
apocalyptic beginning towards another world

new year was around the corner everyone was excited to end the disasterous year of 2020,all the billboards had the countdown 4h21m35s..34s..33s..... we should have expected that the year won't end swimmingly, everyone was panicking but me,and that was because of the holographic screen that appeared in my vision, instead of panick it only filled me with determination and excitement.

DaoistHomo69 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


'Ok let's check my status on last time before I sleep' ,the status screen then appeared way different than the first time.

[ Status

Name: Nevan Skybridge


Race: Human


- African 69%

- Asian 21%

- European 7%

- American 3%         



+HP=495(Regen 1.8hp/m)

+SP= 410(Regen 2.4sp/m)

- strength= 15

- vitality=18

- endurance=24

- dexterity=22

- agility=14

- intelligence=14

- wisdom=21

- charm🔒=8

- luck🔒=9(+10)

- AP=110


'Hmmm, will check the rest of the menu tomorrow'  I then went to the master bedroom on the second floor only to find empty similarly to the living room, 'I will need resources to decorate the bedroom but I'd rather not waste shp I already have the mags to worry about' I then drop my bed that I bought from home and went to sleep.

~~~~next day~~~~~–––––—

I wake up and go to the bathroom only to found no shower nor bathtub 'fucking stingy system' I Leave the house and go to the river conveniently close to the house and then I take a dip clean myself up while enjoying the water 'it seems the zombies are occupied by the prey in the city better not take it for granted ' I get out of the water and wear my bathroom that I put in inventory and get inside the house which I only now noticed that the door opens by itself the moment I thought of opening it 'how convenient' I enter the house and go to the bedroom and sit down thinking 'is there meal in the shop?' again the very responsive system opens  shop window

[Shop points=998

 -carbonara                  3 shp

 -pizza                            3 shp

 -pancakes                    2 shp

 -toast+bacon+eggs    2 shp

 -instant Noodles         1 shp

 -juice                             2 shp


'interesting, when I wanted to buy a  weapon the system immediately opened the weapon section , it seems the same thing goes for everything I just got to think of something' I buy the pancakes and the juice thinking of orange 'I am right I just think and the system would understand me' anyway I eat my breakfast and start looking at my status 'I think I will keep my AP I might need it when I transmigrate let's see the menu now'









I recall to have received many perk and skill related stuff lets start with that's I click on the 3rd option.


Running ( lvl12)

Parkour (lvl11)

Body conditioning (lvl6)

Swordsmanship: kendo  (lvl17)


Muay Thai(lvl19)

Boxing (lvl26)

Kung Fu (lvl21)

Meditation (lvl46)

Cooking (lvl66)

Pain resistance (lvl4)

Damage resistance (lvl1)


Chemistry (lvl35)

Physics (lvl39)

-Skill shop 🔍


Gamers mind(max lvl)

        -emotion block (ON/OFF)

Chosen host (max lvl)

       -system independence

       -system servitude

Host of the Best system (max level)

      -30hp,20sp,10ap every level

      -1skillp every 2 lvls,1 perkp every 5 lvls



+Perk shop 🔍]

'I was training myself a bit , and I was an extreme otaku that I tried everything I see in anime, call me a chuuni but I was curious, in the end I settled with some martial arts and kendo, my friends convinced me to try parkour and for meditation…let's just I was thinking maybe I can sense qi. Of course I failed but I still got hooked on it. I tried programming to hack games and I liked science in school' I rant trying to explain to no one in particular the reason for most of my skill ' I don't have s a marksman skill, explains my wasted ammo. Let's fi-'

[Skill shop |SkillP=9

Marksmanship     1skill p]

 I buy it noting how quick the system is ,maybe an effect of best system perk 'now I won't be wasting so much ammo, I wish there was a way to-'

[Perk shop |PerkP= 3

Infinite ammo 100perk p]/perk tokens]

'Perk token what's that'

[Perk token

Can buy any perk available

You have two]

'so I can buy gamer's-'

[Not available]

So I  buy infinite ammo perk using the token. Then I equip myself and wear a track suit for ease of maneuver and smile from ear to ear 'time for some farming'

~~~~~~3 weeks later~~~~~~~–—–—–————

I've been traveling throughout the state killing zombies left and right but I've seen no survivor 'bet the virus caught them by surprise I'm sure the quarantine played a big part in the failure in most attempts at survival' I brought up the alerts to see my progress in this farming endeavor.

