
Apocalypse Warlord:

In a world ruined by war and greed which caused it to enter an era of apocalypse, monsters could be seen running along the land as people grow lawless. James a normal boy, got dragged in by a white light, not letting himself get oppressed and eaten by fear walks a path to be one of the strongest in the world and find a way back to his world. Join James in creating an army with friends and taking overall that which to conquer him.

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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Arriving in an unknown Land

On a calm afternoon, James could be seen down a street, he was a broad, and little chubby, he was had dark skin,and with his big brown T-shirt and black short looked to be twenty-two but that was not really true.

He was actually to be twenty-one this year, he was on the way to meet his dad at in his house, recently they just moved to new house but his dad decided to stay at the old one for a while, while going to work.

James was already at the door of his father's house he got in but his dad was not in, but there was a note on the table telling to get the items in a bag, so he took some food stuffs and other item his father left for him to take since the place was quiet and some of his friends were not around he decided to go back home.

Few people could be seen walking around the street some were sitting in front of their house's

He just got out of the street where his fathers house was and in to the main street few block from reaching the main road before lighting suddenly struck, and he vanished

Appearing in a different area James was shocked, "huh.'

feeling startled and confused, he started looking around he was in deserted area with few depleted building.

"....Where in heavens name is this.... ?" James questioned with nobody to answer.

Roars and groan could be heared nearby, feeling panicked, he ran into the nearest building which was an 8-storey hotel building.

But it was partially destroyed, getting in the building James started walking quickly up the stair till he got to the second floor

"Oh my Gaud, please tell me I'm seeing things."

"Please somebody tell me its not real"

Smack ! 'Ouch, it hurt, so I'm definitely not day dreaming" James said hitting himself on the face.

Damn, this not good, definitely not good being in a place like this is never a good thing.

James has seen so much anime and manga to know being in a place like this was bad,


a roar resound it the place like it was as if someone amplified a tiger's roar.

' Like Hell, I'm going to stay here and find out.' He muttered to himself

not staying to find out what that was James ran to look a room with good door and window.

While searching although James didn't find any room, he could stay entering a room, he saw a first aid kit, so he took it and put it in his bag, while searching, he also kept looking at his phone, to see if he would be able to get a network service but it was useless.'

'I expected this but one's got to hope right'. He said.

Since he could find any other useful things on the second floor, he continued up to the third floor, moving up he noticed someone blocked the doors to the emergency exit, since it didnt hinder his movement he went up the third floor, he continued his search up on the third floor, he was since he was tired and exhausted, it seems the gravity in this planet was heavy, and he needed sometime to get used to it.

Moving he saw a room with a good door and window almost at the end of the third floor, since the door was not locked he went in, he saw the room was a bit messy, and a bit dusty, so he started hitting the dust off the bed and seats, feeling tired and hungry James looked outside and notice the sun was setting.

"Damn, this is really exhausting, appearing in a place I don't even know.'

'Thank God I kept hold of you or I don't know what I would do now" James said looking at the floor was a big sack. The sack was what he went to take from his dad and it was with him since he appeared in this deserted place.

James Nolan was a college dropout due to his high college tuition, his father was a retired company worker, while his mom was owned a small shop in his street.

On the other hand, he also had sisters who had finished there studies and waiting for jobs, while some were serving there one year, services.

He applied to get a job in a company he trained this year, before he got brought into this mess.

Taking out the content in his bag there were a few kilo of food stuffs ingredients fruits, beans, rice, potatoes, 5 bottle of water, a loaf, a bottle of wine.

It seemed his father visited the market, there was also a few packs of noodles biscuits, and snacks

'I wonder who get this now, maybe for Tehilla' James thought.

'This man if someone asks for something it will take weeks before gives you but for her he would buy immediately, even if no one asked him'' he clicked his tongue.

Tehilla was his sister's daughter who was staying with them, since his sister just gave birth and her husband travelled for work

Ever since they came his father loved Tehilla very much but no one was complaining.

'I wonder if anyone would notice that am gone.'

"Nah, let not think about that now, I need to eat to be able think." James thought.

Continue looking 2 burger, 5 large coke and a torch light, turning it on the light was blinding.

"shit !"

'for heaven's sake, why would someone buy this, is someone apply for a security post."

James complained.

Since it was dark and feeling tired and mentally exhausted James used a cupboard to block the door

he saw a glass bottle which he kept on the edge of the table in order to alert him if someone opens the door.

Then he closed the curtains, though the window was full of crack but it was still better than the others, which either broken or there was either no windows nor doors.

He sat on the bed

'Bread or burger...hmm'

'burger it is, it won't even last till tomorrow.' taking a bottle of coke from his bag James ate the two burgers and drank half of the coke before lying on the bed to sleep, although he was feeling a little scared and the roars where getting louder and much intense.

He was tired, it took him a few minutes after he closed his eyes for him to sleep.