

terrified and despaired, confused and chaotic is what we could describe the situation we are in this days . Sudden natural disasters and weather changes, abnormal animals mutations appearance. doomsday, apocalypse, judgement day and the end of the world are the most commonly used words nowadays. while people are caught in doubt and uncertainty, the whole world heard that voice, the voice that will be remembered as the savior and the exterminator at the same time . [[ Your protective world barrier have been expired ]] [[ Your world server have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ You have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ Your world have been reconnected to the endless land ]] [[ You shall be given a system to help and guide you to survive ]] [[ be mindful that once you die, your corpse will be revived as a cursed undead ]] [[ For more information, call your ‘ system’ ]] Davis is a normal young man who got stuck in this chaotic time, would he survive? would he perish? let's follow him in his journey and see what's the fate got for him, his friends and followers in this new mysterious world . [[ it's my first novel guys , so i hope you don't mind my mistakes and if there is any tell me in comments and i'll correct them , thank you in advance ]]

BigVolt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs



As the door of the train opened, Davis disembarked, his light blue shirt had long been drenched in sweat. Wearing white slim jeans and black sneakers, he follows the flow of the crowd, easily distinguished from the masses due to his tall, healthy body, dark hair and average handsome face.

"Damn," Davis cursed under his breath. Turning off his music and removing his headphones, twinned with getting on a crowded train after his strenuous part time job has become an annoying routine. What is worse, on account of today's hot weather, he felt even more agitated.

"It's getting hotter these days", Davis thought while he pulled at his damp shirt. Thinking that a nice tasty meal was waiting at home, he walked quickly towards the Freedom district in which he lives.

The Freedom district and its surrounding area was near X city's suburbs, more than 4 kilometres from the city center. The price of rent wasn't too expensive, and that makes most residents in this area from the middle class of society. Davis shared a two-storey house with Elina, his deceased mother's friend, which makes her the only person that had been taking care of him for the last 4 years now. His parents departed this life after a traffic accident, leaving him alone. He is lucky that Elina took him in due to her kind heart.

While walking, he began to notice how the trees in the area seemed to have grown taller and looked very bushy and dense, especially the nearby park that is looking like a jungle right now. The grass at the sides of the road seemed to have overgrown too, with a lot of weeds reaching the road. Davis felt puzzled as he thought " Didn't the workers mow the grass just a week ago?". Suddenly, the ground beneath him started to shake, "Again?!! wasn't the last time just yesterday!!" Davis screamed in his mind, recalling the events yesterday and the day before.

Davis took his phone and searched online about the abnormalities in the last two weeks, the most popular search results shown are the oddity of weather change, the frequent earthquakes, and the sudden heavy rainfall which Davis witnessed lately.

"What in the world is happening?" Davis murmured while walking then an interesting title caught his eye, 'WTF!! Everyone look at what our camera caught on safari, it's a freaking giant eagle !!', when Davis looked for the source he found out that it was made by a national geographic photographer, " Hmm, could it be true ?!". He then began to read the comments of the video which contains all sorts of arguments, hypotheses with photos of other all sorts of animals double their actual size.

"It seems that what's happening is not simple at all, social media apps are also full of such topics, there are even people now who are believing this is the end of the world, the Apocalypse!! Do they think we are in a sci-fi movie? what a joke", Davis laughs inside while still checking his phone. He feels that something is not right, after all he had witnessed all the abnormalities in real life,"Apocalypse or not, let's leave it to the people above".

Before long he reaches the house noticing that the streets are more lively than usual, " people seem to shop a lot lately, why is that?", taking his keys, he opens the door and changes into house slippers.

When he got inside the house, a mouth-watering aroma of fried chicken made his stomach growl. " Elina! Are you in the kitchen?" Davis yells as he makes his way to the second floor.

"Come Davis, I need your help" came a soft voice from the kitchen that lifted Davis' mood and made him forget his hard day.

