
Apocalypse Rebirth: Having Many Beauties

Eugene was betrayed and killed by his wife's family during the apocalypse, only to find himself reincarnated three months earlier. Endowed with powers from another dimension, he resolves to alter his fate, divorcing decisively and actively preparing for the apocalypse. Through winning the lottery and astute investments, Eugene amasses wealth, stockpiles resources, builds a refuge, and plans revenge against his former wife's family. The novel revolves around Eugene's quest for revenge and self-redemption, depicting his growth and transformation amidst the backdrop of doomsday.

MystiqueMuse · Sci-fi
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70 Chs

Doomsday Day 18

 He pressed down on the accelerator, and the car surged forward. The bumper hit the stone pillar first, and the powerful horsepower pushed the pillars forward, unable to stop the car's progress.


Then, Eugene backed up a bit and adjusted his direction to avoid the pillars.


Instead of leaving, he took out two packs of instant noodles and threw them towards the security room.


The old folks were initially disappointed because Eugene was too aggressive, breaking through the blockade directly. Could they even stop him from scamming by getting hit by the car?


Given his aggressiveness, he would definitely accelerate straight into them.

However, Eugene unexpectedly threw out two packs of instant noodles.

Unable to resist the temptation, the old folks rushed out from the security room like a tidal wave because of the two packs of instant noodles.


Despite usually looking frail and always expecting others to give up their seats on the bus, faced with the temptation of the instant noodles, they burst with astonishing strength, ferocious like hungry wolves.


Fists and kicks flew, and some even resorted to dirty tricks.


"Ah—" cries and groans filled the air.


Eugene watched the spectacle through the car window with a faint smile on his face.

See, the alliance that just formed immediately fell apart.


That's human nature.


Human nature is fragile, revealing its true colors in the face of interests and life and death.


The old folks fought in a group, and Eugene lost interest and drove away.


After parking the car, Eugene took off his jacket, and his dog came wagging its tail to greet him.


After patting the dog's head, Eugene checked the time; it was still three hours before 11 o'clock.

He and his dog began to eat. After the meal, he prepared some water chestnuts. After finishing the water chestnuts, he brewed a cup of wolfberry tea.


Unfortunately, daily consumption demands maintenance.


Soon after, Cathy and her three friends arrived on time.


Competition arises with more people.


Regardless of why Cathy and her friends came to Eugene late, they now rely on Eugene. So, they are secretly competing, especially Cathy and Delia. Both are eligible to be the best and want more favor from Eugene, so they are vying openly and secretly.


The fiercer their competition, the more Eugene enjoys it.


Satisfied, Eugene invited the four to eat watermelon.


Two pieces each, not too much, not too little.


The four girls naturally enjoyed it.


For Eugene, resources were abundant. Just the watermelons alone weighed thousands of tons. How long could he eat them if he had one a day?


But for the girls, any fruit was a luxury now. And despite the cold weather outside, they were inside enjoying hot pot, sweating profusely, and then eating cool watermelon. What kind of luxury was this?


Even immortals would envy!


Could they leave Eugene?


Even if Eugene wanted them as slaves, they would obey.


In this world, whoever controls the resources is the boss.


Of course, one must also have the ability to guard those resources, or it's like sending money away.


Eugene had both.


If he wanted, he could easily become the ruler of the entire community.

But what's the point?


Fight with a bunch of subordinates?


Would there be a massive war erupting soon?


How would he go out?


Or rather, in a few days, most people would starve to death, and the global population would decline. How could there be a large-scale war?


So, for small-scale fights, Eugene's portal was the most powerful weapon. With a burst of bullets, who could resist?


The four girls finished the watermelon, almost no red left, showing their satisfaction.


It's not that Eugene was stingy, but letting them have their fill instantly made them not cherish it.


Now, having enough to eat makes it more cherished when they only get a little. They naturally become more eager to please Eugene.


After eating watermelon, Eugene reluctantly sent the four girls away.

In the afternoon, many households were complaining.


Because some old folks at the entrance fought over the instant noodles, several people were killed or frozen on the spot.


Upon hearing this, Eugene merely smiled faintly.


As long as they didn't provoke him, he wouldn't bother. But if they insisted on crossing him, well, they might as well just die.


His life was the most important!


However, Eugene glanced in the direction of Building 4. People in this building had started resorting to cannibalism. Once this moral boundary was broken, anything could happen. He needed to be cautious.


He feared the hidden dangers more than the visible ones.


As evening approached, suddenly, a thick fog rolled in from nowhere, instantly covering the entire city. Visibility dropped from 20 meters to 10 meters, then to 5 meters, and finally, it was just like a few days ago, only being able to see within 1 meter!


Now, those who ventured out to gather resources were in trouble.


Those who returned early were fine, but those still outside now wouldn't make it back.


With the weather so cold, without finding shelter in time… the risk of freezing to death was high.


Fortunately, Eugene wasn't greedy and returned early; otherwise, he would have spent the night outside.


Although his car was modified for warmth, and he had the best cold-weather gear, sleeping in the car was uncomfortable and unsafe. Who knows what accidents might happen at night?


In the apocalypse, one must always be cautious; safety comes first.


Building 4.


In a room, seven men were drinking soup, each with a large bowl. They ate eagerly, even sweating on their foreheads.


They were the organizers and managers of Building 4. Now, they had united closely, even living together to maximize warmth.


Dylan finished first. He put down his chopsticks and said, "We don't have to worry about food now, but we're running out of clean water."


Uriel finished next, wiping his mouth with a tissue. He said, "That's simple. Many people should be out collecting resources today. We'll pick a building and raid it. We can get enough clean water and some extra supplies."


"That's a good idea. Eating meat every day is getting boring," Erick commented.


"We'll wait a bit longer before we act. Whether we can provide good food for our wives, children, and parents depends on tonight's haul!" Uriel said.


"Which building should we choose?"


"We are on the 4th floor. The closest are Buildings 3 and 5. Which one do you want?"





"Alright, most chose Building 3. Tonight, we'll raid Building 3!"


"In fact, that villa would be the best target!" Edward suddenly said.

Others nodded in agreement.


"But Eugene isn't easy to deal with."


"Yeah, whether he's truly skilled or just lucky, he managed to kill so many with a toy water gun!"


"Forget it, whether he's skilled or lucky, let's not mess with him for now."

"Yeah, he's quite sinister."




Uriel and a group of 30 men set out, first arriving at the underground garage, then entering Building 3. Bang! With a hammer, the door was forcefully opened, and a group of men rushed in. Who could stop them?


Immediately, screams of terror echoed.


Soon after, Uriel and his men retreated and headed towards the next household. Bang! As usual, they smashed the door open with a hammer, and the group stormed in.


This time they stayed for a long time, and there were constant screams of women coming from the room, sometimes stopping and then continuing.


After a full two hours, they began to come out one by one.


"I didn't expect Shon's wife to be quite pretty."


"What matters most is her figure, with big and round headlights, the touch is amazing."


"Be gentle with her, don't ruin her, take her back and enjoy slowly."


"Yes, yes, the others should hold back, there must be other beauties in Building 3, don't rush."


They continued to knock on the door.


It was the 18th day after the apocalypse.