
Apocalypse Rebirth: Having Many Beauties

Eugene was betrayed and killed by his wife's family during the apocalypse, only to find himself reincarnated three months earlier. Endowed with powers from another dimension, he resolves to alter his fate, divorcing decisively and actively preparing for the apocalypse. Through winning the lottery and astute investments, Eugene amasses wealth, stockpiles resources, builds a refuge, and plans revenge against his former wife's family. The novel revolves around Eugene's quest for revenge and self-redemption, depicting his growth and transformation amidst the backdrop of doomsday.

MystiqueMuse · Sci-fi
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70 Chs

property dispute

This jerk earns over 10,000 a month, and he hands it all over. Yesterday, he got divorced and left with nothing. So how could he possibly afford a house, let alone a 12 million-dollar villa?


"Really, really, just go see for yourself!" Aunt Carol was eager for gossip,


Chris was shaken.


Although Aunt Carol was talkative, she wouldn't joke about something like this.


But Eugene buying a villa?


It sounded like a fairy tale.


"Chris, your family must be doing well, buying even a villa!" Aunt Delia from upstairs hurried over, her face full of envy, almost gloating.


Chris's body swayed involuntarily, feeling a bit high blood pressure; he could barely stand.


One person might be mistaken, but two?


Could both be mistaken?


Aunt Carol was just waiting for the drama, adding fuel to the fire. She immediately said, "Aunt Delia, you don't know, Chris's daughter and son-in-law got divorced!"


"What?" Aunt Delia looked shocked. "Chris, is it true? You rejected such a wealthy son-in-law? Well, then I won't hold back! Our Joy isn't getting any younger, she should find a boyfriend to settle down with."


She wasn't joking!


Who could come up with 12 million to buy a villa? Who cares if he's been divorced before; with money, who cares about second or third marriages!


Moreover, Eugene has an extra guy with him, and everyone in the neighborhood has eyes.


Chris was shocked and anxious.


"Nonsense!" he immediately shouted, "That jerk bought the house with our money! I'm going to find him now!"


Although he didn't know how Eugene got the money, how could he get 12 million just a morning after divorcing his daughter? These funds must be marital assets; we can get half!


And you, as the son-in-law, even your person is part of the Walker family, so this 12 million is essentially ours, the Walker family's.


My son is about to get married, and we need money.


The old man suddenly burst out with astonishing vitality and rushed out.


The two aunts looked at each other and hurriedly followed.


This was big news, not to be missed!


Besides, Chris ran to the eighth building.


It's not that he didn't want to run faster; it's just that he could only run so fast.


Fortunately, it wasn't too far away. He found the place in no time, where many uncles and aunties were already surrounding the villa.


The villa had a yard, so everyone stood outside the yard, looking in through the railing.


"Oh, Chris!"


Seeing Chris coming over, everyone turned around, casting envious looks at him.


Tsk, the Walker family doesn't have much, but they've had some luck to find such a promising son-in-law.




"Bought a villa, huh?"


"Impressive, we never knew, so low-key."


Everyone was saying something, but it didn't make Chris feel the slightest bit happy.


In his eyes, this villa wasn't worth 12 million, maybe at most 10 million, so Eugene had spent an extra 2 million!


Jerk, that's our 2 million!


With a stern face, he marched forward, and when he reached the outer gate, he started banging on the courtyard door.


There was a doorbell, but he, at his age, was not used to it.


Bang, bang, bang, urgent and fast, as if someone had died.


Eugene thought it was Freeman coming but glanced at the surveillance and couldn't help but laugh.


It was Chris.


Hmm, it seems that news of his villa purchase had spread throughout the neighborhood. Chris couldn't resist rushing over.


Naturally, he had no intention of avoiding it, and he was determined to make Chris and his family jealous, envious, and regretful. How could he resist such a face delivered to him?


He opened the door, crossed the yard to the courtyard gate, and swung it open.


"Jerk!" Chris cursed, trying to push his way in, not wanting family matters to be aired in public.


However, Eugene stood firm at the door, making sure he couldn't enter.


The old man grew even angrier, pointing at Eugene's nose. "You're using our money and still have the nerve to block me from entering?"


Eugene chuckled. "Old man, don't forget, your daughter and I got divorced yesterday. The house I bought today has nothing to do with you, the Walker family."


This news caused an uproar, with everyone whispering and some elders staring at Eugene intensely. Divorced? Well, my daughter is still single. If she marries Eugene, won't the whole family move into the villa?


Chris wasn't going to be intimidated by this. He sneered, "Eugene, do you think I'm stupid? You and Claire just got divorced yesterday. Where did you get the money to buy a villa? ,this is marital property, and half of it belongs to the Walker family!"


It made sense.


The expressions of the old people who had some different thoughts just now changed.changed their expressions.


Yes, if it's marital property, then indeed half belongs to the Walker family.


Suddenly, the 12 million shrank by half. Could Eugene, with a net worth of 6 million, still have any bargaining power?


Yes, but not much.


Eugene chuckled, "How property is divided is based on evidence, not your baseless arguments! Old man, if you have an issue, take it to court. Now get out of here, or I'll call the police. Illegally intruding on someone's property can get you detained for half a month."


The last two sentences were just a bluff to scare Chris, he had no idea if that could really lead to detention.


But Chris, not knowing this, immediately backed off in fear.


But, was he going to leave like this, with his tail between his legs?


No, he was not willing!


He had already decided that the villa belonged to their family, and it wasn't worth 12 million. So, he must seize ownership, renegotiate with the seller, especially since he had only paid the deposit and hadn't gone to the housing bureau yet.


That wastrel Eugene lost 2 million in a day, he really wanted to smack him!


Just then, Dawn also ran over with her grandson. After understanding the situation a bit, the old lady sat down on the ground, crying out, "Heartless beast! Got rich, got money, then abandoned wife and child. What a despicable person!"


Although this was throwing dirt at Eugene, it happened to be quite true.


Indeed, Eugene got rich and got divorced, and even abandoned his son.


Everyone couldn't help but whisper and discuss.


This was exactly what Eugene was waiting for!


He wanted to completely tarnish the reputation of the Walker family, making everyone in the neighborhood turn against them.


He calmly said, "Why did I divorce? It's simple. Claire was pregnant with someone else's child before we got married. She only married me to cover up the pregnancy, treating me as a scapegoat! Chris, Dawn, you really have good upbringing, raising such a shameless, cunning daughter!"


"I spent a total of four years in your family. How did I live all those days?"


"When have you treated me as a family member?"


"You made me do all the chores, day in and day out!"


"Even if I worked late until 10 o'clock at night, you still made me do laundry!"


"Heh, don't talk to me about conscience, you're not worthy!"


After these words, the crowd exploded.


Claire actually did such an immoral thing?


The son who doesn't fear anything is really blind?


Haha, Dawn dared to make a scene in public, but it's like lifting a rock only to drop it on her own foot.


Now, Claire and the Walker family's reputation was going to be completely ruined in the neighborhood.