
Apocalypse Of Beasts

In this novel, humans have been killed almost entirely by the existence of beasts, which are animals that have evolved to the point of resembling demons incarnate in animals. So the food chain has been completely reversed, therefore, mankind has had to hide in a couple of islands in the middle of the ocean in order to stay alive, but this form of survival will not last forever. Get into the story of this dystopian world if you want to read a different survival novel with a darker approach, where the development of the story will be slow but satisfying to read.

BenjiroChiba · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Infiltration On The Island

The following day




I think I should get up to go to the meeting with the others.

First I will take a shower and then I will leave.

I must try to be as quiet as possible so that Roxanne and Sophie don't hear me.

I'm still sleepy, I'll take a cold shower so I can stay awake.


I get into the shower and turn on the faucet, the moment the cold water touches my face, I can notice that I feel a little more active and not so eager to sleep.

Being in the shower, it is impossible for me not to think about the talk we had last night with Roxanne.

The truth is that I can't allow Roxanne to join the army, it would be one of my worst nightmares.

That place is not a place to become stronger and defeat beasts like Roxanne thinks, that place is the real hell on earth and I don't want Roxanne to go through that.

"I can't allow it..."

I find it impossible not to mutter in the shower.

"I must see to it that I keep them safe, even if it means risking my life..."

I can't let anything happen to them.

As their mother I will protect them.

I will take it upon myself to form a peaceful world where they don't have to be pressured to fight for their lives as they are now.



After I finish showering, I finally start to get dressed.

The suit I wear is leather, red and tight-fitting. More than anything to allow me mobility in the missions, the suit also has a small golden armored armor around the body, with the purpose of minimizing the damage I can get, the armor protects primarily the vital areas of the body as the chest. I also have some golden leather boots that are also covered with armor for the purpose of not taking damage to my legs, and finally I have some magical red leather gloves, which were designed by my husband who unfortunately died.

The purpose of the gloves is to make the use of magic more effective and faster. So that there are no delays when channeling a magical attack.

Timing is very important in a fight....

I am not very hungry. So I will skip breakfast and leave quickly, I hope I don't wake up the girls.


I leave the house as quietly as possible and then get into the wagon I have. Which is always at the side of the house.

Because there are no animals in the place, the only way to get around is by magic.

I extend my hands towards the 4 wheels of the cart and then I use my thread magic to make it start moving towards my destination.

It is quite effective as well. Since, I can control the speed.

I must hurry to get to the meeting at the castle.


Living on the centrally located island, I have some proximity to get to the castle. Having to travel only a few minutes.

For longer trips. That is, destined for other islands, I would have to cross the bridges that connect each one. It can be a very long process, depending on how many people are crossing the bridge at the time.

That's why. It is quite good that you are living within the same island.

Despite all the dangerous situation outside and the imminent threat posed by the beasts, this place still remains very beautiful.

With countless plants and beautiful landscapes in the streets.

But, one should not only be carried away by the striking scenery, people are suffering day and night, some are dying from diseases and others are dying from hunger.

The poor nutrition of the citizens is a major key factor in the problem. It is impossible to avoid bad food when some resources are scarce.

Being of the upper class with my daughters and being part of the army of apostles, I have some privileges with food, but people who are not dedicated to sacrificing their lives every day, do not have the same opportunities.

If I am a little more detailed and look through the windows of some houses, you can even see people in a sick and very weak state. All this, in spite of the fact that they are classified as high class people.

If only the catastrophe with the beasts hadn't happened...

Everything would be much better...

Meat is practically non-existent in this part of the world, the few fish that can be found are considered gold.

The only thing people can buy are fruits or vegetables and their prices are also getting too high.

"I must... try to give people a future, not only my family. If not, to everyone..."

In the short distance I can already visualize the castle. Which has yellow stairs. Which go up a small mountain to reach it.

I must say that the most striking thing on this side of the world is the castle because its great height and color can be seen from many parts. Even outside this desolate corner.