[4768 zombies killed



 +399 poison resistance reduction potion (-0.1% per potion)(permanent)

 +238 poison resistance potion (+0.1% per potion)(permanent)

+  skill book part 2 (indomitable will )

 +  skill book part 3 (indomitable will )

 +  skill book part 4 (indomitable will ) ]

[Level up x 41

+1230 HP

+820 SP

+410 AP

+21 skill points

+9 perk points]

[Skill level up

Marksmanship lvl up x74

Parkour lvl up x 42

Running lvl up x35

Sneak lvl up x 69

Driving lvl up x40

Danger detection lvl up x44]

[C4 x100 bought -2000shp

Shop points remaining =4172]

[Emergency quest: complete

Your planet has been chosen by an extraterrestrial race as a new colony, but the didn't like it being inhabited by an intelligent species, so they release Cannons made of a virus they made by experimenting on a human . fortunately said human had covid 19,so only does with covid are affected.

Note: it's a zombie virus.

Note 2: zombie virus triples stats, kills victim then animates the bodies.

Note 3: virus will vanish in 5 years.

objective: kill 1k zombies.✅

Bonus obj 1: kill 5k zombies✅

Bonus obj 2: kill 10k zombies

Bonus obj 3: kill 20k zombies

Bonus obj 4: complete quest in 1year✅

Bonus obj 5: complete quest in 6months✅

Bonus obj 6: complete quest in 1month✅

Failure condition: death, virus vanishes, infection.

Penalty: death, loss of system.

Rewards: transmigration

Bonus rewards: to be determined in the new world


'Nah not yet but almost' I am currently on a hill a few miles from a military base you might think they're survivors but no there Is thousands of  zombies there. I am here after I snuck in and out of the base without being busted, which is thanks to the danger detection skill. Anyway you might think why would I sneak in, did I need resources ? Or what? Well…' I bought c4 for a reason hhhhhh'  I lift up my hand and look at the detonator in it "say hello to my little friend" I say before pressing the button.

3rd person pov---------------------------

You can see a man walking down the hallway, though this man  has an eye poking out and has rotten green flesh with pieces of it dangling down. You might think these are just mindless mob, but no zombie like this man that has reached their lvl cap has a slightly lower intelligence then a human, just enough for it to notice a small box that wasn't there 30minutes ago. Said zombies then goes to the box and slowly lifts the box to see a c4 inside, before he can even react, there was a flash of light then darkness.

MC pov---------------------------

I smile looking at the base lighting up like fire works and then I look down at the screen flashing at the corner of my vision

[4768 zombies killed

  Level cap reached


 +69 poison resistance reduction potion (-0.1% per potion)(permanent)

 +35 poison resistance potion (+0.1% per potion)(permanent)]

'Hmmm that's a problem I'm gonna have to find a way to raise it' I look one final time at  my status, before claiming my completed quest.

[ Status

Name: Nevan Skybridge


Race: Human


- African 69%

- Asian 21%

- European 7%

-  American 3%         



+HP=1725(Regen 1.8hp/m)

+SP= 1230(Regen 2.4sp/m)

- Strength= 15

- Vitality=18

- Endurance=24

- Dexterity=22

- Agility=14

- Intelligence=14

- Wisdom=21

- Charm🔒=8

- Luck🔒=9(+10)

- AP=420

- SHP=4172]

[emergency quest:

Your planet has been chosen by an extraterrestrial race as a new colony, but the didn't like it being inhabited by an intelligent species, so they release Cannons made of a virus they made by experimenting on a human . fortunately said human had covid 19,so only does with covid are affected.

Note: it's a zombie virus.

Note 2: zombie virus triples stats, kills victim then animates the bodies.

Note 3: virus will vanish in 5 years.

Objective: kill 1k zombies.✅

Bonus obj 1: kill 5k zombies✅

Bonus obj 2: kill 10k zombies✅

Bonus obj 3: kill 20k zombies

Bonus obj 4:complete quest within 1year✅

Bonus obj 5: complete quest within 6months✅

Bonus obj 6: complete quest within 1month✅

Failure condition: death, virus vanishes, infection.

Penalty: death, loss of system.

Rewards: transmigration

Bonus rewards: to be determined in the new world

                    Claim: Y/ n]

Bright lights of every color assault my eyes making me close them only to open them finding my self in a forest much different than the steep hill I was on moments ago.

[Bonus reward1: adaption pill

Bonus reward 2: perk (isekai)

Bonus reward 3: appearance customization

Bonus reward 4: race selector

Bonus reward 5: 1 bloodline token]

'can you explain the first two rewards'

[Adaption pill:

As you're transmigrated you're body still is restricted by your world laws while you're on the highest level of your world you're only average in the next.

This pill will recalibrate your strength

to raise your level cap]


Type: passive

- introduces and integrates the energy used in

the next world.

- removes usage restrictions of said energy (hand seals,chants,etc...)


- gain 2p for each state this doubles every rank

- gains all-speak]

'Cool!' I grab the pill and swallow it, then I feel all my strength leaving my body

1min later I regain said strength and feel even stronger ,as I think of bringing up my status I get flabbergasted .

[Status reset due to perk: isekai ]

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