When he enters, the strong aroma hits his nose but doesn't affect his eyes that are stuck to the standing figure. Wearing pink pyjamas that could not hide the glory and the sexiness of a 32 year-old woman, she was like a ripe peach that was ready to be picked. A curvy body and hourglass figure that can make any man drool, long black hair that reaches the full curve of her behind. When she turns around, her big blue eyes make him feel lost, a face with beautiful brows, small nose that make him dazed, and her red lips make him want to kiss, suck and bite them till he is satisfied. With her elegant and warm smile, she gives off the air of a mature, kind mother. The most eye-catching parts about her are those two big mounds that make Davis want to worship them in all possible ways, even though she wears a conservative pyjamas her generous chest stands proud above all.

"Welcome back Davis, how was your day ?" Elina said with a bright smile .

"It was the worst, but when I get to see you again I feel energetic more than ever", Davis said as he got on his right knee and raised his hand, "Elina please marry me".

"Stop it Davis, it has been a year now, didn't you get tired of being rejected every time. Besides, I'm older than you. What would people say if we really get married?" After a melodious laugh, Elina responds to the silly Davis " and if you are really serious, where is the ring? and how will we get married when you are still studying. Stop your silly thinking little Davis, you are still young and ignorant".

Davis twitches his mouth when Elina calls him little, she knows that calling him 'little Davis' will annoy him, but teasing him would always make her happy. "Okay, look Davis, I appreciate that you like this old woman, but let's forget about this topic until you get a job. Maybe if you buy me a diamond ring, i would consider your offer then", Elina says with a smile thinking that she could make him back off.

Davis made a surprised face, then he said with a smile " Alright, you said it. Don't go back on your word when the time comes Elina and besides, you are so beautiful, like a fairy, please don't say you are old".

Elina sighs and then with a warm smile she tells him to take the plates to the dining room and wash his hands so they can have their dinner.

The food was good as always, Elina can cook very well which was one one of the reasons Davis fell for her. They ate while talking about the details of their day, Elina can work from home, she was an expert in sales. So she was just sitting the whole day infront of her laptop, she told him how she reacted when the earthquakes started and how her little cat Lili jumped around before that, it was like Lili seemed to predict the earthquake. Lili is a black cat with yellow eyes, a Bombay cat breed. She was really energetic, but lately she seems to have become more lazy and keeps sleeping all day. Its size has grown too. " Is that normal? Lili looks bigger than normal domestic cats" Davis repeats in his mind that he must be wary around this sleeping thing that was suddenly not so cute.

Davis told Elina about what he noticed near the park and the latest news he saw in his phone. Then he showed the videos of mutated animals and the articles about the end of the world andThe Apocalypse making her worried. "This makes me feel worried Davis, please don't go out too much these days, don't go to university tomorrow too. At least we can hope that the government will take care of us if the worst happens".

Elina was easily scared, so Davis took the chance to hug her and reassure her, "Don't worry Elina, I'll be fine and even if what they say comes true, I'll protect you no matter what. I swear on my life". When Elina heard him, she couldn't help but feel safe and warm and hugs him back, but the thought, of her feeling safe in the arms of a man younger than her by more than 10 years while she should be the one to make him feel safe, struck her and made her ashamed of herself.

"It's alright honey, you seem to be tired. Why don't you go take a bath". She kissed his cheek and got up to clean the table.

"She called me honey and even kissed me, YES, you're on the right path Davis, don't give up", Davis thought with a happy smile, then he stood up and walked to Elina, kissed her cheek twice, with the second close to the corner of her lips before he runs leaving her stunned.

"Ah this naugthy kid, what should i do with him?", Elina murmured to herself with a warm smile, then blushed when she remembered that he was close to kissing her mouth, "He's been getting bolder lately".

Davis went back to his room, removed his clothes, looked at himself in the mirror, then stretched his 20 years old body that looked good compared to most young men his age. "I think I need to improve my body more" then he started doing sets of workout routines, after an hour and a half of working out, he took a shower and after that he lay on his bed as he thought about what had happened.