Arriving at the stairs, I was greeted by some guards, this is customary because they usually take control of the wagon to leave it in a place behind the castle with the other wagons, mostly to prevent theft. Because lately they have increased too much.

As I said before, the situation is very critical in the place.

I get off the wagon to greet the guards.

"Hello, good morning."

I greet them as is also customary.

"Good morning, Miss Elizabeth."

Both guards answer me.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of the wagon from now on."

"Come in. Come in, they must be waiting for you."

One of the soldiers approaches the cart and enters it.

Then he starts to drive it with the pedal mechanism it has.

It is curious, because normally this is how people who possess magic or are able to use it are usually recognized, although there is also the possibility that their magic is not useful to be able to drive the cart.

There is also the factor of their costumes, the costume of these soldiers is totally heavy and metal, covering their entire body. Including their heads.

I can't understand how they can withstand the heat today.

Just looking at the sky makes me want to take a cold shower.

In fact, it's amazing...

It's so sunny for so early in the morning.

This is too unusual.

Is it some kind of good luck meaning?



Before I know it, it's General Dwight who comes running down the stairs in a hurry. Moreover, he comes with a couple of soldiers.

The general has a very impressive figure, a white man, green eyes, black hair a little long to eye level, plus an always serious and confident face, and a well-shaped body, with some muscles. In addition, he lets it be seen that he is very tall, close to 180 cm.

Next to General Dwight come the 2 generals, James and Charles.

James is a very thin and white man, with brown and curly hair, and wears glasses. His height is close to 170cm, he has black eyes and always has a total bitter expression on his face, besides always having a lot of dark circles under his eyes as if he did not sleep at all, the small dark circles that I have, do not compare to the size of James' dark circles.

Charles is a dark man with hazel eyes, short black hair, 190cm tall and has a very thick build, as if it were only muscles on his body, but his appearance is quite deceiving, as he is a very cheerful person and always with a smile. In fact, he always has a smile from ear to ear and behaves like a child.


Dwight shouts again until he stops in front of me along with the 2 generals accompanying him.

"What's wrong?"

Confused, I ask him.

"It's a mission of a very urgent nature."

"Are you accompanying us or not?

"Your help will be very useful."

Dwight is somewhat agitated and takes certain pauses to speak, on the other hand, the other 2 generals, James and charles look a bit anxious to be on their way.

"Do you really think this woman will do us any good? Because I just think she'll be a hindrance."

It's James, a little bitter. The one who asks that question to General Dwight.

The truth is a bit attacking that comment, but being aware of James' personality, it's something normal I think....

"Don't be disrespectful, James."

Dwight, replies to him. A little angry and with a superior look on his face.

"Oh, come on. I'm just telling the truth, after all it's a virtue only."

This is what I was referring to when I was talking to Roxanne last night, regardless of what accomplishments you have, always, absolutely always, people with higher rank will look down on you.

And I can't answer anything to defend myself. For, he is superior to me in a matter of military rank.

"James, you know that the woman standing in front of you is possibly the person who has contributed the most to the advances our civilization has made, don't you?"

"So what?"

"This mission is too important to burden someone of her rank."

James, stares at me without taking his eyes off me, as he replies to Dwight.

"This woman is a big help. Believe it or not."

Dwight replies to James.

James just looks away.

"Come on, Elizabeth, if you want to come, follow us. I'll tell you the details on the way."

Dwight and the others keep running, so I decide to follow them.

As the 4 of them are running, I decide to ask them.

"So what's going on?".

I ask, between breaths as we are running.

Dwight looks at me for a moment and then turns his gaze back to the road.

"The Queen was notified of a robbery."

Dwight tells me that.

"But, a lot of robberies happen these days, what's so special about this one?".

I reply.

"You do know that no one is allowed on island number 12, right?"

Island number 12, it had been a long time since anyone named that island.

"That's right, no one is allowed on that island."

I reply to Dwight as I begin to get an idea of what he is about to say.

"Well, around dawn today they saw a person enter that island."

