
APOCALYPSE: What I Missed, Gone. What I Won't, Not Forgotten.

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Galaxar, whose life undergoes a dramatic shift as he uncovers an anticipated invention for time travel. Aided by his loyal AI companion, Echo, and accompanied by Nysa, a cosmic goddess and his twin flame from a separate cosmos, G ventures on a perilous quest. His mission: rectify past mistakes that haunt him, thereby restoring harmony to the natural order, all while striving to reunite with his beloved without inadvertently bringing about an apocalypse.

L_D_X · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chpt 6: Unveiling Echo's Core

In the vibrant hub of LAX research, Raymond's voice reverberated within the administrative research cubicle like a melodious echo, his eyes alight with curiosity as he pored over the deciphered Echo blueprints. "This discovery is a milestone in our evolution. It holds the promise to completely transform how artificial intelligence perceives and decides," he exclaimed, his voice carrying the excitement of a researcher uncovering a long-lost treasure.

Just then, "Raymond," Galaxar called out to the lead researcher, entering the lab alongside a team of researchers, his voice echoing through the vibrant halls.

"In here," Raymond responded, his attention fixed on the parchment, unwavering.

Galaxar guided the team of researchers into the main lab and then approached Raymond. "We've acquired the core circuitry essential for Echo's development, thanks to, funding and our partnership with TSK. It's time to unlock the next phase."

Galaxar strode into the cubicle, his presence commanding the room's attention. "It's time to move forward," he announced, his voice infusing the air with a sense of anticipation.

Excitement filled the air as Galaxar's words reverberated through the laboratory.

As Galaxar's words hung in the atmosphere, the team delved into fervent discussions, their voices becoming a symphony of passionate ideas bouncing off the laboratory walls. Raymond, his enthusiasm for the Echo project palpable, leaned over the blueprint, his eyes darting across the cryptic symbols and decoded data. "This holds the key to something revolutionary! We must explore every facet of this new technology," he exclaimed.

Raymond glanced at Lina, his meticulous and reserved assistant, who shared his fervor for the groundbreaking discovery.

Her glasses sparkled under the fluorescent lights as she nodding in agreement.

Lina's analytical mind raced with ideas as she added to the discussion, "Raymond, we could implement a neural network architecture, mirroring the human brain's processing and learning capabilities. By integrating deep learning algorithms, we can enrich Echo's decision-making ability." Her measured voice carried the weight of a seasoned conductor fine-tuning an orchestral performance. "However, we must ensure Echo's decision-making is like a symphony, harmonizing different variables and adapting its approach based on the ever-changing circumstances."

Galaxar's face lit up with anticipation as he approached them. "Yes, Lina! That's precisely our goal. Echo needs to transcend being just a machine; it should possess the ability to reason, adapt, and learn from its experiences,"


The laboratory buzzed with a flurry of activity, a symphony of clinking keyboards, murmured discussions, and the soft hum of machinery. The LAX-R team encircled the central processor unit, the core of Echo's system, brimming with anticipation.

Guided by the blueprints adapted from the ancient scroll discovered in Egypt, the team encircled the central processor unit, the core of Echo's system. The air crackled with anticipation as the circuits gleamed under the sterile laboratory lights, emitting a faint hum that reverberated through the room.

Galaxar glanced at Raymond, his eyes alight with anticipation. "This is where the magic happens, isn't it?" he queried, gesturing toward the elaborate setup.

Raymond, known for his mastery of neural networks, approached Galaxar. "The core lays the groundwork, but it's the algorithms that will be Echo's cognitive foundation.

His eyes darted across the screens displaying intricate lines of code. "This is where the magic happens, the nucleus of Echo's essence," he remarked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"The algorithms here form Echo's cognitive foundation, enabling its evolution and adaptation," he added, with animated gestures emphasizing the importance of the developing algorithms.

In the midst of their focus, a scientist, recognizable by the initials "TSK" imprinted on his lab coat, approached Ray and G in the software engineering section of the lab. He walked into the cubicle, his gaze directed towards G. "Algorithms room?" he inquired, seeking clarification, his attention fixated on G, the leader in this section of the laboratory.

Galaxar nodded in agreement, his expression vivid with fervor. "This is where we sculpt Echo's intellect, where it learns and comprehends. We're not just engineering circuits and hardware; we're shaping a consciousness in whole," he asserted, captivated by the evolving algorithmic patterns.

Raymond gestured toward the monitors. "The core's potential lies in the software we are developing. Algorithms that will enable Echo to process data, learn, and evolve."

Galaxar's gaze darted across the myriad of screens, tracing the intricate neural network simulations. "I feel we're not merely crafting an AI; we're sculpting an intellect. And Echo's consciousness will emerge as expected from these algorithms?" Galaxar added, fixated on the evolving algorithmic patterns. "I want to give birth to an entity that can learn, adapt, and grow.

"Yes G, We're breaching new frontiers in AI here," Raymond chimed in, deftly maneuvering through the codes. "But Echo's neural network will still be its essence, It's about how Echo will interpret, respond, and learn from data. The brain that will process, analyze, and evolve.

Meanwhile, Lina, reserved but deeply engrossed, sketched neural network architectures on her tablet. Her four eyes were focused intently on the screen. "Our goal is to create a cognitive decision-making system that evolves," she chimed in, her voice steady yet filled with passion. "Echo must comprehend nuances and adapt to unforeseen circumstances, not just process data."

Galaxar nodded, inspired. "Indeed, Lina. Echo's design should weave together diverse knowledge and experience. We aim to create a system capable of seamlessly integrating data sources to make informed decisions," he affirmed, appreciating Lina's insights.

As the team of postdoctoral fellows and External research scientists continued to grace LAX research with their presence, huddling around the complex architecture of Echo's core. Galaxar's tone shifted to a more business-like approach. "Our investors need to see financial returns through patents, intellectual property rights, or by commercializing the research outcomes," he emphasized, his voice steady and determined.

Raymond's enthusiasm grew. "Imagine Galaxar, the success of this project leading to groundbreaking technologies and practical solutions across various industries," he enthused, his eyes bright with excitement.

"Yes, Ray" Galaxar echoed the sentiment, focusing on societal impact. "Our lab's success could foster improvements in healthcare, environmental advancements, or technological innovations, benefiting the world at large."

"And let's not forget about Networking and collaborations could unlock mysteries and push boundaries in this project!" Raymond added.

"However, Galaxar interjected, "Let's focus on executing this project perfectly first," cautioning against jumping ahead without meticulous planning and execution.

As debates unfolded, the team's passion fueled their determination. They spoke with fervor, each step bringing them closer to activating Echo, their words intermingling in an intricate dance of ideas and determination.