
APOCALYPSE: What I Missed, Gone. What I Won't, Not Forgotten.

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Galaxar, whose life undergoes a dramatic shift as he uncovers an anticipated invention for time travel. Aided by his loyal AI companion, Echo, and accompanied by Nysa, a cosmic goddess and his twin flame from a separate cosmos, G ventures on a perilous quest. His mission: rectify past mistakes that haunt him, thereby restoring harmony to the natural order, all while striving to reunite with his beloved without inadvertently bringing about an apocalypse.

L_D_X · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chpt 14: Time Gun

With each measured step the soldiers took, they unknowingly triggered a cascade of events within Galaxar's mind, setting off a symphony of abstract mathematical algorithms that manifested tangibly before him.

These complex equations materialized in the air, forming intricate patterns and shifting geometric marvels that danced and swirled with ethereal grace.

Through this cosmic display, Galaxar gained insights into the nature of the approaching men—their origin, their speed of movement, and even the weight of their footsteps—as if the very fabric of reality had unfurled before his eyes, revealing its secrets in a mesmerizing spectacle.

The melding of Echo's essence within him had seemingly granted Galaxar an enhanced awareness, a perception beyond the ordinary. As he stood amidst the swirling patterns of light and energy, he found himself mesmerized, almost questioning the reality of what unfolded before him.

Blinking repeatedly, he attempted to confirm that he wasn't experiencing a hallucination, his mind struggling to comprehend the newfound depths of his perception.

Nysa, ever observant of his reactions, gently held his chin, redirecting his focus to her concerned gaze.

"Are you feeling alright?" she inquired, her voice tinged with worry as she sought to reassure him in the face of the inexplicable.

Snapping out of his reverie, Galaxar swiftly seized her hand, his touch firm and reassuring as he led her into the main chamber of the Time Machine.

In the sanctum of the Time Machine, he felt the echoes of a newfound power coursing through him, a sensation that pulsed with energy and possibility.

As they stepped into the cabin, a mesmerizing, shimmering display materialized before Galaxar's eyes.

An intricate, ethereal sigil hovered in the air, its luminous glyphs unfolding to reveal complex descriptions and blueprints of the very cabin they inhabited.

It was as if the Time Machine itself was communicating with him, unveiling its inner workings and secrets in a language of light and energy.

"What is going on?" Galaxar mused aloud, his voice filled with wonder and curiosity as he gazed upon the enigmatic display before him. But before he could ponder further, a spectral resonance filled his ear,

"We've forged a partnership, a symbiotic bond despite our physical disparities," Echo's voice reverberated, a voice as soothing as the gentle whisper of the wind through autumn leaves, carrying with it the wisdom of ages past and the promise of untold futures.

It seemed to emanate from the very depths of the cosmos, enveloping him in its ethereal embrace and stirring something deep within his soul.

As Lix expressed his discontent with the unfolding events, his frustration reverberated through the chamber like a distant rumble of thunder, a foreboding sign of the turmoil brewing within him.

"Good, don't thank me, not like I made any of this possible," he huffed, his dissatisfaction palpable in every syllable uttered.

"Don't be jealous, Lix, you still got me," Nysa teased, a playful glint dancing in her eyes.

"Not like this," Lix rebuffed, his attention shifting to Galaxar and Echo. "If we merge in this sector without it being able to hold our essence, it will be disastrous for this sector. You know this."

Nysa couldn't help but marvel at Echo, the culmination of its creation and the ingenuity of its creators. Now, it was left for Galaxar to elevate their partnership to new heights, harnessing the newfound abilities that the merge had bestowed upon him.

For Galaxar, the experience was nothing short of surreal.

He stood amidst the pulsating energy of the chamber, witnessing the unfolding spectacle with eyes that now saw beyond mere mortal perception.

It was as if the fusion with Echo had unlocked hidden chambers of his mind, illuminating the world around him in intricate, vivid detail.

The very walls seemed to hum with an ambient energy, resonating with the cosmic change taking place within him.

Nysa observed the transformation with a mixture of fascination and concern, her eyes tracing the subtle shifts in Galaxar's demeanor like a painter capturing the nuances of a shifting landscape.

She could sense the weight of newfound power settling upon his shoulders, a burden mingled with awe and uncertainty.

As Galaxar grappled with this cosmic revelation, he realized the responsibility that came with it. The looming threat of the advancing soldiers urged him to harness this newfound awareness for the safety of both himself and Nysa.

A brilliance illuminated Galaxar's mind—a surge of intellect that bordered on the miraculous.

The calculations and intricate details hovering before him were profound, accurate, a testament to his scientific expertise enhanced by the merge with Echo's essence.

But even as wonder filled his heart, the imminent danger demanded action.

With a gleam of determination in his eyes, Galaxar turned his attention to the time machine, his fingers moving with the precision of a master craftsman sculpting a masterpiece.

With each careful motion, he disassembled the intricate contraption, salvaging its components with the finesse of a surgeon extracting its essence of life.

Guided by the intricate calculations spiraling within his vision, he ingeniously repurposed the energy transformer from the time machine, rewiring its circuits with a deftness that bordered on the divine.

Drawing upon his extensive knowledge of temporal mechanics and quantum physics, Galaxar envisioned a weapon capable of bending the arc of time, reshaping reality with each pull of the trigger.

Incorporating temporal conduits into the construct was a stroke of genius, akin to adding a specialized kind of gunpowder that enhances time-bending capabilities at a single point.

With each connection made, the power of the time gun surged to unprecedented levels, its potency amplified by the temporal conduits like a river unleashed from its dam, flooding the chamber with a wave of temporal energy.

As Galaxar meticulously integrated the conduits within the gun, he felt the crackling energy pulsating through them, akin to the rhythmic beating of a celestial heart.

They radiated an otherworldly luminescence, casting an ethereal glow on Galaxar's face as he admired his creation.

The conduits added a shimmering, almost divine essence to the weapon, imbuing it with an aura of cosmic significance.

Holding the assembled time gun, Galaxar marveled at its intricate design. The sleek metallic frame gleamed as if encapsulating the universe's secrets within its very structure.

Its barrel, etched with enigmatic symbols and patterns, seemed to whisper ancient wisdom of time and space, echoing through the ages.

With a deliberate flick of a switch, Galaxar activated the time gun, igniting a surge of energy that coursed through its core.

The weapon hummed with power, resonating with the remnants of energy from the time machine's power source. The energy surged through the gun, infusing it with the ability to manipulate the very fabric of time itself.

His heart raced with anticipation as he aimed the time gun at a nearby wall, the air crackling with anticipation.

With a resounding crackle, a beam of shimmering light erupted from the gun's barrel, piercing through the veil of space-time with unfathomable force.

The wall before him wavered and distorted, caught in a cosmic dance with the time gun's power. Reality itself seemed to bend and warp under the influence of Galaxar's creation, yielding to the weapon's insatiable hunger for temporal mastery.

As the beam of light gradually faded, a tunnel-sized hole remained in the wall, a testament to Galaxar's triumph over the constraints of time and space.