
APOCALYPSE ONLINE: I Became Over Powered Thanks To My Clones

Alice received an invitation from her friend Vanessa to join a new open-world VRMMO. Despite Alice's inclination to laziness, Vanessa's insistence compelled her to participate. "Hey, there's a skill that lets me create clones of myself," Alice mused, her interest piqued. "I absolutely need to get my hands on this skill." With a mischievous laugh, she contemplated the possibilities of having free helpers through her clones. *[Ding! Your Clone has practiced [Sword Arts] while you were offline. You've gained 1,231 experience points in your [Sword Arts] skill.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has been busy chopping down 2,567 trees and gathering 4,152 pieces of wood during your offline time. Your [Wood Chopping] skill has gained 5,321 experience points.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has successfully defeated 100 level 1 Slimes, granting you 100 EXP.]* While other players grappled with the challenges of surviving in the game's apocalyptic setting, Alice's clones industriously farmed resources in the nearby vicinity. "Hmm... What an intriguing game!" she thought, recognizing the unique advantage her clones provided. ==========================

D_Rich_13 · Sci-fi
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132 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 63: The Reason Behind Carmilla’s Reaction

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal is

25 Power Stones

50 Power Stones

Every Week]

Volume 1 Chapter 63: The Reason Behind Carmilla's Reaction

Pepper: "Phew, you scared me there for a moment, Eve. It seems that master might only be slightly annoyed with me for now, and she's not angry at me. If she were angry, she might have already taken more drastic actions. Since I'm still fine, master is probably not really angry."

As Pepper spoke, her tone began confidently, yet it gradually wavered into uncertainty. The memory of Carmilla's unpredictable mood swings weighed heavily on her mind. While she began discussing the matter with assurance, the more she delved into her explanation, the more her confidence gave way to a sense of doubt. Carmilla's past behavior had been a mix of playful and serious moments, often transitioning without warning. Pepper found herself second-guessing the current situation, unsure if Carmilla's seriousness was genuine or simply part of her unpredictable demeanor.

But dwelling on these thoughts felt futile, as predicting someone's mood was inherently challenging.


After thoroughly considering it, Pepper started to shift the topic back to the initial conversation.

Pepper asked.

Pepper: "So why is Master annoyed at me? I can't really think of anything that I did that would make her annoyed with me."

Eve responded.

Eve: "That's what I was about to talk about when you cut me off. But before that, I'm sorry for causing a misunderstanding."

Eve's voice was still as monotone as usual, but upon hearing her apology, Pepper accepted it. She also apologized for cutting off Eve while she was in the middle of talking.

Pepper said.

Pepper: "That's fine, it's just a simple misunderstanding. I'm also sorry for suddenly stopping you while you were in the middle of talking."

Eve replied.

Eve: "It's fine. I'm the one that caused the misunderstanding. So, Master is annoyed at you because trying to surprise her was so redundant."

Upon hearing that her surprise was considered redundant, Pepper became confused.

Pepper asked.

Pepper: "Why is that?"

Eve explained.

Eve: "That's because Master already knows your presence through our connection."

Upon hearing that, everything started to connect in Pepper's mind. It was like the last puzzle piece being put in place. She began to understand why Carmilla and Eve weren't surprised when she suddenly appeared, and why Carmilla asked if she was a fool or acting like one.

However, Pepper still wanted to confirm if her thoughts were correct.

Pepper asked.

Pepper: "So are you saying that Master knew where I was the whole time?"

Eve responded.

Eve: "Pretty much, yes."

Pepper asked.

Pepper: "Do you also know where I am?"

Eve replied.

Eve: "Yes."

Upon hearing Eve's response, Pepper realized that she had been a fool for trying to surprise Carmilla. Both Carmilla and Eve already knew that she had stopped just across the opening, so her arrival was expected by both of them.

Upon considering everything, Pepper could only respond by saying.

Pepper: "I see."

At that moment, Carmilla suddenly spoke up.

Carmilla: "Now you understand why I asked that."

Hearing that, Pepper could only reply.

Pepper: "Yes, I know."

Noticing that Pepper wasn't in her usual happy-go-lucky mood, Carmilla tried to cheer her up.

Carmilla said.

Carmilla: "Hey Pepper, don't be so down. Cheer up, because I'm not angry at you at all. So, don't worry so much."

Carmilla's words seemed to have both a positive and negative impact on Pepper.

The effect of Carmilla's words was positive, as Pepper was already feeling better upon hearing that Carmilla wasn't angry with her. However, there was also a negative aspect, given that Pepper remembered Carmilla's tendency to have minor sudden mood swings.

Observing that Pepper was starting to feel better, Carmilla continued to speak.

Carmilla: "And you still need to guide us when entering the opening. Since you came out alive and healthy, I assume the opening was somewhat safe."

Pepper felt a slight sense of happiness upon hearing that Carmilla and Eve needed her to guide them into the opening. When Carmilla mentioned entering the opening, Pepper asked if they were going to enter now.

Pepper asked, "Master, are you done checking what's covering the opening?"

Carmilla replied.

Carmilla: "Yes, I've finished checking. Since I can't understand why this darkness is limiting our vision, let's finish exploring this entrance. Lead the way, Pepper."

Eve, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, realized that they were going to enter the opening soon. In preparation, Eve began to use blood magic to create a pair of short swords.

Upon hearing Carmilla's words, Pepper started to walk towards the entrance of the opening. However, before entering, she turned back to check if Carmilla and Eve were following. As she looked back, Pepper noticed that not only was Eve following, but she was also holding two blood short swords in each hand.

Upon seeing Eve's preparedness, Pepper chuckled to herself briefly, noting how she seemed to be over-prepared. Pepper was about to remind Eve that there was no enemy on the other side, but then decided to hold back.

Being cautious was essential, even though Pepper knew what was across the opening. The situation might not always be the same, and there could be instances where none of them knows what lies ahead or what they are exploring.

Pepper said.

Pepper: "Okay, I'm going to enter the opening now. Make sure to follow me, kay?"

After saying that, Pepper stepped inside the opening. To her surprise, upon entering, her vision wasn't blocked by the darkness. Instead, she could see remarkably well within the range of her [Night vision Lv: 3] skill.


Unlike her initial experience of entering the opening where her vision was blocked by darkness, Pepper had expected to walk in the dark again. However, this time, the darkness didn't affect her vision. She considered this a fortunate turn of events and saw no reason to complain. It was at this point that Carmilla and Eve also entered the opening.

Carmilla exclaimed.

Carmilla: "Whoa! It's so dark here."

Upon entering and seeing nothing but darkness around her, unable to see Eve or Pepper, she started to shout.

Carmilla shouted.


Eve, who was just behind Carmilla, replied first.

Eve responded

Eve: "I am here, Master."

Pepper added.

Pepper: "I'm also here, Master. And there's no need to shout, we can hear just fine."