
Apocalypse: running with my cubes

Tang xi's only regret in life is that she blindly believed in a worthless family . She gave up everything for them, but in exchange was run over when she was close to her delivery date. and didn't even know that they were responsible for losing her children , Crimson rain fell from the sky, the end of the world arrived, she worked so hard to raise and provide for them but only met with betrayal Fortunately, Heaven left her a way, she resurrected two years before the end of the workd. This debt, she’ll definitely repay that cheating couple! but first of all I'll protect my babies.

Freespirits · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

help me! , please give it to me

heading back to my dorm while thinking about my new wife I don't know how or when I've reached my bedroom, all I can see is her flushed face, recalling what happened, makes me lose control, I wonder where all those years of training went to

that night was a nice coincidence recalling the event as my comrades took their leave,

Footsteps grew louder from the hallway, and then intoxicated women stumbled into the room. My eyes followed her as she came to a stop at the edge of the bed that lay in the room, I was sitting on the couch in the corner so she can not see me from her position. He stared at the blank TV for a few moments, and then his head swiveled to face her. He smiled. Is this a new trick by those bastards no wonder they left the door open, Heading toward the little woman, my eye contrasted she looks so beautiful, she has large black eyes like stars in them, small nose and her breasts look enormous with a tiny waist and tall legs, she should be about 167 cm long

The woman turned out to be a beauty, huh a pity that I can only see not taste, besides that her face is flushed more than necessary and she is heaving larger amount of air her condition doesn't seem right like someone on drugs

Calling my comrade's phone to see if this is their doing getting a negative answer.

" hey little beauty ill give you 1 minute to walk out from here"

Since she may have mistakenly entered the room ill send her back

Tang Xi " ah hh I'm hot," she said as she started to take off her clothes one by one I went to stop her, but She started to lose her sense of reason as her body grew hotter and hotter.

She threw Qin Mo onto the bed and sat on his waist with her legs crossed.

It's so hot…"

Tang Xi's eyes were misty and slightly watered. They were moist and beautiful.

I was shocked however not from the position I'm in but from not having any difficulty in breathing and other reaction.

Qin no was debating whether to go along with the flow or stop here, the moment he found out that his body doesn't have any rejection to her he even got hard from a simple touch, this woman was born to belong to him.

convincing myself that I will be responsible for her, I'm determined to have her, now or later does not make any difference, I just hope she won't regret it later

she placed a hand on his chest. She could feel he was still wearing his shirt, Tang Xi reached out with her other hand and she started to touch and caress his chest and abdomen. He was slender and muscular, that much she could tell. He also had no chest hair and his skin was soft and smooth.

Qin mo groaned as Tang Xi touched him. Her hands left a trail of burning tongues licking along his skin in their wake. His black dress pants were beginning to feel tight and uncomfortable as his large member strained against the material. Every second that passed was a deeply pleasurable agony.

Her hands glided up his body to his neck, her fingertips touched his strong jaw lightly. She liked what she felt so far. Tang Xi nibbled her bottom lip and moved forward pressing her lips to his chest. She realized then that he was a great deal taller than she was, at least six inches taller.

she kept on bumping trying to get released, she doesn't know what to do so she started crying,

I felt happy at her lack of knowledge and skills in this course

"so hot, uncomfortable"

She ran her hands back over my chest and then to the shoulders sliding the shirt off of my body.

Qin Mo smiled. He knew now that she wanted this, perhaps as much as he did. There was a fire in him that was building hotter with her every touch. He placed his hands on her waist and he pulled her against him. Lifting one of his hands he found her chin and tipped her face up. so she could see him, he said "open your eyes and see who is holding you"

she looked at him bewildered and with lust

"if you want me to help you, you'll have to be my woman, if not I won't touch you, what do you think?! hemm"

saying this with a deeper sound than the intention

she nodded tried to kiss him but was sloppy and inexperienced

His mouth found hers in a greedy, hungry kiss. His tongue pushed past her lips and danced with hers. She tasted like warm honey and red wine His tongue swam in her mouth probing every corner finding each spot.

Reaching up, Tang Xi wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her breasts against him as their lips met; her hard aching nipples brushing against his strong muscular chest. He was an amazing kisser making her weak and wanting.

As his body pressed harder against her, she could feel how hard he was. She let out a small moan behind the kiss and her fingers ran through his soft hair.

He ran his fingertips down the center of her back, causing her to squirm against him. Every cell in his body seemed to be screaming,

"I want you inside me." Her voice was deeper now and sultry. She wanted him, she needed him badly. She knew how wet she was, she knew how much this man, this stranger was turning her on, lighting fires inside of her that she didn't even know could be sparked. she didn't know if it was the drug or she is just horny, but for now, she did not care!

Qin Mo moved his hands to his waist pulling his pants and boxer briefs off of his hips. He reached down stroking himself some. Tang Xi reached out and wrapped her slender fingers around his long hard shaft. He gasped feeling her touching him. but she didn't know what to do so she tightened her hold of him making him moan from pain and pleasure.

I took her hand and made her stroke me then let it go.

She started to stroke-like I thought, the head of my cock tickling against her clit as she did so.

I reached up to the back of her neck pulling her down so I could whisper in her ear. "I want to fuck you" I nipped playfully at her ear lobe.

she moaned loudly, seems like her ear is a soft spot

He pushed her hand away from his swollen cock and with one fast thrust he entered her, with a low groan. She was incredibly tight, more so then he expected. he saw there was blood coming from their connection,he was happy to see that she was also a virgin,One of his hands moved to her breast grabbing it firmly. He rolled her hard pink nipple between his thumb and index finger.

Tang xi screamed, not only in pleasure but in pain. She had not made love to a man before, and he was much larger then she thought he was when she was stroking him. Her inner walls gripped him tightly. His hand on her breast, teasing her nipple caused a low moan to roll from between her luscious lips. Qin Mo started to move out of her, and then he slammed his hips back into hers again.

They moaned almost in unison. Both their bodies began to moisten with a thin layer of sweat brought on by the in tense heat building between them. As Tang xi's tight pussy adjusted to his size he started to move faster. His hips smacked against hers with every pleasurable thrust.

One of her hands moved to his back, her nails started to dig into his flesh as wave after wave of pleasure lapped at her body. Her other hand tangled in his hair. She pulled his head down so she could feel her lips against his. This time it was her tongue that pushed past his lips.

QinMo grabbed a hold of both her thighs. Pushing him self into her and then pulling out. He could feel the pressure in his cock building already. He groaned under the kiss, he could feel her tightening around him. He knew that the pressure in her was building probably just as fast.

He nearly came right then and there but he bit down hard on his lip. He was not ready to stop fucking her yet. He never wanted to stop. He reached up making her look at him.

She looked at him now, Her black eyes were only half open and filled with passion.

His ice blue eyes seemed to dig right into her soul. She continued to shake with after shocks. Her moans echoed through the dressing room. She licked at her suddenly dry lips as their eyes locked.

Qin Mo just couldn't stop looking into her stunning eyes. He liked her much from the moment is eyes landed on her. Her lust filled gaze seemed to hold his captive. He felt every muscle in his body begin to tense. He could not hold back any longer.

He had to let go. He groaned as he started climax, his cum shooting deep inside of her. His thrusts slowed but he started to go into her harder, feeling the sizzling white hot lightning of pleasure pulsing through his veins.

"little goblin" He moaned her name as his climax hummed through his body. His eyes never once left hers. Sweat began to trickle down the side of his face. His thrusts slowing all the more as their combined juices dripped out of her.