
Apocalypse with a cheat sheet

Bai Yanlong reset her life to three days before apocalypse. She would have liked to rip a new one to novel gods for giving her such a short time, but she hasn't got the time. Not that she can do much if there was more time. After all, she's but a poor college student from a middle class family. Now if only she could catch all the super powers in the world... What is this? she got the super powers? ... this doesn't sound right.. she has never been this lucky.. oh.. wait a minute why did that door handle vanish? she is sure it was there in middle of that door. It is only when she looked up that she realized. no good thing ever comes with out a price.. ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: Miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on Instagram.

miu_hozuki · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Back to the den

Rufeng was stuck in a cabinet-sized workroom, entangled with far too many computers and Id cards for the past two days.

Thankfully, he brought his backpack with himself, as he was going to wait it out on the top floor along with Yanlong.

So, he wasn't lacking for food or water as of yet.

The key word is 'as of yet'.

By tomorrow, his supplies would have been used up, and he would still be staying here, without a single solution.

Ideally, at least one game and web novel obsessed fool would have broken out by now, and succeeded in wiping out the zombies.

Unfortunately, on this floor, no one did.

If they have tried, they long since joined the zombies.

However, this is not the worst of Rufeng's problems.

He has shrunk, while his clothes remained the same.

It's one thing to be a child and be able to change in front of a girl, it's entirely another to change in front of a girl as a wee little boy with the conscience of a young man.

Had Yanlong remained the same age as before, Rufeng really would have found a ditch to drown in.

Thankfully, she did not.

He is four, while she is three.

It made Rufeng happy that his girlfriend is younger than him.

He is what they call 'Littlebrother type' and even Yanlong was a year older than him when they agreed to date each other. Worse yet, Yanlong had one of those androgynous plain faces, and wore unisex clothing.

Now, though he looks like a little girl, Yanlong looks like littler girl.

Rufeng is satisfied.

He is dating a younger girl, and he is dating from kindergarten age too.

Compared to his life when he was not enlightened, Rufeng thinks this is a great improvement.

These are not the thoughts one is supposed to have as the zombie tide is approaching, but little kids never quite move in sync with common sense.

Thankfully, Yanlong is here to stabilize and take the lead.

She urged Rufeng to move it fast, and thankfully, for the past two days when there's nothing to do, Rufeng cracked codes for half the university services and county services.

Thus, he has no area in the school he was not allowed into, and on top of it, he has excess electronic cards to put the identity information in.

Better yet, he had them organized, all the necessary passwords and codes copied into his little pendrive and his backpack ready to go. His problem is the same as Yanlong's.

He prepared these supplies for a seventeen year old slightly athletic young man.

He is now four.

He couldn't lift the damn bag.

"A'Feng. After the apocalypse, all people have an ability. You also will have one. However, the situation is urgent now. The zombies could crash into rooms with sheer weight if they keep gathering at this speed. We need to go!"

Yanlong reminded him.

Rufeng had no choice but to listen to her, and climb up onto the ceiling frame.

Yanlong sent some kind of magic thread into the room and picked up his bag.

The zombie's howls and roars are extremely clear to hear from here.

Yanlong pointed towards a direction, and Rufeng started crawling away.

Yanlong towed the bag with her.

She has the space beads with her, however, she is still not used to them enough for her to put in and take away items at a moment's notice or under pressure.

Thus, she could only prioritize reaching the moderately safe area first.

Once they reached the vent leading to the upper floor, Yanlong stopped to sift through her space equipment.

Meanwhile, Rufeng was looking at the rooms worriedly.

"Unless you can teleport them all out, at this point, we have done all we can, RuFeng. Leave it be." Yanlong grumbled from the side, still going through the space beads.

The picture of them sitting together in the ceiling frame looked more like it belonged in a horror movie.

The girl in tattered jeans roughly sewn into an over all. The boy in an even more roughly sewn T-shirt, which was modified into an overall, with food and grease stains.

They both were sitting with their legs akimbo, at the corner in the ceiling frame with not enough light, while looking like they had just come up from the black mass that is the vent beside them.

