
Apocalypse Operation Apex : 5 Demons

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline Our main protagonist finds themselves thrust into a new world through reincarnation, with a determined goal of joining the military at the age of 18. However, fate had other plans in store. Just as the protagonist was ready to embark on their military journey, an unexpected apocalypse descends upon the world. For seven long years, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a ravaged and dangerous world. Unrelenting monsters dominate 60% of the planet, while 15% are under the control of rioters who thrive amidst the chaos. The remaining 25% of the world is held by the government, desperately attempting to restore order and civilization. Tragically, the protagonist meets their demise during these perilous times. But in a twist of fate, they are granted the Apocalypse Special Forces System upon their death. Armed with this newfound power, the protagonist sets out on a treacherous journey with a single-minded mission: to establish their own group and eliminate every monster that plagues the world, ultimately seizing control over the remnants of society. As the protagonist assembles their team, they face numerous challenges along the way. Battles against monsters become grueling tests of skill and strategy, forcing the group to push their limits to survive. However, they soon discover that their true adversaries are not just the creatures that roam the land, but also the complex political landscape, the ruthlessness of rioters, and the power struggles within the remnants of the government. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa,A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want.

Danger_God · Urban
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22 Chs

Frost Bite

Leon gazed at the lifeless black cat before settling down on the ground. Retrieving a sheet of paper from his backpack, he tore it into strips and used it to secure his leg, which had been scratched by the cat's claws. Although the black cat appeared to be a mutated creature, it lacked the power to spread infection at least for now. After wrapping his leg, Leon pondered his next move. While he could complete the village clearance mission, he yearned to pursue something more meaningful, even if it meant encountering more walkers to earn experience points and reach level 10.

As his stomach emitted a growl, Leon grabbed a snack while contemplating. After a few minutes, he noticed the cuts on his cheek and leg were already beginning to heal.

"It seems the physique upgrade accelerates my healing, but it comes at the cost of my hunger," Leon muttered.

He continued eating to observe if it would further hasten his healing but to no avail. he patiently waited for his food to digest.

At 10 AM, Leon glanced at his watch and realized he was near a river, with the other half of Carlos' village lying nearby. He speculated that he might find a boat to cross over to the yellow zone.

Upon arriving at the village, Leon noticed it was shrouded in dense fog. It was his first visit to the system shop, where he encountered an assortment of guns, gear, talents, and locked sections. Ignoring the locked sections, he focused on the gear and purchased a gas mask with eye protection for 100 Force points, uncertain of what dangers lay hidden within the fog.

Equipping his shocker bat, Leon stepped into the fog.




With each step, the village exuded an ominous aura, but Leon remained resolute in his plan. It was one of the paths that would allow him to enter the yellow zone, although the alternative routes would be more time-consuming.

As he ventured deeper into the fog, Leon felt an increasing chill seeping into his skin. The coldness grew more intense the further he ventured, but fortunately, the mask shielded his vision from being affected.




Tap! Tap! Tap!

'Why are there no walkers, and why is it so cold?' Leon wondered, surveying every dilapidated wooden house as he cautiously proceeded.

Suddenly, a shiver ran down Leon's spine.

'Why does it feel like something is watching me?' he pondered.

Despite the eerie sensation, Leon pressed on, his gaze fixed on the direction indicated by his watch. The fog thickened and grew colder, obscuring his vision to just ten meters ahead.



The air filled with the sound of something swiftly flying towards Leon from within the fog. Reacting swiftly, he managed to dodge the projectile.



He turned to inspect what had come hurtling towards him, discovering it to be a shiny, ice-cold object that was gradually melting away.




Soon after, the sound of footsteps reached his ears as walkers approached.

Leon swung his shocker bat, relentlessly smashing any walker that ventured too close. As he fought them off, he kept a careful eye out for an escape route.

Once he dispatched the last walker, the onslaught ceased, giving Leon a chance to expedite his departure from the village.

Five minutes later, as he walked, the ice crystals whizzed by again.



Leon swiftly evaded them.



However, he soon heard the sound of walkers approaching once more.




"Do they come in waves?" Leon wondered. If that was the case, he needed to move quickly to avoid depleting his energy on the walkers.




While making his way forward, Leon continued to eliminate the walkers that impeded his progress.


Leon heard a noise behind him and dodged just in time. When he turned around, he found himself facing a creature with bluish skin, covered in icy crystals. Its eyes and hands were fashioned from long ice shards.

