
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

he hadn't realized katana was this powerful

The other two men were instantly terrified.


"Boss! Boss! How did your head explode?"


"What the hell is going on? His head just blew up! Who... who are you? What did you do?"


Fear filled their eyes as they looked at Michal.


They couldn't fathom how Michal had managed to make their leader's head explode with just a glance.


Michal smiled and said, "Watch carefully, I'll show you again."




Another burly man's head exploded, and he fell to the ground.






"Please, big brother, I was wrong! Spare me, spare me!" The last man immediately collapsed to his knees, utterly broken.


To him, Michal was terrifyingly powerful, like the Grim Reaper. A mere glance could make someone's head explode! His pants were soaked with urine; he was that scared.


Michal sneered and said, "You mentioned taking me to where the food is hidden, right? If you thought I had hidden food, it means you have food stored somewhere. Take me there, or you'll end up like them."


"Yes, yes, of course! I'll take you right away!" The man tried to stand, but his legs were like noodles, unable to support him.


Michal kicked him in the backside, and the man finally managed to stand, trembling.


He led Michal to their shelter.


Following him, Michal soon arrived at a luxurious villa.


He was surprised that these men knew how to enjoy themselves, finding such an extravagant villa, even more luxurious than his own!


Clearly, the property values in this villa area were much higher than those in Michal's.


The residents were undoubtedly very wealthy.


But now, those wealthy residents were either dead or had become zombies.





Entering the luxurious villa, Michal noted that the perimeter wall was six meters high!


And it wasn't an ordinary steel fence but a solid wall, making it impossible to see inside from the outside.


The villa's owner evidently valued privacy immensely.


They didn't mind compromising the villa's aesthetics for privacy.


Inside, the opulent interior shocked Michal even more.


The yard even had a helicopter pad with an orange private helicopter!


The villa's furnishings were several levels higher than those in Michal's neighborhood.


The windows were made of bulletproof glass!


This villa was worth at least a few billion!


Inside the hall, Michal found heaps of packaged food.


For the three burly men, this amount of food would last at least a week.


But to Michal, this food was still too little.


Compared to what he had in his dark space, it was just a drop in the bucket.


The burly man forced a smile and said to Michal, "Big brother, we collected all this food over the past few days. It's all yours, take it!"


Michal replied coldly, "Just this much?"


"Y-yes, just this much..." The burly man stuttered, trembling at Michal's icy tone, nearly wetting himself again. This was the man who could explode heads with a mere glance, and one wrong move could cost him his life.


He felt as if a sword was hanging over his neck, ready to drop at any moment, making him incredibly anxious.


Michal scoffed, "Three big guys, and this is all you managed to collect? What a bunch of useless idiots!"


Seeing Michal's displeasure, the burly man hesitantly said, "The villa's owner also had a safe room in the basement, full of supplies, but we couldn't open it."


Michal perked up at this and said, "Oh? Why didn't you say so earlier? Take me there!"


The villa's owner must have been a survivalist even before the apocalypse!


Not only did he build high solid walls around the villa, but he also had a safe room in the basement.


Did he foresee the disaster coming?


These rich people always seemed to be the most afraid of death.


A safe room like this was typically reserved for presidents and other high-ranking officials.


This wealthy individual built one for himself.


It showed how wealthy and cautious he was.


Led by the burly man, Michal reached the basement and indeed found the safe room.


The safe room was not large.


It looked less like a room and more like a steel box.


It was a rectangular box made of thick stainless steel, measuring roughly 5 meters by 5 meters by 3 meters.


The door had a small square glass observation window about 20 centimeters on each side.


Made of thick bulletproof glass.


Peering through the small window, Michal saw that it indeed contained a lot of food, such as compressed biscuits. Surprisingly, there was also a beautiful young woman inside!


Michal asked the burly man beside him, "What's the deal with the woman inside?"


"Uh... she... well, she..." the burly man stammered.


"Spit it out, or I'll cut you down right now!" Michal threatened, drawing his black katana.


Terrified, the burly man blurted out quickly:


"She's the villa owner's daughter. We were his bodyguards. When the apocalypse happened, we killed the owner, took over the villa, and tried to assault his daughter. She locked herself in the safe room, and we couldn't get to her!"


He said all this in one breath, without pausing, and was left panting heavily afterward.


Michal understood. "You guys are quite the pieces of work! Bodyguards killing their employer to take over his villa and assault his daughter? You're even worse than me!"


Michal thought to himself.


He had only taken over Jack's villa and slept with his girlfriend because Jack had turned into a zombie.


These bodyguards killed the villa owner before he even turned into a zombie.


"Well, her daughter is really beautiful," the burly man said, looking embarrassed.


Michal couldn't help but think. This villa owner had it rough. Even in peaceful times, he was a survivalist, building a safe room and stockpiling supplies.


Who would have thought that when disaster struck, it would be his own bodyguards eyeing his daughter, leading to his death?


What a tragic end for the rich man.


The villa owner likely never anticipated that his death would be due to his daughter's beauty.


The saying "beauty brings disaster" proved true.


And as another saying goes, "While others hoard food, I hoard guns; my neighbors' stockpile is my supply."


In the apocalypse, without strength, having abundant resources means nothing because you simply can't protect them.


Reflecting on this, Michal asked the burly man, "Are there any other supplies?"


"N-no... none. Can you let me go now? I promise I'll leave right away and never come back!" The burly man shook his head, his eyes full of hope and desperation.


"Of course. In fact, I'll help you on your way!" Michal said coldly.




With a swift motion, Michal beheaded the man.


In the early days of the apocalypse, a bodyguard who kills his employer for selfish reasons is not someone Michal would keep alive.


Especially when the reason for killing was to assault the employer's daughter—such a flimsy excuse.


After dealing with the burly man, Michal turned his attention to the safe room.


The small bulletproof glass window was too tiny to see much inside or to clearly view the woman, but from the bodyguards' reactions, she must be an exceptionally beautiful woman.


Not only did they kill their employer for her, but they also tried various methods to break into the safe room after she locked herself inside.


Michal observed knife marks, drill holes, and burn marks on the door.


Despite these attempts, the door remained largely intact, showing only minor signs of damage.


These bodyguards must have been infuriated, as they even welded the door shut, ensuring the woman inside couldn't open it even if she wanted to.


If not for Michal, she might have died in there without anyone ever knowing.


Michal drew his black katana and stabbed the door.




The blade pierced through the door as if it were tofu, surprising even Michal.


"Damn, this sword is incredible! Ten centimeters of stainless steel pierced like it's nothing?"


He knew the katana was sharp but hadn't realized it was this powerful.