After a while, he continued his little search about what was happening lately. The government keeps reassuring the population that everything is okay, while the word 'apocalypse' keps trending on all social media platforms. At first, Davis thought that the apocalypse staff was just some childish imagination, but the more he searched on the internet the more uneasy he became.

In the end, a sense of foreboding welled up in his mind, so he rushed out of his room running in the hallway. Elina who was in her room changing her clothes got stunned when she saw Davis dashing in without knocking. "You! you! What are you doing? GET OUT DAVIS", yelling her lungs out, Elina tried to cover herself.

Davis, who forgot temporarily why he came here, was standing there groping her half naked body with his eyes. When he realise that he had zoned out, he rushed to explain, "ah, ah i'm sor- i'm so sorry, i didn't mean t-, but before he could finish, he got hit in the face with a pillow,he inhaled the feminine fragrance hungrily not paying attention to the situation he was in. "GET OUUUT", Davis gathered himself and run out as fast as he can before his eardrums get hurt.

"Ah, ah, thank you God for giving me this beautiful gift, thank you", Davis said with a perverted smile recalling the stunning view he just had, "But I hope she won't be mad at me".

After a minute, Elina rushed out of her room with an angry face and then she pinched his ear so hard that it made Davis scream like a kid.

"No,no,no,no, please Elina, I swear I didn't do it intentionally, I have something important to say, really important".

"Spit it out then", said Elina with a cold voice, still pinching his ear to her heart's content.

"I have to go shopping", Davis said with a pained face.

"What? Davis I'm not joking with you, shopping at 11pm? you just wanted to look at me naked, right? ", Elina said as she put more strength and twisted her hand.

"No, I swear I didn't know you were changing Elina", Davis, who knew that he had to spill the beans, started speaking quickly " I was checking the web right now, and I got some hints that the situation may be more complex than we thought, so I wanted to buy supplies that could sustain us for a month. Even if I'm not certain, prevention is better than cure. I don't wanna take risks when it comes to our safety".

Elina took her time to consider it before she let go of his ear " And why did you come to me?"

"Of course it was to borrow money from you, and to take the car keys too", Davis answers with an embarrassed face.

When Elina saw his face, she shakes her head lightly and sights, she goes back to her room and after a minute she came back with the money and the keys," Here, go on with your plan and buy two months worth of supplies", then she adds with serious face," remember, don't be late". She then returns to her room and slams the door which made it obvious that she was still angry.

Davis shook his head with a helpless smile, before long the smile turned a perverted one when the naked body of Elina came to his mind, with saliva dripping from his mouth he said "Ahh even if I got scolded, THAT WAS WORTH IT".

"DAVIIIS", an angry howl came from behind the door.

"Ah damn it, why did I say it out loud ?!" Davis thought as he ran and jumped down the stairs as fast as he could .

A defeated smile appeared on Elina's face when she heard the loud sound of his footsteps getting away, "such a naughty kid", the smile turned warm when she directed her eyes to the photo on her desk. In the photo that was taken one year ago, Elina and Davis are hugging each other with a happy smile. "It has been one year since his eighteen birthday. Maybe I should stop treating him like a kid. Hmm, he is handsome, kind hearted and always makes me happy. Should I consider his offer? aah what am I thinking, let's leave it to fate, I just hope that we can keep living happily like we used to be", Elina shifted her gaze to the window and looked deeply at the dark night sky " Also, I hope that what is happening in the world right now is just just a false alarm and things continue just like before". She sighs again and falls into her bed, before long, you can hear her snoring like a little baby.

Little did she know that only her first wish will come true, while her second wish will not. Because after a few hours, her little darling who just left the house thinking about her, will be the one to make things change, he will be the spark that will light the fire, a fire that will eat the living and the dead. He will trigger a whole new era, the era that will be a heaven for a few who will strive and dominate everything, and a hell for the majority of humanity that will be stepping stones, who will perish and be forgotten for eternity.