Dwight mentions that to me with complete seriousness.

Now I understand the urgency of the mission, island number 12 is the only one of the islands around us that cannot be inhabited and is totally forbidden to enter.

That is where many of the weapons we possess are kept, in addition to other weapons we have in case the situation with the beasts gets out of control.

But who would dare to enter island number 12 knowing the rules?

You have to be insane to do something like that.

"And who was the person who went in?"

I ask Dwight again.

Dwight just looks at me and says.

"And we're getting close, that's where we'll find out."

That's right, we are already approaching the area.

We just have to cross the bridge around this corner.

"But, Dwight, why didn't you deploy an army right away when you heard about it?"

Dwight just looks at me, with a somewhat frightened face.

"That's what I did, and I only found out about 15 minutes before you arrived at the castle."

"But... I lost contact with them the instant I sent a troop with some of my best soldiers to the area."

Dwight, he told me that.

The truth is that the island number 12 is the one that is also the most out of sight of the castle, because of the trees and weeds that cover it from the height, in addition. Because of its remoteness from the other islands, it is very difficult for the inhabitants to see what is happening.

Island number 12 is practically the place from which we can get the least information in case of an attack.

"You sent some messenger, didn't you Dwight?"

Dwight looks at me.

"I sent a wind wizard who would be in charge of sending a letter directly to the castle describing what was happening, that messenger is one of the fastest there is, he never usually takes more than 1 second than agreed, but this time he did."

"The situation we are facing is quite possibly, one of the most dangerous. Since we have no information at all."

Dwight saying that made my hair stand on end.

For 3 generals to be on the same mission, it already makes you realize that the situation is dangerous.

We turned the corner to get to the bridge that connects to the island.



What we are seeing...

It is totally terrifying.

The island is completely covered with what seems to be lizards, with a morphology similar to that of humans, but larger, at least 2 meters each one must measure.

Their skin looks completely scaly and dry green, the build of all of them looks very strong, plus they have white claws sharper than any knife, they have red eyes like real hell, they have at least 2 rows of teeth in their mouths, and each of the teeth is giant, even some lizards can't even close their mouths, making them drool as if they were hungry.

It's impossible that this is happening...


I must be dreaming...

The 4 of us are totally astonished and frightened, none of us can move a muscle.

Besides, the area is completely covered with blood and the remains of soldiers who were totally annihilated and devoured by the beasts.

The trees and old houses that can be seen on the island are covered with red pools of blood.

On the other hand, they are also covered with parts of the soldiers' bodies.

The bridge we have to cross looks like a river of blood with corpses of soldiers.

Some are even still moving in agony.

"Se-Sir Dwight."

A very faint voice is heard from the side of the bridge.

It is a person crawling.

Apparently he is coming out of the water.

He is completely full of blood, and is missing an arm and both legs.

It looks like he is making a lot of effort to crawl.

"I-it's you..."

Dwight saw him and recognized him right away.

In his outstretched hand towards us, he carries a letter.

Which I suppose was intended for Dwight.

He must be the messenger Dwight ordered.

"You know I never miss a delivery... sir..."

In a totally tired and exhausted voice, the messenger replied to Dwight.

"No, wait, don't exert yourself too much."

Dwight, holding himself together so as not to cry. He tells him that.

"Here, sir, I must accomplish my mission."

The man, stretching out as far as he can his arm. He shows the letter to Dwight.

It is totally devastating to watch this scene.

Dwight doesn't react, he is totally paralyzed.

It is normal, after all he knows him, I can't even imagine what is going through his head right now.


Then, an extremely long tongue that came out of the water, hooked onto the man's body. So he was suddenly dragged back into the water, dropping the letter that was meant for Dwight on the ground.

After 1 second, that part of the sea turned completely red with blood.

The man died...

And he left quietly, without making a sound. As a true soldier would do. Moreover, he continued his mission to the end.

After that scene. One of those lizards jumped out of the water to stand in front of us.


How is it possible that these damn monsters could enter the island?