
Apocalypse Rebirth: Having Many Beauties

Eugene was betrayed and killed by his wife's family during the apocalypse, only to find himself reincarnated three months earlier. Endowed with powers from another dimension, he resolves to alter his fate, divorcing decisively and actively preparing for the apocalypse. Through winning the lottery and astute investments, Eugene amasses wealth, stockpiles resources, builds a refuge, and plans revenge against his former wife's family. The novel revolves around Eugene's quest for revenge and self-redemption, depicting his growth and transformation amidst the backdrop of doomsday.

MystiqueMuse · Sci-fi
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70 Chs

I resign

Claire Will it be a lottery win? But after listening to Bruce's analysis and explanation, she felt that this was impossible.


"Yeah, who around here has ever won a big lottery prize?"




"And Eugene actually has more than 12 million?!"


"Yeah, who puts all their money into a house without negotiating the price?"


"He must have far more money than that to be so carefree with his spending!"


"So, the first thing you need to do is file a lawsuit with the court, claiming Eugene hid assets in the divorce agreement, rendering it invalid, and redraw the asset distribution," Bruce took on the role of the strategist.


Claire nodded repeatedly. She only graduated from a vocational school, but Bruce?


He graduated from a prestigious university with a master's degree.


More education, indeed, led to more ideas and a stronger position.


Chris and Dawn's approach was embarrassing, to say the least. Could they gain anything from such behavior?


"Bruce, you're really smart!" she sincerely said.


Bruce smiled, "You should go see a lawyer right away. Don't worry about the money. If we win this lawsuit, you won't have to work anymore, and you'll be a wealthy woman."


"Mm-hmm," Claire nodded repeatedly.


"You'll let the lawyer write the complaint, all you need to do is sign it," Bruce continued to strategize, "Also, make sure your parents and brother don't cause any more trouble! We don't need any unnecessary headaches!"


"Remember, we're in an era of legal discourse now. Crying, making a scene, or threatening suicide will only make people laugh at you."


Claire nodded vigorously, "Mm! Mm! Mm!"


After Claire hung up the phone, she went out and repeated everything Bruce had said to her.


Of course, she wouldn't mention that it was all Bruce's idea, but rather something they came up with together.


Upon hearing Claire explain that Eugene had more than 12 million, the greed on Chris' and Dawn's faces was uncontrollable.


They were going to strike it rich!


Claire warned them not to cause any more trouble and immediately went to find a lawyer.


Eugene shouldn't have been so cocky so early on, exposing his wealth like that.


After waiting for a while, Freeman finally arrived.


After some initial pleasantries, Freeman couldn't help himself and stood up to look around the house.


He didn't bring many tools, just a measuring pen to roughly estimate. After all, they hadn't discussed prices yet, so he couldn't be too serious.


The villa had three floors above ground, one below, totaling 600 square meters. There was also a yard outside, but that didn't need any renovations.


Freeman looked from top to bottom, then returned to the ground floor living room to start discussing prices with Eugene.


"If we want to finish this in two months, it's a very tight schedule, so the cost will be quite high. I'll need to arrange for people to work day and night without stopping," Freeman explained.


Eugene smiled, "Direct offer"


"80 million!" Freeman blurted out, feeling a bit embarrassed after saying it.


The villa might be worth a couple million at best, but to renovate it for 80 million? Only a fool would do it.


But to finish it in two months, 80 million was indeed a reasonable figure. He wasn't asking for an exorbitant amount.


Eugene pondered for a moment.


Seeing this, Freeman quickly added, "I'm not just randomly pricing this. If you want it done quickly, the price can't come down much. I need to make some profit too."


"If you find it too expensive, we can extend the timeline. If we do it in six months, I can knock off 10 million or so."


But even this was far above the price of the villa.


Eugene tapped his chin, "It's not that I find the price expensive. It's just, with 80 million, can you meet the requirements I've laid out?"


"Of course," Freeman assured, patting his chest. "I've been in this business of house renovations for many years. I know what I'm doing! Your villa is 600 square meters, and with 80 million for renovations, that averages to 140,000 per square meter. Isn't that reasonable?"


Hmm, thinking about it that way, it did seem quite expensive.


Eugene nodded, "Alright, let's sign the contract then."


Wait, they're signing already?


"You're not even going to negotiate?" Freeman was a bit stunned. He had never seen a homeowner like this before—first complaining about low renovation costs, then not negotiating on the price.


There was just one word to describe it: extravagant!


Eugene laughed, "What I need is for you to do the job well. You must meet my requirements."


"You can trust me on that. I'll make sure it's done," Freeman said confidently, patting his chest.


"Alright, let's sign the contract," Eugene said. "But, let me make it clear upfront. If the inspection doesn't pass, I won't be as easy to deal with. I'll use the entire 80 million to sue you."


"No problem!" Freeman assured. "Oh, and could you show me the property deed and make copies?"


Eugene shook his head, "I just bought the house today, so the deed hasn't come yet. That's okay, I can give you a 5 million deposit first. You can start working on the renovation plans, and once the money is ready, I'll transfer it to you. If any delays caused by you prevent the renovation from being completed on time, I'll pay the full 80 million."


Freeman looked at him like he was seeing a strange creature, then said after a while, "You rich people sure are something else!"


Freeman left, of course, happily.


An 80 million contract! He could easily make a few million from this.


Although Eugene spent money like water, he didn't feel a thing.


While the stocks he bought couldn't guarantee a 10% return every day, anything above 5% was definitely achievable. So, in two months, the 350 million he invested would become 3 billion or even more.


However, whether it was 3 billion or 5 billion, to Eugene, it didn't really make a difference.


The supplies he purchased were enough for him for several lifetimes.


Three months later, everyone's wealth would be reset, and it would all be meaningless.


He had a total of 398 million. He invested 350 million in the stock market, bought a house now worth 10 million, paid 5 million for renovations, so he still had 430 million left, of which 110 million would soon go towards paying the remaining balance for the house.


Although the renovations still needed 75 million, with a two-month timeline, he could slowly pull the money out of the stock market.


No rush.


Eugene is calm. He went to find a real estate agent again, but this time it wasn't to buy a house, but to rent one. With the villa needing renovations for two months, could he really stay in a hotel every day?


It wasn't that he couldn't afford it, but staying in a hotel wasn't convenient for receiving deliveries.


He had a lot of online shopping to do.


And Eugene also planned to rent a warehouse.


As soon as he stepped out, his phone rang.


He glanced at it—it was a call from his company, from his direct superior, Duane.


Answering casually, he just said, "Hello," but Duane roared on the other end, "Eugene, do you have cancer or something? If you're not dead, get your butt to work right now!Otherwise, don't come


"Alright, then I resign," Eugene said calmly. He would be very busy in the days ahead. Who had time to go to work?