
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 051: The Nine-Tailed Fox Belongs to Us!

"You're not leaving?" 

Li Yuan and the Bee Queen exchanged a glance. "Leave? Why should we leave? This place is ours now."

Li Yuan stretched his muscles and gestured behind him. "Look at them, the elite of the Nine-Tailed Fox are all here. This place is filled with my people now. Why would I leave?"

The Bee Queen chuckled. "And those people kindly informed me that this place was originally a nuclear bomb-grade bunker. I can nest here, with built-in defense mechanisms, and all facilities are ready-made. All I need to do is control a few more researchers, and I can take over the Nine-Tailed Fox directly!"

But this is the Nine-Tailed Fox's ancestral home...

You guys, taking over like this, really don't take us seriously, huh?

Wang Haonan blinked. "Alright, suit yourselves. I'm leaving."

Seeing this, Crow looked at Wang Haonan, then at Li Yuan and the Bee Queen.

"Now that the Great One has completely withdrawn from the stage, I have nowhere else to go. I'll stay here."

"Fine, but..." Li Yuan and the Bee Queen glanced at each other. "I hate fish."

"I hate bugs too."

Seeing this, Crow grabbed the Rabbit Talisman and appeared in front of the two, pushing them apart. "Enough of you two!"

Then, Crow pointed directly at Li Yuan. "You, a fish, living underground? You're a Deep Diver, for goodness' sake! What are you doing on land?"

Li Yuan pondered for a moment and nodded. "You have a point. Let this place be yours, 004, but don't let anyone poke holes in your beehive again."

"The Bee Queen chuckled, 'Goodbye and good riddance.'"

Outside the base, Wang Haonan emerged to find bodies strewn across the ground. Several figures stood atop the pile of corpses, their smiles eerie.

"Another one's here."

"Who attacked?"

Wang Haonan looked up at the moon in the sky. Bathed in moonlight, his figure instantly refracted into the mirror and then jumped through the reflection, directly appearing in front of one of the individuals!


He grabbed one person by the neck. As another person approached, Wang Haonan raised the Monkey Talisman. "Ants."


The person turned into an ant and fell to the ground. Another person, seeing this, immediately halted. "Damn, I almost stepped on you!"

Witnessing this, a man emanating purple light appeared before Wang Haonan.

"My apologies, he's not one of the Nine-Tails' men. You're 003, right?"

Wang Haonan looked at the man. "Who are you guys?"

"We are Chaos Splitters."

"What are you here for?" Wang Haonan asked, glancing sideways.

"To kill the Nine-Tails, create chaos, and save the world."

"And maybe see if we can save our boss."

"Do you take orders from 009?"

Wang Haonan narrowed his eyes.

The group shrugged. "Occasionally, but in our hearts, there's a greater being."

"The legendary one, though we've never seen him. We know of such an existence."

Wang Haonan glanced back and forth, tossing the person he held aside. "What if I told you your boss is dead?"

The Chaos Splitters exchanged glances.

"If he's dead, he's dead."

"Yeah, who listens to him anyway?"

"Just recently, we received a revelation!"

"That legendary figure descended upon us like a god. It's better that 009 is dead. This way, we only have one master."

Wang Haonan extended his hand. "As long as you serve that great figure, we are friends."

The man emitting purple light shook hands with Wang Haonan. "For us, anyone who kills the Nine-Tails is a friend of ours."

"By the way, besides that, we also have a job, which is to retrieve the creations split by 009."

Wang Haonan looked back. "There are about a dozen here, and some are in other experimental bases."

The man with purple light bowed. "Thank you for letting us know."

With that, as the man was about to enter the elevator, Li Yuan suddenly emerged with a large army of fish people from the elevator.

Li Yuan glanced at the man emitting purple light. "Make way."

The purple-lighted man hesitated for a moment, then instinctively moved aside, making way.

Thus, it took several waves of going up and down in the elevator before Li Yuan's fish army was finally all sent to the surface.

The man with purple light watched the heavily armed fish army marching away. Their imposing figure was truly awe-inspiring.

"This is the predecessor, right? This number can rival three divisions, right?"

Terrifying, truly terrifying.

Although they had heard from the 009 Splitters that there were other monsters, they had never seen them.

Clearly, these elder-level monsters had each established their own forces.

But now, they had to unite twelve monsters to form one force. Of course, the main reason was that most of their potions were still unfinished.

They all had obvious flaws.

But the good news was, they had caught the attention of that great figure.

As long as they could demonstrate great potential and help in the experiments, that great figure would show them some mercy.

And their so-called mercy meant evolution.

The next day, the weather cleared.

Chen Ye's vision quickly swept across the sky, soon finding Chu Yang, who had reincarnated.

At this moment, Chu Yang was holding a gold ingot in his hand.

Soon, the gold ingot melted, and a blood-red triangular pattern appeared in Chu Yang's palm.

What's this?

Chen Ye approached to take a look, and suddenly, a blood-colored pattern appeared on his palm too.


"[Murder Game] invites you to join."

"The organizer of this game is Chen... [Censored]"

"You... you're actually... I'm sorry for... for... for being so rude!"

"Are you... are you going to join this game?"

Chen Ye looked at the subtitles floating in front of him and suddenly laughed. "Interesting. Tell me, what kind of game is this, and how did you recognize me?"

"I-I am 079: Game System."

"I'm pleased to meet you again in the past, Lord Osiris!"

"In the past?"

Chen Ye turned to look at the future diary on the table behind him. "I used the future diary's features to create a creation that can travel through time, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's correct. You're truly remarkable to figure it out so quickly!"

"Talk about the future... never mind, I don't want to hear it."

"Just tell me my purpose. What was my purpose in creating you, and why did I send you back in time?"

"You, you said you wanted to have some fun."

"Am I the kind of person who enjoys fun?"

"Yes... yes."

"But not now, in the future."

Chen Ye laughed. "It's possible. Tell me about the game. How do you play?"

"All you have to do is hold 200 grams of gold in your hand to join the game. This is your ticket, of course, you don't have to pay. You're free!"

079 knew that Chen Ye hated it when people mentioned money to him.

Chen Ye chuckled. "So, Chu Yang gained his abilities from this game?"

"Yes, he's one of the many seeds you've favored, with... with the potential to become your creation!"


Author's Note:

Don't guess who will win between the antagonist and the protagonist. Who's the antagonist?

Even if Tyson comes today, Chen Ye will still be the protagonist. Chu Yang?

Just a plaything!