Yanlong finally found the correct space bead.

She placed Rufeng's bag and all the other things they brought in there.

First thing after going back, she will sort the beads, and practise putting things in and out.

Without super fast space storage she would be disadvantaged no matter where she is.

In apocalypse situations are ever changing.

Even the places you thought to be most safe could get attacked at a moment's notice, and the places you thought would be extremely dangerous might be surprisingly safe.

While she stored away space, Rufeng seemed to have figured out his power.

He lifted the middle ceiling frame of each room, turned it diagonal, and let it fall into the rooms.

This way, if there's a survivor in the room, they would be alerted, and if they were smart enough they would climb up through the ceiling frame.

This is the least they could do.

Yanlong descended into the vent, Rufeng followed her.

They took a 'U' turn, climbed down a stair when they reached the administration building.

Yanlong stopped fifty feet away from the cactus.

If she moves an inch forward, the cactus will shoot thorns.

First she explained the situation to Rufeng.

Rufeng thought perhaps he can redirect the cactus thorns with his power as it shoots it.

They found a tennis ball, Rufeng floated it all over to the cactus, touched it down on it's skin.

As soon as he did, the cactus started shooting.

The thorns punched holes through the walls, carpet, one even landed like a curveball, passing right by Yanlong's throat, and into the floor beside Rufeng's feet.

The two children shivered and took a step back.

The cactus shot thorns at too fast a speed for him to catch it in the air.

So, they decided to exhaust the cactus.

An hour has passed, and in front of them, instead of the floor, it's a thorn forest. Even now, the cactus is still shooting thorns.

Finally, they took the last approach.

They skirted around the edge of the thorns very very carefully, and reached inside the dean's office.

Yanlong jumped down with a sigh, and Rufeng followed enthusiastically.

The cactus scared them half to death.

Even now, the entire fifty meter area around them looked like a pin cushion.

However, the first order of business is still taking a bath, and eating a meal.

This time around, they have no qualms.

No matter how much noise they make, the cactus is going to shred all the zombies that come here into minced meat.

That just means free nuclei.

They both ate ramen happily, then took a very comfortable afternoon nap with alarm.

When they both woke up, they had tea with biscuits.

Then, Rufeng set about retrieving the pins, while Yanlong sat down to communicate with her friends.

She saw the situation in the group chat.

She sent a message supporting the rest of her roommates.

[Yanlong] : These are the end times. Thief shouting 'thief' is the most common tactic around here. Think for yourself, trust no one completely.

She closed the chat with them, and opened the chat with HuoMei.

[ Yanlong ] : So, what did you guys do?

[ HuoMei ] : Meaning said, let's let them make us outcasts. We will take only those willing to kill zombies with us.

[Yanlong] : not a bad idea. How many came with you?

[ HuoMei ] : Ten.

[ Yanlong ] : That's enough. Unless one suffers hardships, they do not recognize the preciousness of a helping hand.

[ HuoMei ] : I am not like that!!!

[ HuoMei ] : [ I am obedient rabbit picture]

[ Yanlong ] : Too much of a rabbit, that's the problem.

[ Yanlong ] : I have something for you, where are you guys staying currently?

[ HuoMei ] : The girls wanted to explore upwards. We stay in the ninth floor temporarily, then move on to the third floor.

[ Yanlong ] : Good plan. This way, they won't be able to take advantage of you. Also, you will have enough zombies to put to test whether the ten girls who followed you did it out of courage.

[ Yanlong ] : after all, the ninth floor will have same number of corpses as the tenth.

[ Yanlong ] : First and second will have too many zombies as many students would have been at dinner.

[ Yanlong ] : Third floor has a steel door only a bear can break, so it's probably same amount of zombies as tenth, giving you a chance.

[ HuoMei ] : Mei Bing said samething.

[ Yanlong ] : I sent you an e-mail. Read it by yourself. It's personal, and involves your family, so I hope you will read it alone the first time.

[ Yanlong ] : Tell me when you reach the third floor. I have good things to give to you.

[ Yanlong ] : Good night. Over. [ Military rabbit with a walkie talkie picture]