
APOCALYPSE ONLINE: I Became Over Powered Thanks To My Clones

Alice received an invitation from her friend Vanessa to join a new open-world VRMMO. Despite Alice's inclination to laziness, Vanessa's insistence compelled her to participate. "Hey, there's a skill that lets me create clones of myself," Alice mused, her interest piqued. "I absolutely need to get my hands on this skill." With a mischievous laugh, she contemplated the possibilities of having free helpers through her clones. *[Ding! Your Clone has practiced [Sword Arts] while you were offline. You've gained 1,231 experience points in your [Sword Arts] skill.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has been busy chopping down 2,567 trees and gathering 4,152 pieces of wood during your offline time. Your [Wood Chopping] skill has gained 5,321 experience points.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has successfully defeated 100 level 1 Slimes, granting you 100 EXP.]* While other players grappled with the challenges of surviving in the game's apocalyptic setting, Alice's clones industriously farmed resources in the nearby vicinity. "Hmm... What an intriguing game!" she thought, recognizing the unique advantage her clones provided. ==========================

D_Rich_13 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
132 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 4: A Slide

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal every week is:

- 25 Power Stones

- 50 Power Stones]

[Additional Notes: I'm sorry for not posting a chapter yester since I have a lot of school projects to do.]

Volume 2 Chapter 4: A Slide

Feeling this, Carmilla thought that Eve and Pepper had activated some kind of mechanism. However, instead of standing up and starting to walk down, she decided to remain seated, considering that Eve and Pepper might have already reached the bottom of the staircase.

But Carmilla remained sitting, planning to wait for either Eve or Pepper to come back and tell her what they had found, and whether it was worthwhile to descend down the staircase.

If it's worthwhile to go down, she will descend, but if not, she will simply let Eve and Pepper handle everything. She planned to return upstairs, relax, and let her clones do all the work.


That's was her plan, but not everything will always go according to the plan.

Since the first time she heard some weak, shifting sounds out of nowhere, and it only began to grow louder.

Carmilla opens both of her eyes and starts to look around, but not seeing anything amiss, she just shrugs it off and continues resting. She start to close both of her eyes.

But the sound doesn't seem to want to let Carmilla rest, as it only grows louder and louder with each passing second. Nevertheless, Carmilla chooses to ignore it and waits for the sound to die down.

Since it was making it rather hard for her to rest with the shifting sound that was getting louder.

That's when Carmilla suddenly lost her balance, which should be impossible since she is properly sitting down.

Upon losing her balance Carmilla also start to feel that she was sliding downwards so she hurriedly open both of her eyes to check what is happening to her.

Carmilla saw that she was indeed sliding down, and instead of the flat steps of the staircase, she saw that the steps were now at a 45° degree angle.

The longer she slides down, the more momentum she accumulates, and the faster she slides down.

So now she felt like she was riding a roller coaster that was rapidly descending.

Unlike the thrilling shouts of people when they are riding a roller coaster full of fun.

Carmilla's shout is like that of a person who is regretting riding on a roller coaster.

Carmilla: "WAaah…"

No one can really blame her for shouting, since she was suddenly put on this slide without being informed, so she was caught off guard.

So Carmilla just continues to slide down without any choice while also screaming, which produces some echoes around her.

Even though Carmilla abruptly started to slide down, the light orb easily maintained its close proximity with Carmilla.

Back to Eve and Pepper, after looking around for a while and not seeing any further changes around them except for the steps of the staircase that are at a 45° degree angle and obviously the lever that Pepper pulled down.

Eve didn't just look around but was also holding Pepper in place so that Pepper didn't pull another lever around the room, if there was any, and activate some kind of other mechanism around the room.

So the scene looked a bit comical, as Eve was holding the back of Pepper's clothes very tightly, like a kid.

She also started to admonish Pepper for her recklessness.

Eve: "Pepper, what you did is very dangerous. Luckily, you just activated a mechanism that changed the angle of the steps of the staircase. What if you accidentally activated some mechanism that might kill us?"

Pepper, hearing Eve admonish her and talk so much, didn't have the time to tell Eve that something was wrong with the lever she pulled down, since Pepper was still too shocked to hear Eve talking too much right now.

A few seconds later, when Pepper removed the thought on why Eve suddenly talked a lot at the same time, she was about to tell her about the sudden allure that started to attract her to pull down the lever.

Like how a butterfly is drawn towards a flower, they suddenly heard the sound of echoes of screams coming out of the opening.

Pepper tried to take a closer look at the lever, but she couldn't, since Eve was still holding her very tightly.

But they began to hear the sound of the screaming echoes, and it was getting louder when Pepper suggested.

Pepper: "Hey, Eve. I think we should not be standing directly across from the opening."

Hearing Pepper's suggestion, Eve thought that Pepper was right, especially since there was a sound of screaming coming out of the opening.

So, Eve started to walk towards the side while still holding Pepper like a kid.

The screams coming from the opening were growing louder and clearer.

So Pepper just let Eve pull her to the side when she found the voice of the screaming sounds very familiar to her. Pepper voiced her doubts to Eve.

Pepper: "Eve, don't you find the sound of the screaming voice sounds very familiar, or is it just me?"

Hearing what Pepper said, Eve also found it to be very familiar.

Eve: "Yes, you're correct. It does sound very familiar."

After saying that, it suddenly clicked for Eve why they found the sounds of the screams very familiar.

Because hers and Pepper's voice also sounded the same, and when she looked at Pepper, she saw Pepper with an 'I knew it' look. But she still voiced it aloud, just in case they were not thinking the same thing.

Eve: "It must be the master's voice."

As the echoes sounded less loud and the screams themselves grew louder and much clearer this time.

Eve and Pepper couldn't help but look at the opening at the same time. Upon looking, they thought that the staircase steps closely resembled a smooth slide.

That's when the two of them realized it was very bad for the two of them to be standing right in front of the same opening with the sound of their master screaming along with it.

Luckily, Pepper suggested that they needed to move away from the front opening and had already left, and they are no longer standing in front of it.

This time, Pepper's abrupt suggestion didn't cause any mess; instead, it prevented one from happening.

After a few seconds, Carmilla suddenly emerged out from the opening along with the glowing orb at such speed that if she collided with either Eve or Pepper, or both, it would cause a lot of damage to them.

Carmilla's momentum was enough to slide her several meters away from the opening before she came to a stop, about a quarter of the way across the room.

But the light orb continued to roll until it reached the other side of the room. It seems to have stopped following Carmilla after she reached the bottom.