
APOCALYPSE: What I Missed, Gone. What I Won't, Not Forgotten.

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Galaxar, whose life undergoes a dramatic shift as he uncovers an anticipated invention for time travel. Aided by his loyal AI companion, Echo, and accompanied by Nysa, a cosmic goddess and his twin flame from a separate cosmos, G ventures on a perilous quest. His mission: rectify past mistakes that haunt him, thereby restoring harmony to the natural order, all while striving to reunite with his beloved without inadvertently bringing about an apocalypse.

L_D_X · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chpt 5: The Apocalyptic Overture

The sun, a radiant behemoth at the center of Earth's solar system, transformed into an uncontrollable maelstrom of cosmic fury. Unleashing a torrent of massively charged solar flare particles, these celestial flames painted the heavens with their scorching brilliance. Unlike any recorded in the annals of human history, these solar flares struck the planet with the force of a cosmic hammer, as if the very universe sought to impose its will upon the terrestrial realm.

The impact of this solar onslaught was profound. Earth's magnetic field, a protective cocoon shielding the planet from the harsh onslaught of solar radiation, quivered under the relentless assault. Its once steadfast defense now fractured, causing the magnetic poles to dance in chaotic frenzy. As this celestial ballet unfolded, geomagnetic storms were unleashed with relentless fury.

The geomagnetic storms, like ethereal titans awakened from their slumber, wreaked havoc on Earth's fragile infrastructure. Electrical grids strained under the pressure of surging geomagnetic currents, causing transformers to burst into flames and power lines to sizzle and snap. The once-ubiquitous hum of electricity that powered the modern world was replaced by a haunting silence, as entire cities plunged into darkness.

Communication systems, those invisible threads that connected people across vast distances, now lay in shambles. Satellites, sentinels of the digital age, became cosmic casualties, their electronic eyes blinded by the radiant fury of the solar storm. Radio signals crackled and faded into the void, leaving humanity in a state of isolated confusion.


Galaxar watched the catastrophic events unfold on the holographic screen display within the pilot's cabin of his Time Machine. His features carried the regal air of royalty, his sharp jawline and chiseled cheekbones framed by a cascade of jet-black hair. His brown eyes, deep and mysterious, held an unwavering determination that seemed to defy the chaos of the world around him.

As he observed the grim scenes of devastation, Galaxar marveled at the seemingly miraculous fortune that had spared him from the apocalyptic disasters that had befallen the Earth. It was as if the hands of fate had singled him out from the masses, granting him a reprieve from the cataclysmic events that was taking so many lives.

In the temporal zone of his Time Machine, Galaxar was both an observer and an anomaly, a solitary figure in a world consumed by chaos. He reflected on the suddenness of the catastrophe that had befallen the planet.

There was no warning, no sirens, no alarms that would have prepared humanity for the swift and merciless descent into a post-apocalyptic existence.

One moment, the world had been a place of normalcy and order, and the next, it had become a nightmarish landscape.

The scenes playing out on the holographic display were etched into G's memory, each catastrophic event painting a vivid picture of the world's descent into chaos.

Galaxar gaze narrowed, just then he let it out a sigh, his attention focused on the holographic representation of the world's turmoil.

He couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility for these apocalyptic events, a sense of guilt that had gnawed at him since the cataclysm began.

He had contemplated whether his experiments had repercussions and caused time to fold in on itself. However, countless simulations had proven that the cosmic turmoil ravaging the Earth was not of his making.

As he pondered, the hologram continued to play out the global devastation, narrating the grim tale of millions of lives lost.

From the hot molten core of the earth to an alignment of celestial bodies, an anomaly that defied normal orbital patterns, introduced a series of catastrophic events.

Unprecedented tides engulfed coastlines, leading to catastrophic flooding. Seismic activity fractured the Earth's crust, causing violent earthquakes, while hurricanes of unparalleled magnitude ravaged the continents. The death toll was staggering, amounting to millions upon millions of people.

The Earth, once a cradle of life and beauty, now stood on the precipice of an unprecedented apocalypse. The fabric of the cosmos itself had unraveled, and the causes of the devastation were numerous, rooted in the cosmic forces governing the universe.

Galaxar couldn't help but think back to the days he spent alone with Echo in the confines of his research facility basement.

The people who had ridiculed him and called him mad were now running amuck searching for one saving grace to the other.

As he stared at the hologram, his thoughts raced, just then, his voice cut through the heavy silence within the Time Machine's cabin.

"How much time do we have until we run out of power?" Galaxar's inquiry rang out, a plea for a glimmer of hope in the face of impending catastrophe.

From a digital interface embedded within the Time Machine, Echo's reassuring voice responded, "From my calculations, we've got 21 hours left. The ship is conserving energy, utilizing the Temporal Drive function to hover in temporal space. We're not presently firing up all the engines to phase the Construct through a reality or travel through the temporal realm."

Galaxar nodded, acknowledging the lifeline they had left. Echo, a voice of reason and guidance, had been his constant companion on this journey. The schematics and knowledge stored within Echo's digital mind were their guiding light, helping him decipher the mysteries of time and the shifting cosmic forces.

Galaxar flashed back to the moment when he stumbled upon the schematics that he used to create E.C.H.O., the project that catapulted his lab into the limelight.


In the bustling chaos of Egypt's ancient cityscape, He and his team ventured deep into the labyrinthine corridor archives of history that lay beneath the sands of Egypt, their eager eyes scanning every artifact for traces of the past.

As the team carefully made their way through the ancient ruins, a sudden misstep triggered a booby trap, causing a portion of the ceiling to collapse.

Galaxar reacted swiftly, his instincts honed by years of exploration, and executed a deft roll that narrowly avoided the deadly trap, causing a cascade of dust and debris to rain down upon him.

Amidst the chaos, he found himself sprawled amidst a heap of parchment and broken fragments, the air thick with the aroma of ancient history.

Shaking off the dust, Galaxar's gaze fell upon a peculiar scroll, tucked away among the fallen relics. His heart quickened with excitement as he gingerly unfurled the ancient parchment, revealing a series of cryptic symbols and intricate schematics etched onto its weathered surface.

The dim light filtering through the ruins danced upon the parchment, illuminating the curious markings that seemed to hold untold secrets within their faded lines.

Galaxar's voice resonated with a mixture of awe and astonishment. "This is no ordinary scroll. Look at these schematics! It's unlike anything we've ever encountered. There's a blueprint embedded here—a design beyond our time."

His team gathered around, their curiosity piqued by the enigmatic discovery. "What do you make of these symbols?" inquired one of the researchers, peering intently at the script.

Galaxar studied the arcane markings with an intense focus. "This seems to be more than just a historical artifact. It holds the blueprint for something extraordinary, a creation that could transcend our understanding of technology."

As they delved deeper into the scroll's secrets, Galaxar's gaze became fixed on the intricate designs—a blueprint that seemed to hint at a groundbreaking revelation. "This isn't just a relic of the past. It's a fragment of advanced knowledge, perhaps a gift from a forgotten civilization."

Galaxar's excitement was palpable. "This could revolutionize our understanding of technology and artificial intelligence. It's as if this discovery was meant for us, to unravel its mysteries and push the boundaries of our knowledge."

Intrigued and captivated by the discovery, the team began their journey to decipher the ancient inscriptions.

Little did they know, hidden within those ancient symbols lay the foundation of what would eventually become E.C.H.O—a creation that would forever change the course of scientific innovation.