
Apocalypse: The Last Gen Warrior

Immortality has no ending. Hiro has been living since the first human war ever existed. After witnessing the change of civilization thousands of times, Hiro could not remember his origin or specialty. One day, the mortal world he lived in was facing abnormality. The divine bridge cracked. All the immortal creatures started the massive destruction and human annihilation. Still, Hiro was done with humanity. Nevertheless, it does not last forever. It was until a delightful, appealing lady appeared every time he fell asleep. Her untouchable touch awakened something buried deep inside his body. Dead. Countless dead trials are marked on his skin. Every time it hit the checkpoint, something terrific happened. ================================================================ Entry for WPC August 2023 - Fantasy (Eternal Life) Wish me luck, thanks.

cursedravenx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

This Generation


The sound of the city's emergency alert sounded loud, echoing throughout the corners of Tokyo that had lost its charm. The city is now destroyed like a dead city. High-rise buildings have been left in rubble and scattered blocking roads.

Since the emergence of these monsters, the human population on Earth has decreased drastically. Now there are no more than ten percent of the original number left, and those who still survive live in hiding with fear.

It was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and the black sky up there began to show its abnormalities.

A massive air vortex appeared above the sky, sucking hard the surrounding air along with the rubble of the ruins. In a matter of minutes, the whirlpool will form a giant hole that gaps creepy like a black hole. And furthermore, those monsters would fall from the pit like rain.

Monsters that only know how to destroy the earth and eradicate humans who try to get in the way. The humans in this civilization call them Outsiders. It was an internationally recognized name. Meanwhile, in Japan, they have a local name, Oni.

The reason is because the monster has an appearance similar to the very famous Japanese folklore legend, Oni, a demonic creature often of giant size, great strength, and fearful appearance.

"Come on, I just need to focus on my painting," muttered a 20-year-old young man who was sitting in front of a blank painting canvas. The coloring paint he held in his left hand had already spilled onto the skin of his arm, while his right hand had just broken his brush for the tenth time.

The young man was in his private residence, in the basement of downtown Tokyo. Even though the place had been built before the city of Tokyo was prosperous, the commotion that was now happening on the surface made the dim room seem to be constantly experiencing earthquakes. Making the dust on the ceiling continue to fall.

Even so, the shoulder-length black haired youth looked completely uninterested in leaving his spot. Nothing could excite him as much as before.

Knock! Knock!

A white-haired old man with a body already filled with age folds walked into the room. His neat clothes, suit, and tie show that he is quite important in this story.

"Master Hiro, Hanabi is ready. Do you want to see her now?" the man asked the young man, who was now stunned, staring at him.

The young man seemed to think for a while. The memory he had was disturbed quite severely.

Because, he has been 20 years old for thousands of years. "Hanabi? Who?"

The old man smiled kindly, he looked very tired. He should have retired from his job a long time ago. However, retirement cannot guarantee happiness anymore now. In fact, there is no longer eternal happiness for anyone.

"Hanabi, my daughter. She will replace me as your servant, Master Hiro."

In fact, because of what happened in the past, long before the old man was born into an earth that was no longer habitable, he and his bloodline had already vowed to be servants for the young man. A sacred covenant of blood. None of his bloodlines dared to break the treaty.

All because of that young man named Hiro.

However, even though it had been hundreds of years since the man's ancestor swore to give his soul to Hiro, this was the first time a girl would work to become the successor of the blood pact.

"Woman?" muttered Hiro, his tone sounding disinterested. He has lived without passion for hundreds of years.

Eating, drinking, and even women, Hiro had forgotten their taste.

"She's a very tough girl. You might love her," explained the old man, he is very confident in promoting his daughter.

"All right," Hiro replied. His eyes looked back at the blank canvas in front of him.

Several minutes passed, and the sound of knocking on the door came again.

The old man had returned, but he was not alone.

A young girl who looked to be 18 years old entered the private room without being invited first. She has a petite face with slightly chubby cheeks and a pointed chin. Her eyes are round with a bright blue iris. Her hair was long to touch her waist, shining golden blonde.

The girl wore a typical Japanese school uniform that had not been used for a long time since the first Outsiders attack.

"Hi, I'm Hanabi!" she exclaimed without waiting to be welcome. Raised her right hand as if greeting peers. Her feminine voice was slightly shrill high and made Hiro's extremely sensitive ears buzz slightly.

Hiro gasped slightly. For the first time, he again felt the reaction sensors in his brain back to work. All that happened only because of the girl's attitude.

She didn't have the demeanor of a servant who submitted to the master.

"I'm sorry, Master Hiro. Hanabi is still young. She always-"

"Can you," Hiro interrupted before the old man finished his sentence. "Can you leave the two of us for a while, Sebastian?"

The old man looked stunned for a few seconds. He then nodded and left his daughter with Hiro without saying anything.

After the door closed again, Hanabi took a long breath as if distressed. She walked cheerfully over to Hiro and stood by his side, peering at Hiro's blank painting canvas before sighing in disappointment.

"So, I will work with you, right? How much salary do I receive? Can you pay for it at the beginning of each month? And as for the first salary, can I get it within this week?" the girl asked suddenly. She looked at Hiro's shining black eyes without fear. A big smile bloomed on her face, making her cheeks rise adorably.

If only Hiro was Hiro at that time, maybe that girl would end up in his bed right now.

Hiro can't remember the last time he spoke to someone other than Sebastian. What he was sure of, he had never seen anything as unique as that girl.

"You can talk, can't you? Ah, do I have to speak politely to you? Aren't we the same age?" The girl was annoyed at being ignored.

Hiro stared at her, trying to read her behavior without asking a question. Because, after all, that girl is the one who will take care of him for an indefinite period of time. Before the descendants of the girl replaced her position.

Still not getting a single answer, Hanabi sighed again in disappointment. She then walked to the long sofa near Hiro and lay down there. Her short skirt was slightly raised upwards so that her delightful white thighs were exposed.

Hiro looked at her. The light from her fair skin was brighter than the dim lamp in the room. And the movement of his eyes was caught off guard by Hanabi.

"Did you stare at my thigh just now? Do you want to see more?" Hanabi deliberately stroked her thigh.

But it's useless, if only the old Hiro is still there, the story might change a little.

"You can see everything, but you have to pay for it. Nothing is free in this world, Master Hiro." Hanabi intentionally said Hiro's name in a spoiled voice as if it was her way of conquering men.

Hiro still didn't say anything. In his head, he was trying to understand the situation that was happening. It seemed that his brain had hibernated for too long. Life had changed a lot when he didn't realize it.

The girl couldn't help herself anymore. She was ready to do anything for money. Without saying anything, she stood up and took off all her clothes.

Behind the old school uniform she wore, hidden massive-sized breasts that looked tight and fully accommodated in a D-cup size bra. With a flat stomach and perfectly curved hips, her body, at first glance, looks like an hourglass.

Hiro looked at the beauty with a flat expression. His passion was already pent up quite deep inside him. The naked young girl is not enough to pull it to the surface. But one thing he remembered.

"Are you a bitch?"

Only a prostitute would quickly get naked in front of a man she just knew. At least that's what he remembers in the long-lost times. But not in this generation.

Hi, this is my entry for WPC August 2023.

I hope that my non-native English is understandable.

You are free to help me with corrections.

The theme is 'Eternal Life' and hopefully this story I made is your cup of tea. Please give this story a chance before you decided to leave. Best wishes.

cursedravenxcreators' thoughts