
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
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86 Chs

He wanted to experience the joy of a director

So Michal began following the second simulation's plan.


When he successfully brought the woman back to the villa, she instantly shook off Michal's hand as she entered.


"Get your dirty hands off me! Disgusting!" She kept wiping the zombie blood off her wrist, her face full of disgust.


Michal sneered. "You still dare to complain? Do you realize that if I hadn't saved you, you'd be zombie food by now, with nothing left but bones?"


"Who are you kidding! I don't believe you! If you hadn't dragged me away, I would have already found food in the convenience store. What do you want, you perverted guard?I remember you! Every time I walked past the gate, you ogled me with your lecherous eyes!Don't think I didn't notice! You lowly, perverted man, you're the worst!You probably fantasize about me at night and do that… disgusting thing! Hmph!"


The woman yelled, her face showing even more disdain.


Hearing her words and seeing her condescending attitude, Michal finally remembered who she was.


Isn't this Vera, the third-tier actress who lived in building 12?


Every time she passed the gate, Michal would greet her and other residents as part of his job. But every time he greeted this actress, she would show a disdainful look and snort contemptuously.


Michal admitted.


This actress was indeed beautiful. In terms of looks, she was on par with Wendy, but more mature and charming, with an air of superiority.


Her expressions, gestures, smiles, and even her walk were likely meticulously practiced, essential skills for an actress. Her charisma and allure were beyond what a female student could possess.


When encountering a beauty, Michal would sometimes take a second glance, but never to the point of being lecherous!


But to this actress, he was just a lowly, perverted man?


Regardless of how she saw him, Michal didn't care.


It was the apocalypse, not peacetime.


So what if she was an actress?


Would an actress not get hungry?


"What? Too hurt by the truth to speak? You lecherous, filthy security guard! Hurry up and give me something to eat! I'm a homeowner in this community, and this is how you treat a homeowner?" Vera, the actress, demanded aggressively.


Michal frowned and said coldly, "Who gave you the courage to talk to me like that? I saved you, and you're not even grateful. Instead, you look at me with disdain and demand food from me. Who do you think you are?"


"I'm your superior! Your salary is paid by us homeowners, don't you understand that? Are you out of your mind? How dare a filthy security guard talk back to me?" Vera was furious that Michal dared to talk back, and she pointed at his nose while yelling at him.


"Heh." Simona, watching the scene, let out a cold laugh.


She knew exactly what was going to happen to Vera next.


Because she had experienced it herself.


Sure enough.


"Smack!" A crisp sound echoed.


Without a word, Michal slapped Vera across the face, knocking her to the ground.


Vera's face turned bright red and swelled up immediately.


Simona's cold smile widened.


She also felt a bit puzzled.


Why did it feel so satisfying to see someone else get slapped like she did?


"Ah! You hit me! How dare you hit me, a filthy security guard hitting me! Do you know who I am?


I'm a homeowner in this community, a celebrity! I have millions of fans, and you dare to hit me?"


Vera screamed hysterically, tears streaming down her face from the stinging pain.


She couldn't believe a security guard had dared to hit her.


As a celebrity, she was used to being adored wherever she went, with countless fans. Male fans would even pay thousands just for a photo with her.


Her appearance fees for any gig were in the tens of thousands.


Wherever she went, people looked up to her like a goddess.


She had long been accustomed to arrogance.


But who would have thought a filthy security guard would dare to hit her?


"A celebrity? It's the apocalypse now. Who cares if you're a celebrity? And what if I'm a security guard? I saved you, so you better listen to me, or I'll throw you out. There are 20 zombies outside waiting to eat your flesh!"


Hearing Michal's words and seeing his vicious expression, Vera became terrified.


She had seen the terrifying zombies chasing them when they escaped back to the villa.


If they caught her, they would definitely gnaw her flesh to the bone!


That would be worse than death!


"Then... at least give me some food. I'm starving. I can pay you. How much do you want? 100,000, 200,000? I can give it to you! Money is not an issue for me!" Vera accepted the reality.


Using her status to oppress the security guard was clearly not going to work.


So she had to resort to bribery.


200,000 was more than a security guard could save in 10 years!


Vera thought this would be a huge amount for a security guard.


"Heh, money is not an issue for me either. It's the apocalypse. Money is worthless now. It can't even buy a loaf of bread. It's just a pile of paper! Celebrity, you still don't get it? If you keep being this clueless, you'll die quickly!" Michal sneered.


Hearing this, Vera broke down completely:


"Please, I don't want to die. I'm so hungry. If it weren't for my hunger, I wouldn't have risked coming out of the villa. I'm really starving!


It's my assistant's fault for saying I gained weight and didn't look good on camera. I hadn't eaten anything the day before the zombie outbreak. So I'm actually a day hungrier than everyone else!


Please, what do I need to do for you to give me some food?


If you don't want money, it's fine. After this disaster is over, I can introduce you to directors and make you a star! You could be a hero in movies. How does that sound?"


Michal shook his head.


"Don't be silly. Over 70% of the world's population has turned into zombies. This disaster is not going away. It's the apocalypse, can't you see? If you want food, take a bath, clean yourself up, and then come to my room. You're a celebrity, so you should understand how this works, right?"


For celebrities, hidden rules weren't anything new.


Even the most beautiful actresses had to climb into the beds of directors to become stars.


Vera probably had done that countless times before.


So, what was the harm in climbing into the bed of a security guard now?


This celebrity was very beautiful. Michal make love with class beauties and campus queens but never with a celebrity!


He wanted to experience the joy of a director.


To see how different celebrities were from ordinary girls.


"What?" Vera was stunned, then she became furious.


"You want to take advantage of me? No way! I'm a celebrity, and you're just a security guard! Before, I wouldn't even look at you. Do you think I'd sell my body for a little food? Don't even think about it!"


Michal sneered.


"Heh, you're quite something. I'll be waiting for you. Think it over. But you only have tonight. After tonight, even if you beg me, I won't touch you! And don't expect to get any food!"


Every woman said the same, but in the end, they all knocked on his door.


This female star looked down on him, a security guard. Michal wasn't surprised.


But he was confident that this female star would soon submit.