
Apocalypse Land: Rebirth

Synopsis: In a trading and touring company an office worker suddenly startled with panic in his eyes and sweat beads on his forehead. But he calmed down immediately by his nature that he cultivated for a long time. He made an excuse and left the office that day to return back to his apartment. “So I have died after 16 years of surviving in the apocalypse because of that bitch Nisha and bastard Roy. That bitch Nisha even took my space pendent as if she already knows about it in advance. Also all the opportunities that I got were taken by them. My love is wasted on her. I still got a year of time before the disasters started with scorching hear, floods, rains, volcanic bursts, tsunami, acid rains, plant and animal mutation, zombies….. This did not end as the earth moved to apocalypse land which is its origin. For all this I require food, water, weapons, supplies, and many things…. Since I have returned again I will take care of those bastards hehe. The pendent seems to be damaged it needs repairing….”

souryourer · Urban
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261 Chs

Chapter 239: soft shape shifting armor

Chapter 239: soft shape shifting armor 

They are connected to the carious functions of the armor.

Also there are functions like anti corrosion, strengthening, speed improvement….. 

They are built in inside the armor.

The only bad thing about this armor is the amount of magic energy it can store is relatively less.

Its functional capabilities would be consumed relatively faster if they are used simultaneously.

They still lack some very rare high conductivity materials and energy storing materials to solve the problem they are facing right now.

After this suit is made each of the 7 people got a bag pack.

This bag pack is actually the suit that was turned into a different model for the sake of hiding and using immediately.

Externally this bag pack looked very normal.

But as long as they gave out the voice command the bang pack can change its shape to cover their body quickly.

Also it can change shape into a normal suit or dress based on the requirement of Vicky and his girls.

So they can change their clothes using this bag pack and put the armor on their body and use it any time with a moment.

These suites can bear at extreme situations but not completely and could not last for a long time.

Unless the person wearing the suit is strong enough to move out of that extreme situation within the short amount of time, he would still be in danger.

This is the thing they did during their free time after making the metal spears.

Other than the metal spears they made few more weapons that are suitable to them.

They made in a generalized way so that they can upgrade the weapon in the future slowly.

Also they are waiting for the meteorite shower to collect another wave of materials.

Natasha took time to let Ginny memories all kinds of materials first.

Then Rose came over to let her memories all kinds of plants.

Then Nubia came over to let her memories all kinds of beasts and species.

This way when Ginny noticed any of them they would hunt and collect those creatures together.

This way they would be able to gain more materials quickly.

Radha and Sakura are also required by all three of them in the process of forging, refining, cleaning, planting and cooking.

One can control water and the other can control the fire.

Also their extreme control and precision can be used in many places.

It is especially so in forging and refining.

Vicky is the best assistant they could get because he would prepare the things a step before the other party would even ask.

With that their little world is full of work and smooth.


Jerry was immersed in his own world.

After the previous actions of Vicky no one disturbed them.

Jerry made a strong security system and turned the inside are of the villa into a big laboratory.

He adjusted many things and sealed the room completely to keep the things normal.

The lab would be in the temperature of 26 degrees all the time.

The external air was thoroughly purified before entering into this place.

The water resource was already collected and kept in a separate tank right in the basement of the villa.

Everything was sterilized and kept clean all the time.

So he did not have any problem staying alone.

Currently he is making strong weapons and other things to upgrade his robot armor.

They have to move to the 3-star city later and he has to be strong when he meets his love.

For that he is preparing all this time.

He did not care about what is happening outside the villa.

He set up the security in a way to kill anyone and everyone that tried to enter into his villa without the exception of Vicky.


Soon few months passed by and Vicky and his girls made good progress.

Each of them has improved to 2-star level completely and found that they can give blessings of their bloodline.

There are limits and they chose to give their blessings to Vicky because his progress is the lowest among them.

They have reached tier 4 of the 2-star level.

Vicky is only at tier 2 of the 2-star level.

The blessings are permanent and it would enhance his existing stats by a percentage.

So even with lower level his power is far stronger than a tier 8 of 2-star level power house.

As for their remaining blessings they kept them for their future generations.

Also except for Vicky that is an all rounder, others could not get many benefits from the blessings.

Also some of them would not work on each other like Radha and Sakura could not give their blessings to each other.

It is more like a curse than a blessing if they give it to each other.

This is the same with remaining people and there is always a problem with giving the blessing.

So they did not take the risks for small profits.

Their battle suits are ready and they made some camouflage technology into the suits to change their appearance and structure instead of putting up make up.

The technology is not so high but it can fool the detection of a 3-star powerhouse.

If they got better materials they will be able to improve it further in the future.


Outside the four powers of the 2-star city has already occupied the important area of the upper ground and formed a joint rescue operation.

Well they need more people to work for them to gain more benefits and rebuilt the broken city after the disaster.

The priority was actually given to the people that have good potential for improvement and connections.

All the poor, old and weak people were left to die in the flood, hunger and diseases caused by the ongoing disaster.

Also the location of the two villas was declared as the forbidden zone and no one was asked to disturb the people there.


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