
Apocalyptic:I Have A Super Farm

The end is coming, and all plants and water sources on the earth will dry up and decay. The world fell into panic, and order and humanity collapsed. Food and survival have once again become the topics of greatest concern to people after the new century. Rice and noodles have become a luxury product that only the rich can enjoy. The price of vegetables has skyrocketed ten thousand times, and there is no market for it! However, at this moment, someone picked up a mobile phone. After accidentally opening it, the video in the mobile phone shocked the world. The sweet vegetables are rolled into the hot pot, exuding an attractive green color! The roasted golden lamb leg is sizzling with oil and dipped in sesame-like cumin! The delicious fish soup is stewed as pure white as milk, sprinkled with green chopped green onion! At the dinner table, a pretty little girl bit off half of a strawberry and begged: Brother, I really can’t eat any more! !

Clownfish786 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 31: The Magic Stick


Li Tianran dug down with a hoe, and then he used lime to draw conspicuous lines on the edges of the fish pond to be excavated. 

After demarcating the area and location, Li Tianran nodded. 

Digging fish ponds is a very difficult task, and the condition of the farm at this time is not suitable for hiring others to do the work.

So after thinking for a moment, Li Tianran decided to go out and borrow an excavator in person. 

Although there are such large equipment for sale in the mall, so far, Li Tianran doesn't want to spend his points on such things. 

According to the current situation, money will definitely depreciate rapidly. 

Points will not. 

Therefore, Li Tianran will not spend points on things that can be bought with money now. 


After a while, he drove to a compound in the town. 

Jumping out of the car, Li Tianran walked straight to the door and knocked on it. 

Bang bang bang!

The violent knocking on the door was heard by the people living in the compound, and then a rough and irritated voice came: "Who is it?" 

"I, Li Tianran! Open the door! It's urgent!" 

Li Tianran shouted at the top of his lungs. 

Li Tianran's farm is in the suburbs not far from the town. It has been run by two generations, so he can be regarded as an old resident here. Everyone in the town is familiar with him. 

After hearing his words, the door to the compound was quickly opened. 

A middle-aged man with a height of about 1.9 meters stood in the door, holding a half-meter-long steel pipe in his hand. His face was covered with green stubble, and he looked a little haggard. 

His name is Yang Baolin, and he is a small contractor. He has several large machines in his hands, including the excavator that Li Tianran wants to use. 

Lao Yang looked at Li Tianran and frowned, and asked, "It's you...what's the matter?" 

"Lao Yang, I want to rent your excavator for a few days. What's the price... How about 800 a day?" Li Tianran pursed his lips and smiled.

Before the Destruction Era, this price was certainly not high, but after the Destruction Era, since most people can barely afford to eat, who has time to find Lao Yang to work for? 

He has been idle at home for a week with no funds in his account.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Li Tianran to take the opportunity to lower the price. 

I can't say that he is treacherous, I can only say that in the apocalypse, everyone must consider themselves first! 

Lao Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He was indeed short of money to buy food recently, but... 

"You can rent an excavator if you want, but I don't want the money." Lao Yang waved his hand and said, "I want food!" 

Lao Yang is not stupid. In this situation, it is difficult to buy food even if you have money. 

Although the upper levels are trying their best to adjust the food supply, there is a food shortage all over the world, and in the end it is of no avail. 

Lao Yang snapped up a batch of dry noodles in the supermarket some time ago, but it was only enough to last for a month. He had to make plans in advance. 

"Your family runs a farm, so you must have a lot of grain stored in it..." Lao Yang looked at Li Tianran, his eyes shining: "Well, how about you rent it for a day and give me ten kilograms of rice?" 

Li Tianran couldn't help but laugh.

As expected, there is no business without treachery. 

Now food prices are skyrocketing. Just last night, the price of rice had risen to 180 yuan per catty, and the purchase was limited. One household could only buy one catty a day. 

"Old Yang, you're such a big mouthed lion!" Li Tianran smiled. Although he was not short of food, he certainly couldn't let others know that he was not short of food! 

Lao Yang's face was also a little hot. He knew that the price he raised was a bit high, but he had no choice. In order to survive, he had to be thick-skinned! 

"Don't say I don't have rice. Even if I did, I couldn't give you so much." Li Tianran said solemnly: "I still have some frozen meat and white flour at home. I will rent it for a day and give you three kilograms of white flour and half a kilogram of frozen rice." Meat!" 

"I want ten pounds, but you cut too much..." Lao Yang was a little reluctant and complained in a murmur. 

Li Tianran looked at Lao Yang's expression and immediately knew that he should be tougher at this time: "Lao Yang, please understand what time it is! The excavator is just waiting to rust if it is left at home and not used, and the price I paid is not low. Now, you should know how hard it is to buy food now!" 

