

That's why he kept a distance of more than ten meters from the opponent at this time, chasing him not far or close, taking advantage of the longer range of the pistol to knock down an enemy every dozens of seconds.

As we chased him all the way, there were fewer and fewer people around Wells. Now, including him, there were only eight people left!

"Can't run away." Wells' physical strength was close to the limit. He felt that his lungs were about to burst, and even the wind sucked into his throat became hot. If he kept running like this, Li Tianran couldn't help but Kill them and they will be exhausted to death! 

He felt that Li Tianran's physical strength seemed to be infinite, and even his specially trained physique felt like he could no longer hold on. However, Li Tianran's speed had been very stable and he didn't seem tired at all! 

And most importantly, he felt that Li Tianran seemed to be playing a cat and mouse game with them! 

You can obviously kill them directly, but you still keep giving them hope, and then break it down bit by bit! 

"Get ready to counterattack! There are eight of us, and the opponent only has one person and a sniper. Even if they fire at the same time, they can't kill us all in an instant!" Wells stopped abruptly, then turned around suddenly, his hands Staring at Li Tianran with red eyes, he raised his gun and took aim. 


The moment Wells said these words, the body of another gangster exploded next to him, and was directly shattered by the powerful force of the sniper! 

Blood splattered everywhere on the faces and bodies of the remaining gangsters, demonstrating in the most intuitive way what cruelty is! 

"Those who kill will be killed." Li Tianran looked at Wells and his gangsters expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice: "Are you ready to die?"