
Apocalypse Rebirth: Having Many Beauties

Eugene was betrayed and killed by his wife's family during the apocalypse, only to find himself reincarnated three months earlier. Endowed with powers from another dimension, he resolves to alter his fate, divorcing decisively and actively preparing for the apocalypse. Through winning the lottery and astute investments, Eugene amasses wealth, stockpiles resources, builds a refuge, and plans revenge against his former wife's family. The novel revolves around Eugene's quest for revenge and self-redemption, depicting his growth and transformation amidst the backdrop of doomsday.

MystiqueMuse · Sci-fi
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70 Chs

The killer failed miserably

Once she killed someone, their belongings became hers. Laura flipped through Glen's phone, finding it with only one bar of battery left.


"Hmm, this Eugene person seems to have a lot of supplies!" Laura's eyes lit up. Killing the two people here would provide her with the most food, enough to last her another day. But Eugene casually offered boxfuls of food and water as a reward! She licked her lips, her gaze intense.


"This guy is lecherous, flirting around the whole neighborhood?" The woman couldn't help but sneer. "Killing you won't take much effort!"


However, she also noticed the fear Eugene instilled in everyone in the neighborhood. This guy seemed to have a gun!


Laura shuddered involuntarily. Though she was a professional assassin skilled in various killing methods, if she were seven steps away, the gun would be faster. No matter how hard she tried, it would be useless. And if she were within seven steps?


The gun would be accurate and quick!


So, scenes from movies where someone disarms a gunman up close and dodges bullets were all lies.


Unless the person with the gun was a complete novice.


"It's not going to be easy with a gun!" Laura hesitated slightly but immediately smiled brightly. "But, this guy is lecherous. I'll just use my looks to distract him, make him careless, and then stab him!"


She began to prepare, putting her dagger in her boot.


Taking off her coat and looking in the mirror, she wrapped her voluptuous chest under the sweater, forming proud curves, followed by a flat stomach and slender waist. Those curves, that curvature, tsk tsk, it would make any man's heart race just by looking!


Let's go, seduce that lecherous man!


She put on her winter clothes again.


In the underground garage, she used her phone as a light. After walking for a while, she arrived under Eugene's villa.


With the light from her phone, she saw the bodies wedged between the cars and couldn't help but gasp.


"Gunshot wounds!"


Her heart skipped a beat, her face pale.


As a professional killer, she was familiar with bullet wounds, but from the wounds, it was clearly from a rifle bullet!


Mind you, Kretonia bans guns. Even she didn't dare bring a gun into the area, instead, she obtained a dagger after entering. So... where did Eugene get a gun and bullets?


Was it even a rifle?


Was this guy a former soldier?


But can soldiers bring guns home? It didn't seem likely.


Laura was a bit confused and hesitant. Maybe it's better not to mess with this mysterious guy.


After all, there were so many bodies outside!


But then she thought, what were her advantages?


Her beauty!


And Eugene's weakness?


His lust!


"I can make this work."


"And as long as I do this job, I should be able to live comfortably for quite some time."


She decided to give it a shot.


Laura didn't hesitate anymore and walked into the passage. She took off her coat, enduring the chill even though she was shivering. She even used her phone to illuminate her face, just in case Eugene couldn't tell she was a knockout.


Bang bang bang, she pounded on the iron door with force.


Wow, it's really heavy!


She couldn't help but marvel. With her expertise, she was certain that even with a large amount of C4, this iron door couldn't be blasted open. It was of a higher defensive level than an ordinary bank vault!


She waited for Eugene to show up.


At this moment, Eugene also noticed Laura.


Huh, which building's owner is this?


Although he couldn't possibly recognize all the residents in the neighborhood, someone as beautiful as her would surely be heard of even if he hadn't seen her before. Eugene nodded slightly and asked, "Who are you, and what do you want to do?"


"I'm Laura, and I... I just want something to eat," she said in the gentlest tone.


Eugene glanced at the surveillance screen, confirmed there was only her, and opened the iron door. After Laura entered, he closed the door behind her. The iron door was controlled remotely and by fingerprint, so even if someone else came in, they would be at a loss in front of it.


As the door closed, Laura's heart tightened. In her mind, she had already labeled Eugene as a suspected veteran, sniper, martial arts expert, etc. Now she had to face this person alone, which made her quite nervous.


But it was so warm here!


In order to showcase her figure and enhance her personal charm, she deliberately took off her winter clothes. Despite being freezing earlier, she now felt no chill at all. There was heating here!


She wanted to claim this place even more. And there was even lighting!


Her heart raced, but she maintained a shy expression and asked, "Where are you?"


"Here," Eugene's voice came from behind the screen. "Take off your clothes."


"What?" Laura couldn't believe it. Wasn't he too eager?


Eugene smiled. He wasn't lustful; he just felt that something was off about this woman.


No one else had deliberately taken off their coat at the door; she was the first and only one.


Do you know how cold it is now? It's below freezing! Although taking off your coat wouldn't cause you to freeze to death in a short time, just this determination alone was enough to make Eugene wary.


How many people can take off their coat in such cold weather? Most would immediately start shivering from the cold! But she did it.


Eugene could think that she was intentionally highlighting her good figure, but was it necessary to go this far?


When a person possesses extraordinary endurance, it's worth paying attention to and being cautious of.


If Laura knew that she was smart and being misinterpreted, she definitely wouldn't have taken off her coat.


Laura hesitated for a moment, but since she was already inside, could she give up now? She gritted her teeth and began to undress.


She did it slowly, which also matched the modesty of a virtuous woman.


Luckily, the dagger was in her boot, she thought to herself.


Slowly but surely, she stripped down to her underwear. "Is this okay?" she said, a little annoyed. Her skin was blushing with embarrassment, making her even more charming and beautiful.


Eugene chuckled. "Are you planning to shower in your underwear?"


"Can you even shower here?" Laura asked, surprised.


"Yeah," Eugene just hummed from his nose.


Faced with the temptation of a shower, Laura still gave in. She unburdened herself of her weaponry at the bathroom door and then walked in. The shower sprayed hot water, and she cautiously touched it with her fingertips.


Finding it safe, she couldn't help but feel excited.


Even Eugene was stunned. While he was shocked, Laura had actually ignored Eugene's movements for quite some time.


"What are you doing?" Laura dared not underestimate Eugene.


But at that moment, another man walked into the bathroom.


"How can you come in here!" She was both ashamed, angry, and afraid.


Eugene chuckled. "Didn't you just willingly come in here?"


And now she was acting modest?


"But I didn't expect you to be mixed-race," Eugene remarked. The water had washed away the woman's originally black hair, turning it into a golden color.


Laura knew she couldn't hide it, so she even took off her colored contacts, revealing a pair of azure eyes. "That's right, I'm a foreigner!" she said proudly.


Damn, was that something to be proud of?


Eugene was extremely displeased and stepped forward directly.


Laura immediately fought back.


Even though she was unarmed, as a professional killer, her hand-to-hand combat skills were not to be underestimated.


The problem was, her opponent wasn't an ordinary person!


Since his rebirth, Eugene's body seemed to have been enhanced, incredibly robust. He was undoubtedly at the top level globally, while Laura, though not weak, still lagged far behind the world's top standards.


So, the outcome of the hand-to-hand combat was... her miserable defeat.