Lao Yang's expression was unpredictable and he looked back and forth at Li Tianran several times. 

"I won't increase this price. If you don't want to...then I'll leave! At worst, I'll go to the city. You're not the only one with an excavator. I believe I will find someone willing to accept this price. ." 

Li Tianran directly said a harsh word. 

"Don't, don't, don't! We are all fellow villagers, why do we have to say such things..." As expected, after Li Tianran said these words, Lao Yang's attitude softened. He quickly grabbed Li Tianran and said, "It's a deal." , I'll bring the excavator out to you right now!" 

Li Tianran followed Lao Yang in, and his eyes focused on the steel pipe in Lao Yang's hand for a moment. 

"The world has been so chaotic recently...my house was robbed the night before yesterday." Lao Yang noticed Li Tianran's gaze and sighed: "If I hadn't hidden the food in advance, I would have been hungry by now." 

"Did you call the police?" Li Tianran asked. 

"Call the police? The police force is simply not enough right now!" Lao Yang said with a bitter smile: "And I heard that it is a food-robbing gang. They have committed crimes recently near Nancheng. Many people have been robbed by them..." 

"Then no one can catch them?" Li Tianran asked curiously. 

The folk customs in the nearby towns are still very tough. Once some gangsters from the city came here to cause trouble, and the residents beat three of them to paralysis with hoes on the spot and scared away a dozen more. 

"Who dares?" Lao Yang sighed, mysteriously gestured to Li Tianran like a pistol, and whispered: "They have someone in their hands!" 

No wonder... 


five minutes later. 

Lao Yang parked a large flatbed truck at the door and parked the excavator on the flatbed. 

Li Tianran handed the key to his truck to Lao Yang and said, "I'll keep this truck with you for now. I'll take the truck back when I get the excavator back." 

"Okay." Lao Yang agreed happily: "I will send you the machine and get today's rent back at the same time." 

Lao Yang parked Li Tianran's truck in his own compound, locked the door, and stepped into the cockpit. 

Li Tianran got into the passenger seat and was about to close the door when suddenly a hand stretched out from the side and held the door! 

Li Tianran was stunned for a moment, then looked over. 

I saw two or three aunts around fifty years old appearing next to the car door. They were wearing uniform black clothes and had a strange logo embroidered with colorful threads on their chests, which looked like a lotus flower. 

At this time, the leading aunt clasped her hands together and looked at Li Tianran. 

"Auntie, are you... okay?" Li Tianran always felt that these three people seemed to be chattering, like followers of some kind of fanatical religion, so he asked cautiously. 

"We are from the Self-Rescue Society of All Living Beings." The aunt at the head said to Li Tianran with her hands clasped together. 

"This... what is this self-rescue meeting for?" Li Tianran was a little confused. 

"Young man, do you know the truth about this disaster?" The aunt did not answer Li Tianran's question. Instead, she came closer and asked in an extremely mysterious manner. 

Of course Li Tianran knew. 

But he didn't say it, but asked: "You know?" 

"Of course I know! This is because people have done too many evil things and angered the gods, so the gods have to bring disasters to punish the world. This disaster will not stop until all human beings are destroyed...and if you want to save yourself, you can only join our self-rescue club. , Only by repenting devoutly to God can you have a chance of survival." The aunt said with an extremely pious expression. 

Li Tianran felt a little interested and asked, "Are there any conditions for joining your self-help society?" 

"Members of our self-rescue association implement a membership hierarchy!" Auntie said like a magician: "We divide the levels according to the names of animals. If you pay 30,000 yuan, you can become a pure sheep! If you pay 80,000 yuan, you can become a loyal pig. ! Pay 150,000, and you can become a pious dog! Pay 300,000, and you can become an innocent eagle! The higher the level, the closer you are to God, and the greater the chance of being saved!" 

"You choose what you want to be," the aunt said. 

Li Tianran suddenly laughed when he heard this, and used his thumb to pop a piece of steel into the palm of his aunt's hand. 

"If possible, I just want to be...a rice bucket! Carefree!"

The aunt was stunned and looked ugly: "How dare you be disrespectful to God?" 

"Auntie, if you have time, learn more about brainwashing and deception before you come out to fool people. You can't even fool the donkeys of the production team!" Li Tianran shook his head and closed the door. 

Lao Yang stepped on the accelerator, and the flatbed truck suddenly left, leaving only three aunts looking at each other. 

"Those who don't believe in God will fall into hell forever." The aunt who just talked to Li Tianran watched the flatbed truck go away, and whispered with malicious eyes: "You, the lowest...maggot!"