
Apocalypse: I Transmigrated into a Villain

During his journey across parallel worlds, Bruce unexpectedly discovered a massive change in his identity: he became the heir to wealth in this world. However, his happiness didn't last long, as he received shocking news: the apocalypse was imminent, humanity was about to undergo a massive evolution, and he was to play the role of the villain in this end-time scenario! Armed with the knowledge that the protagonist, Jesse, would be reborn before the apocalypse, Bruce wasted no time in devising his own plan. After the apocalypse, the reborn Jesse found himself in dire straits. His powerful allies had vanished without a trace, and the once-loving and sacrificing goddess of the moonlight now disregarded him. Jesse roared in fury, vowing to uncover the conspiracy behind it all and reclaim everything that belonged to him. This is a tale of adventure spanning parallel worlds, filled with complex emotions and conspiracies, where a story about fate and justice is about to unfold.

MidnightEcho · Sci-fi
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100 Chs

The Monsters' Hunting Demand

Currently, there weren't too many monsters outside.


Bruce Roberts was on the eighth floor of the hotel.


The crowd on the ground was enough to satisfy the hunting demand of these monsters.


So as long as the windows were securely closed, this place was relatively safe.


At this moment, Cynthia Sanchez was very scared and needed someone to stand with her.


But what Bruce Roberts told her was too unbelievable, needing some time for her to digest.


So this time, after Bruce Roberts said it was safe here, she didn't stop Bruce Roberts from leaving.


"Young Master Bruce!"


"Young Master Bruce, are you okay?"


Bruce Roberts had just stepped out when he saw Elbert and Cedric about to knock on the door.


They looked at Bruce Roberts with strange eyes.


"I'm fine!" Bruce Roberts noticed their strange looks. "What's wrong with you guys?"


Hearing Bruce Roberts' words, the two glanced at each other.


Then the older Elbert spoke first.


"Young Master Bruce, did you know these monsters would appear early?"


"Oh?" Bruce Roberts raised his eyebrows. "Why do you ask?"


"When you told us to prepare food and weapons earlier..."


Elbert recounted the process with a solemn expression.


Seven days ago, Bruce Roberts had told them to fill two rooms with food and water.


He even designated a room specifically for storing weapons and a large amount of toiletries.


At that time, they didn't understand at all!


But now it seemed that Bruce Roberts was truly foresighted, almost prophetic!


"Yes, Young Master Bruce!" Cedric also chimed in. "Just tell us the truth, both Elbert and I really want to know."


"We'll talk about this later!"


Bruce Roberts carefully observed the two. "Why did you guys come out? Staying in the room would be the safest at this time, right?"


"We came out to protect you, of course!" Cedric said matter-of-factly.


"Protect me?""Of course! When we came to Dragon's Roost, Mr.Dylan .Roberts specifically instructed us to protect your safety."


"But now with so many monsters outside... You're here to protect me too? Aren't you afraid of dying?"


"Bodyguarding is our profession, if we were afraid of dying, we wouldn't be doing this."


"Heh, at least you have professional ethics!"


Bruce Roberts couldn't help but tease them!


They were people trained by Dylan Roberts himself, so there wasn't much awkwardness in talking with Bruce Roberts.


As for whether their words could be trusted?


Bruce Roberts wasn't worried about that at all.


He had the Eye of the Antagonist, which allowed him to see the probability of those around him betraying him.


Based on his recent observation, the betrayal rates for the two were 22% and 26%, respectively.


This probability was already quite good.


As long as there weren't major conflicts of interest, they shouldn't betray him.


It must be said, being an antagonist had this advantage.


Even loyal subordinates surrounded him, more than the protagonist usually had.


Shaking his head to clear his mind, Bruce Roberts glanced at the door of room 8007 opposite.


The door was open, but there was no one inside!


"Where's that pretty classmate of mine?"


"Before the monsters appeared, I asked the front desk. It seems she left at 8 o'clock, said she had to go back to class..."


Hearing this result, Bruce Roberts wasn't too surprised.


Zara was probably afraid of being dragged down by him, so she went straight back to school after waking up.


