

Gavin was given another chance in life. he was killed by the boyfriend of the girl he loved the most. now he has transmigratted into the body of a female girl. and as if the world hates him, he was also in a new world where an apocalypse was about to begin.

lil_insane_butgood · Fantasy
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28 Chs


The door was opened for the group and they rushed in like something was after them

"Huff Huff Huff!!" Everyone in the group was huffing and panting like they just ran a marathon and their faces was pale like they had seen a ghost or something, even Sophie looked traumatized

"Get them some water." I commanded and immediately all of them were given a glass of water

*Gulp!* *Gulp!* *Gulp!*

"Now if you guys would just explain to me what happened out there?" I asked with a worried look

"We... we... we can't stay here much longer, it's too dangerous." Kyle said after catching her breath

"Calm down and explain to me what happened?"

"The zombies... They evolved, they're five times more stronger and faster and they can't be killed by random attacks." Mia said

"...you guys should rest after eating, we'll talk about this tomorrow." I said trying to change the topic because I didn't want any of the survivors to get scared

* * * *

It was another day In the apocalypse.

I woke up with bags under my eyes as I couldn't sleep well because of the event which took place yesterday.

"....we need to do something and fast." I said as I head for the group

* * * *

Like usual, we were in a room that was set aside for our regular meetings except Sophie wasn't here

"Where's Sophie?" I asked

"I don't know, she'll probably be around the gymnasium, after all where could she go?" Ben responded

"...now let's get to the main reason why I called you all here." Turning my head towards where Mia, John and Kyle were seated

"Can you guys explain what happened yesterday?" I asked


After a few minutes of silence someone was finally ready to answer my question

"The zombies, there not normal, the evolved ones." John said

"Can I get more details on this evolved zombies?" I asked

"The strange zombies, they don't die unless you decapitate them, they're dangerous, more faster than the regular average zombie, and they always move in a pack." John explained

"How do you know so much about them?" I asked again

".... When the apocalypse began, I was with my best friend Jake, we were supposed to go to a friend's party before the apocalypse began, on our way to the cafeteria, we met this strange orange coloured zombie, I was cautious but Jake thought it was an average zombie and proceeded to try and kill it by striking it's head, Jake had stabbed the zombie in its head and other places but it didn't die and eventually Jake had been bitten by the zombie." John explained with a sad look on his face


Silence filled the room.

".... I'm sorry for your loss John, but we don't have time to mourn anyone right now, incase you all didn't notice, our food supplies is almost finished, it'll only last us a day which means after today's serving we'll have to starve."

"What do you mean our food supplies is almost finished? How the hell is that possible?" Mia asked

"What are going to do now?" Kyle asked

"I don't know... I guess we'll just have to pray for a miracle to happen."

* * * *

In a camp not far away from the school's gymnasium

"Sir, now that we're here, I've been meaning to ask, where do we start to search?" A boy in the military uniform asked, he was a young boy, probably the youngest of the crew, he seemed to be around the same age as the students in the school

"We'll start with the gymnasium, it could contain a large amount of people, she could be in there." Said another man in the military uniform, he seemed to be the leader of the team

"Sir, we found a giant dead spider near the gymnasium." Another soldier walked in to the two talking interrupting their conversation

"What, a dead spider! we have to be careful, they could be something monstrous lurking in the shadows."

* * * *

After searching for Sophie for about 30 minutes, I finally found her seated in a corner, she seems disturbed

"Sophie, what's wrong?" I asked with a worried look on my face.


Sophie's silence was proof that she was indeed worried about something

"Please Sophie tell me what's wrong, were you bullied by someone, tell me and I'll feed them to the zombies."

"No, No, No, no one bullied me."

"Then what's wrong, why are you here alone."

"It's... It's just... Kate, I killed a zombie." Sophie said with tears in her eyes

"And what's so bad about that?"

"Kate, you kill them with ease, but I can't bring myself to slay something I knew was once human like me."

"There's nothing to worry about, infact you helping them, you're redeeming them from their pain."


"Sophie, do you know what it's like for them? to be trapped without freedom? it's better to free them, give them salvation and they'll thank you in the afterlife."


"Yeah, if you kill more, you save more, for them death is salvation, the only way for them to pass on."

"....If you look at it that way, it makes more sense." Sophie said

"Alright, let's go get something to eat I'm starving." I said turning to leave



"Can i ask you one more question?."

"Sure, go ahead."

"...uhm it might sound strange to you but... Is it normal for someone to feel stronger after killing a zombie?"

'Oh, it looks like she had levelled up, probably level1.' I thought

"Yeah, that's how we evolve, the more you kill creeps that are has a higher level than you, you evolve more."

"You mean, evolve as in becoming stronger?"


"No!, I don't want to become a large gorilla with hair, and makeup, how am I supposed to get married then?"

"Huh, you're thinking about marriage in the middle of an apocalypse?"

"Yes that's every girls dream, to find their perfect prince charming and get married to them, then live happily ever after." Sophie said with a smile

"Do girls really dream of such?"

"Yeah, don't you have the same dream?"

"What me, no!"

"You're sounding like a guy now, who in their right mind wouldn't want to live a happy life filled with love and romance."

"I know I would, I want a life filled with action." I said

"You're really mysterious."

"....well in contrary to your question, the answer is no, you wouldn't turn into a giant Godziilla with makeup, although I would love to see it happen." I said with a large grin
