March/6/36 age:17
I never really thought the world would go to shit but here we are, Cold alone and scared of what's to come of us.
I mean most people have their story, But this one's mine and who ever's reading this hope ur in the mood for a story.
June/19/32 age:13
Dear, journal
My mom and dad have just finalized the divorce, its weird not having dad around I can see mom is missing him just a much as me. I wish dad were here with me I miss u dad.
Dear, journal
It's my birthday and dad's coming down from Washington to pick me up and take me to meet his new wife and daughter, I'm so excited!
Dear, journal
I don't like dad's new wife she's really mean and she yells a lot she scary!
January/24/33 age:14
Dear, journal
I don't know what's happening dad is taking us somewhere everyone's going crazy I'm really scared dad won't tell us why happening.
pov: Taru lee Miller
Dad I look up at dad as he's grabbing bags stuffing them with supplies as my stepmom comforted my crying step sister.
we could hear the sirens blaring in the background of the crying and screaming of people frantically running to there cars and speeding off. My dad ran to the door opening it and pooping the trunk set the bags of food and supplies in the the trunk. My stepmom drag me and my sister to the car telling us to get in we both got into the car as dad was shutting the trunk and getting into the driver's seat. He started the car siren's blaring in the background, he started to drive down a deserted road, my stepmom turned up the radio. "Warning the Russian's have threatened us with an attack on the capital, for everyone in the area and states around are being told to evacuate the immediately. again anyone around the area of Washington D.C. are under evacuation. may u be safe and may God be with you all." My stepmom looked at my father in shock and horror. My dad reached his hand over shutting the radio off sighing and continued to drive and that's when it happened everything slowed down and I felt a wave of extreme pressure on to my chest pushing me back into my seat and the a wave that felt like a bus hitting me throwing my car into the air and everything move as if it was slow motion I heard the screams of my family and other's enter my ears and the sound of an explosion, the car flipped through the air and then time went back to normal and the car was throw onto the road flipping a few times as it hit the ground landing up side down. and then I passed out.
coming soon