
Apocalypse: Press F To Destroy The World

# SURVIVAL # MATERIALIST # HUMOR When Su Yan woke up, he realized the zombie apocalypse had arrived. His door was about to be broken down by zombies and he wasn’t armed with anything. He quickly picked his keyboard up to try and defend himself. It was then he noticed something written on his keyboard. [F1: Move-through-wall] [F2: Invisibility] [F3: All Weapon, Infinite Ammo] [F4: Automated Lock] [F5: See-through Sight] [Ctrl + C: Copy Everything] When Su Yan finally got to the last line of command, he was shocked. [F: World Destruction]

Apocalypse King · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Escaping from the Apartment Building

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

[F10: Time deceleration]

[Effect: 0.25 times slower]

[Duration: 20 seconds]

[Usage: Limited to one use per day]

The time deceleration cheat could slow down the flow of time for everyone, except for Su Yan, by a quarter.

This meant that on average, you would need four minutes to run a thousand meters, but with the time deceleration bonus, you will find that only a minute has passed after you finished running.

However, no matter how awesome a cheat was, it still had its own limitations.

The distance to the suburban prison was more than a thousand meters away, but there was only one effective chance, including the corresponding restrictions and the use of other external cheats.

Su Yan had to think of a way to use it more efficiently and he only had two choices.

The first was to take down the zombies in front of him and accumulate ten zombies to level up. Then, he would continue to upgrade and improve his various attributes.

The second one was to avoid direct confrontation with the zombies and rush to the prison as fast as possible.

He decisively chose the latter.

This was because he knew that even if he was lucky enough to kill a zombie, he might not be lucky enough to kill ten zombies and level up. Doing that was simply gambling with his life and it was too time-consuming.

So what he had to do now was to run as fast as he could to the police station!

At this very moment, Su Yan saw that the man who had asked him for food earlier had turned into a terrifying zombie. Blood was flowing out of his head like a waterfall. His mouth, eyes and ears were all covered with a thick, bright red liquid.

The other zombie's bloody appearance was even more terrifying! Just by looking at it, one could imagine how many zombies had surrounded it and eaten it before it died. There was not even a piece of intact skin on its body!

Under the badly mangled skin, only ghastly white bones were exposed.

The two zombies were approaching Su Yan at a speed that was beyond that of ordinary people.

That kind of visual impact could only be experienced by people who were at the scene. 

Su Yan pressed the F10 key and in the blink of an eye, the two attacking zombies with extremely ferocious faces, eyes bulging and bloodshot and their bloody mouths wide open, started to stagger as they walked and their steps slowed down.

They still maintained their gnawing posture, one foot in front and one foot behind, their hands were wide open and the saliva from their wide open mouths was dripping down slowly.

The ticking of the clock in the room slowed down.

Seeing this, Su Yan tore off the map from the wall and rushed out of the door!

"Hint: 18 seconds left for time deceleration."

"Countdown timer: 18, 17, 16..."

This series of actions had already taken him two seconds and he immediately sped up.

He rushed to the door but was blocked by two zombies. However, he was very fast. Before the zombie could grab him and gnaw him, he kicked them to the side with all his might!

Nonetheless, Su Yan's strength wasn't as strong as a zombie's, so his kick didn't have much of an impact on it.

As soon as they fell, they suddenly screamed wildly.


They turned their heads and looked in the direction of Su Yan who had already rushed out of the door.

At this moment, Su Yan had already fled out of the door and as soon as he stepped out, he saw the corridor full of blood and debris.

There were paths on both sides of him. The stairs were on the left and the elevator was on the right.

This was time deceleration, so he could not use the elevator!

Without hesitation, he sprinted to the left. He calculated the time as he sprinted.

He took ten steps at once and advanced quickly. With one hand on the escalator, he put all his strength into his hand. With one move, he directly jumped from one floor to another. His feet landed on the ground and he repeated the action.

When he jumped to the fourth floor, the two zombies had just reached the stairs on the fifth floor. When he jumped to the third floor, the two zombies had just gone down 10 steps.


A while later, he was panting heavily due to exhaustion and his knees were almost giving way. Finally, he landed safely on the ground of the second floor with a "thud".

But this time, he didn't feel like he was standing on a flat floor. Instead, he had a weird sensation...

At that moment, all the hairs on his body stood up, his scalp went numb and he had goosebumps!

He immediately became alert!

He swallowed his saliva and looked down with wide eyes.

A hand was reflected in his pupils. It was a rotten, bloody and broken hand that had been separated from the body.

He heaved a sigh of relief!

There was an untouched Snickers bar beside him. He directly grabbed the Snickers bar and continued to rush down!

At that moment, the two zombies had just reached the fourth floor.

Then, Su Yan's feet landed on the ground again. He had finally reached the first floor!

"Hint: 17 seconds remaining for time deceleration."

It took Su Yan only three seconds to jump from the fifth floor to the first floor.

At this moment, he looked at the door that was glowing with light and his heart was filled with anxiety!

After he leaves this place, he would not be encountering just two simple zombies.

He could choose to wait for death or go out and risk his life for a chance of survival.

Su Yan didn't hesitate and took a step forward into the outside world. 

The world outside the building entered Su Yan's vision.

Su Yan's apartment building wasn't in a residential area. Instead, it was an apartment solely for singles and was located next to a crowded food street.

The width of the food street was just enough to accommodate the size of a truck.

Normally, people would crowd around the food street as soon as they went out. Then, people would ride shared bikes or electric bikes through the food street.

However, things had changed with the passage of time. The office workers on the food street, the stall owners and customers of the food stalls, and the owners of the food shops had all turned into terrifying zombies!

The originally peaceful and lively food street was now in ruins.

All kinds of shared electric vehicles and food stalls filled the entire street. Some of the cars directly hit the lamp posts, and some rushed into the shops on the side of the street!

Su Yan's appearance in the midst of the chaos attracted the attention of countless zombies.

The zombies that were feasting seemed to have sensed Su Yan's presence. They jerked their heads up and their faces were covered in sticky blood. Their mouths were so wide that they almost reached the back of their cheeks. Their teeth were filled with different human organs!

There was a small piece of unfinished intestine, and a few drops of blood were still dripping from the intestine! Some were hearts that had been bitten into pieces!

They growled as if they had spit stuck in their throats. They stared at Su Yan with their grey eyes that looked like dead fish stomachs. They stretched out their blood-stained hands and rushed toward him!