But because of this reason, she missed out on a relatively safe refuge in the early days of the apocalypse.


Where Bruce Roberts was, not only was it on a high floor, but there were very few guests staying in the hotel.


He had even paid to book half of the rooms on this floor.


On the other hand, there were many people at the school, and it was chaotic.


Not only would there be many more people turning into zombies, but the food consumption would also be terrifyingly high.


In such a place, the survival rate would be at least half lower than in a normal place.


"Looks like I can only wish her good luck!" Bruce Roberts thought to himself.


Although this woman looked good and had some usefulness, she had already left, and there was nothing Bruce Roberts could do about it.Next, Bruce Roberts chatted with the two for a while.


He instructed them to stay in the room and not to open the door for anyone else.


Initially, the two were reluctant, thinking that it would be safest for the three of them to stay together.


But Bruce Roberts had his own plans.


So the two could only reluctantly return to their room.


Seeing the door of their room closed, Bruce Roberts took a deep breath and drew out Andúril sword.


The scabbard and the blade were still rusty, but the blade now had a faint black sheen that wasn't there before.


"Can this thing really kill monsters?"


Looking at the rusty Andúril sword, Bruce Roberts had some doubts.


But he had the ability of wind manipulation, so he wasn't particularly worried about failing.


Casually scanning the surroundings, the corridor was empty now.


There were only some scattered clothes and a few open doors, indicating that something had happened on this floor.


Originally, staying in the room would indeed be the safest option at this time.


But Bruce Roberts didn't forget that he had an enemy named Jesse Thompson.


He came back from ten years after the apocalypse.


If he didn't grow rapidly, he wouldn't stand a chance against him at all.


So he decided to increase his combat experience as soon as possible.


Meanwhile, at a convenience store in Dragon's Roost University.




Jesse Thompson, wielding a fire axe, smashed the head of the store owner, who had turned into a zombie.


Then he kicked the body away.


His movements were swift and clean. While kicking away the zombie, he casually closed the rolling shutter.




As the rolling shutter closed, Jesse Thompson breathed a sigh of relief.


"Phew, now this convenience store is mine."


Jesse Thompson stretched his arms and placed the fire axe on a nearby stool, muttering to himself.


The fire axe was an essential artifact for protagonists in the early stages of the apocalypse.


Easily obtained and powerful.

Because he had wasted the two extra hours he got from meeting Malachi Stewart and Clarence, Jesse Thompson had to resort to "occupying" to obtain survival supplies.


After grabbing a fire axe from the school, he headed straight to this convenience store.


Luckily, the apocalypse happened during class time.


Apart from the owner, there were only two female students in the store.


Otherwise, he wouldn't have found it so easy to take over.


"Eartha, Eartha, what's wrong?"


A voice full of anxiety came from behind Jesse Thompson, belonging to a girl with a ponytail and dark skin.


Jesse Thompson turned around and saw another female student lying on the ground, convulsing.


He quickly walked over and performed some simple checks on the girl.


In addition to running a high fever, she had a deep claw mark on her arm, oozing with blood, exposing bone, looking terrifying.


"She's been scratched by a zombie!" Jesse Thompson said flatly.


"A...a zombie?"


The girl with the dark ponytail clearly hadn't reacted yet, looking at Jesse Thompson in shock.


"You mean... the store owner was a zombie? Like in the movies?"




"Then Eartha, she..."


"She's been scratched by a zombie, so naturally, she'll turn into one too," Jesse Thompson said calmly, unilaterally passing judgment on the girl's fate.


In the apocalypse, humans not only had to face mutated monsters but also their fellow humans turned into zombies.


Compared to other ferocious and bloodthirsty creatures from other realms, zombies were actually more dangerous because they were of the same species as humans. The virus they carried was highly lethal to humans.


Once scratched or bitten, it was difficult to survive in the limited medical conditions of the apocalypse, at least during the early stages.


"No... no way! She was only scratched on the arm, how could she turn into a zombie?"


The girl with the dark ponytail's face changed when she heard that her friend was going to turn into a zombie, unable to believe the fact.


"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Jesse Thompson said mockingly, not bothering to argue.