
Apocalypse Operation Apex : 5 Demons

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline Our main protagonist finds themselves thrust into a new world through reincarnation, with a determined goal of joining the military at the age of 18. However, fate had other plans in store. Just as the protagonist was ready to embark on their military journey, an unexpected apocalypse descends upon the world. For seven long years, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a ravaged and dangerous world. Unrelenting monsters dominate 60% of the planet, while 15% are under the control of rioters who thrive amidst the chaos. The remaining 25% of the world is held by the government, desperately attempting to restore order and civilization. Tragically, the protagonist meets their demise during these perilous times. But in a twist of fate, they are granted the Apocalypse Special Forces System upon their death. Armed with this newfound power, the protagonist sets out on a treacherous journey with a single-minded mission: to establish their own group and eliminate every monster that plagues the world, ultimately seizing control over the remnants of society. As the protagonist assembles their team, they face numerous challenges along the way. Battles against monsters become grueling tests of skill and strategy, forcing the group to push their limits to survive. However, they soon discover that their true adversaries are not just the creatures that roam the land, but also the complex political landscape, the ruthlessness of rioters, and the power struggles within the remnants of the government. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa,A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want.

Danger_God · Urban
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22 Chs

Hostage Rescue - Part-1, Crocket City Police Precinct

Crocket City Police Precinct

[ You have a triggered new mission! ]

[ Mission: Hostage Rescue ]

[ Task: Please Kill all the Libreated and rescue all the hostages in the Crocket City Police Precinct.]

Leon's heart skipped a beat as the system announced a new mission. It had been a while since he received one, mostly just mundane tasks. But this time, it was different. Hostage rescue. The words echoed in his mind, filling him with a mix of determination and concern.

"The Liberated strikes again, targeting innocent civilians," Leon muttered with a cold edge in his voice.

The Liberated were a gang of ruthless thugs, driven by their own survival and willing to resort to robbery and even murder. They operated in small, unorganized groups, preying on the weak in their quest for resources and power. With law enforcement in decline, they took advantage of the chaos, taking whatever they wanted from those who couldn't defend themselves.

Leon's watch beeped, drawing his attention. He activated it, revealing a holographic map of the Crocket City Police Precinct. Red and green dots marked the location of the Liberated and the hostages, respectively.

"There they are, in the garage," Leon observed, his eyes focused on the map. His watch, equipped with an electric signal tracker, displayed the presence of electrical devices on the Liberated and one of the hostages.

Grabbing his gun, Leon strode towards the precinct's entrance. As he passed through the gate, he noticed an injured husky limping into the station. His gaze shifted, and he saw several Liberated, clad in gray pants and black hoodies, armed with SMGs and pistols. They were scattered throughout the area, their levels ranging from 7 to 10.

-Liberated -

-Affiliation: Liberated -

-Level: Level 8-

-Physique: 70-

-Strength: 85-

-Speed: 90-

-Weapon: 821 SMG, RPK-47, Glock Pistol, Tear Gas Grenade-

Leon took cover behind a police car, his grip tightening around the trigger of his assault rifle. He opened fire on the first set of Liberated, unleashing a barrage of bullets.



"We are under attack!"

"Take cover! He's already taken out two of us!" the Liberated shouted, seeking refuge from Leon's onslaught.

The Liberated leader, a man adorned with tattoos and a malicious grin, barked orders to his henchmen, orchestrating their relentless assault.

Amidst the chaos of flying bullets, Leon peered out from behind the car, his aim steady as he prepared for the intense firefight about to unfold.

Gunfire erupted from both sides, filling the air with deafening sounds. The parking lot turned into a warzone, bullets ricocheting off concrete and car metal. Leon expertly switched magazines, his movements fluid and automatic. He maintained a relentless stream of suppressive fire, forcing the Liberated to seek cover.

Taking advantage of their retreat, Leon swiftly maneuvered from one vehicle to another, inching closer to his objective.

"Keep moving!"

"Hurry, he's getting closer!"

Leon heard the panicked cries of the Liberated as they fled, eventually making their way to the rooftop of the police station.

Undeterred, Leon continued to fire, eliminating Liberated with each precise shot. His actions turned the once-peaceful parking lot into a scene of chaos, littered with discarded weapons and the lifeless bodies of the fallen.

Checking his super watch, Leon saw that he had eliminated all the external threats. He still had four magazines left, having used only three during the firefight. Determined to rescue the hostages, he made his way towards the garage.

Dimly lit, the garage exuded an atmosphere of imminent danger. The smell of motor oil hung heavy in the air as shards of light pierced through the cracked windows.

A squad of armed enemies stormed the garage, blocking Leon's path.

Taking cover behind a stack of crates, Leon braced himself for the enemy's assault. Bullets whizzed through the air as the Liberated opened fire.



Leon peeked out from behind the crates, his finger tightening around the trigger. A burst of gunfire erupted from his weapon, eliminating three Liberated in quick succession.



Moving swiftly, Leon ducked behind a car, firing controlled bursts at the remaining enemies, picking them off with precise shots.

Bullets ricocheted off metal surfaces, creating a cacophony of destruction. Leon seamlessly switched magazines, his movements practiced and precise. He peered around the crates, scanning the chaotic scene for any remaining threats.



Noticing a group of enemies attempting to flank him, Leon aimed in their direction, firing with deadly accuracy, neutralizing the Liberated before they could trap Leon.

Switching magazines once again, Leon emerged from behind the crates, unleashing a hail of bullets toward the desperate enemies. The Liberated scrambled for cover, returning fire in a desperate attempt to save themselves.



Leon, seeking refuge behind a tool cabinet, narrowly avoided a bullet that ricocheted off its surface. The relentless exchange of gunfire left its mark on the cabinet, riddling it with holes.

"One of them threw a tear grenade!" a Liberated shouted, followed by the sound of a gas mask being put on.

"Puff!" Tear gas began to fill the garage, spreading rapidly.

Quickly finding refuge behind a stone barricade, Leon swiftly donned his gas mask. With determination in his eyes, he charged forward, firing rapidly and taking down several Liberated through the thick cloud of tear gas.

As the firefight reached its climax, Leon's heart pounded in his chest. Adrenaline surged through his veins, heightening his senses and sharpening his reflexes.



Gunshots echoed through the smoke, and Leon's senses became attuned to the obscured battlefield. Through the haze, he caught glimpses of the enemy, shadows lurking in the smoky abyss. He squeezed the trigger, each shot a calculated gamble.



As the smoke slowly dissipated, Leon realized he had gained the upper hand. The enemy numbers had been decimated, with only a few resilient fighters remaining. His heart raced, a mixture of adrenaline and fatigue coursing through his veins. Leon focused his attention on eliminating the last remaining Liberated.

'Only a few left, come' Leon thought.

Taking cover behind a concrete barrier, Leon weathered the hail of bullets chipping away at its surface. With controlled bursts, he systematically eliminated the remaining Libreated one by one, their bodies crumpling to the asphalt in defeat. The gunfire ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence.

Finally, the last enemy fell, collapsing lifelessly to the floor. The garage fell silent, save for the echoes of spent gunfire and Leon's heavy breathing.

The once-peaceful garage now resembled a battlefield, strewn with broken equipment, bullet casings, and the fallen bodies of the Liberated. Leon had faced danger head-on, eliminating the threats in his path.

- Eliminated Level 7 Liberated : 70 Force Points-

- Eliminated Level 8 Liberated : 80 Force Points-

- Eliminated Level 9 Liberated : 90 Force Points-

- Eliminated Level 10 Liberated : 100 Force Points-