"Is that Another evolved creature!" Leon realized.

The creature before him was a Half Evolved Frost Bite, exhibiting the following attributes:

-Frost Bite- -Half evolved-

-Level: 9-

-Strength: 86-

-Agility: 82-

- Defense: 78

-Skills: Ice Shard, Cold Fog, Half Zombie Control-

-Ice Shard: Piercing and Slashing Power: Ice Shard can generate and project sharp, crystalline projectiles made entirely of ice. These ice shards can vary in size, ranging from small, needle-like projectiles to larger, jagged fragments, Ice shards possess exceptional cutting power and piercing capabilities, They can slice through various materials, including flesh, armor, and solid objects, inflicting significant damage upon impact killed-

-Cold Fog: Cold Fog can summon and create a thick mist infused with intense cold energy. The mist appears as a dense, chilling fog that blankets the area, reducing visibility and creating an eerie atmosphere.-

-Semi-Zombie Control: Those with Semi-Zombie Control can issue simple commands or instructions to the controlled zombies. These commands may include actions such as stopping, moving in a specific direction, attacking specific targets, or defending a particular area, The level of control and complexity of commands depend on the individual's skill level and the receptiveness of the zombies.-

Leon locked eyes with the Frost Bite, noticing that it did not emit the same shriek as the crawler did upon encountering him. Instead, it seemed to possess control over the surrounding zombies.

The Frost Bite swung its icy hand at Leon, who deftly dodged the attack. Yet, the creature struck again with surprising speed, forcing Leon to evade once more. Noticing the immobile zombies around him, Leon deduced that the Frost Bite had gained control over them.

Leon swiftly lunged forward, striking the creature with his shocker bat. The Frost Bite instinctively raised its arm to block the blow and retaliated with its other hand. Leon reacted quickly, applying additional force to overpower Frost Bite's arm.


The Frost Bite's arm cracked as Leon's shocker bat connected with it.

Retracting its arm, the Frost Bite vanished into the fog, and the walkers resumed their attack.


Leon swung his shocker bat, dispatching any walker that ventured too close. However, their numbers seemed to be increasing with each passing moment. Leon found himself locked in a continuous battle, using up half of his energy.

Unable to gauge the walker count due to the fog limiting his visibility, Leon fought and retreated instinctively. He aimed his shocker bat at any target within sight, striking wherever he could as the fog grew denser.

After half an hour, Leon realized he had forgotten to check his watch for directions. He promptly turned back in the correct path, even though the number of walkers had significantly dwindled due to the diminishing fog. Nonetheless, Leon struggled to catch his breath.




Finally, Leon dispatched the last zombie, but he heard the sound of ice shards once again.



Leon managed to dodge one shard, but the other struck his left shoulder.


The chilling sensation of the shard entered his body, slowing him down.

Leon spotted the Frost Bite emerging from the fog once more.

"What should I do to end this quickly?" Leon pondered. Suddenly, he remembered he had saved his M9 pistol for critical moments.

"I suppose this is one of those times."

Leon retrieved his M9, aimed it at the Frost Bite, and noticed the creature aiming its icy hand at him.


Leon fired a shot, narrowly dodging the Frost Bite's retaliatory ice shard.

Leon glanced back at the Frost Bite. The bullet had struck its head, leaving spiderweb-like cracks. Acting swiftly, he fired another shot before the Frost Bite could launch another attack.



The second bullet found its mark, causing the Frost Bite's head to shatter and crumble.





Within seconds, the Frost Bite disintegrated and melted into the ground. The fog began to dissipate, restoring Leon's clear vision. He removed his gas mask, and the ice melted away from his hand, leaving behind a bleeding wound.

Overwhelmed by exhaustion, Leon leaned on his shocker bat for support. After catching his breath, he surveyed his surroundings.

"Where are the dead bodies?" Leon exclaimed in confusion. He scanned the area but only found wet blood that hadn't yet dried. The corpses had vanished.

For now, Leon decided to set aside his confusion and focus on tending to his shoulder wound and escaping from the island.

He headed toward the village pier and spotted a wooden boat with its paddle still intact. Opting for a brief respite, he bandaged his wound and ate a meal he purchased from the system store a pack of biscuits, chocolate, sweets, and water. Leon satisfied his hunger, allowing the healing process to commence.