

Gavin was given another chance in life. he was killed by the boyfriend of the girl he loved the most. now he has transmigratted into the body of a female girl. and as if the world hates him, he was also in a new world where an apocalypse was about to begin.

lil_insane_butgood · Fantasy
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28 Chs


Staring deep into the girl's eyes did I notice her beautiful emerald green eyes

"Are you here to save me?"

"Yes, we don't have much time, let's get out of here before the zombies arrive."

"No, it's safe here, of we go out there we'd both die." she said

"What's your name?" I asked

"Claire, my name is Claire"

"Well then I'm sorry for what I'm about to do now Claire."

"What do you... Arghhh!!"

Lifting the girl up in my arms like those Prince and princess movies, I ran out of the building as fast as i can

After my fight with the evolved zombie, I realized that if more evolved zombies were to arrive, we'd probably die

"Wait a minute, slow down!" Claire said

"Don't worry, we'll be there in a few minutes, just hold on to me tightly."

With that, Claire tighten her grip

I was enjoying the moment but sadly I can't stop or slow down to savour it.

* * * *

After a while of running in an inhumane speed, we finally got to the gymnasium

*Knock!* *Knock!*

A soft knock on the door was heard

"Who are you, are you a zombie?" a boy who was put incharge of guarding the door said

"If I were a zombie would I knock."

"Oh, I'm sorry miss Kate I didn't know it was you."

I loved as people respected me, but referring to me as Miss was truly annoying, I'm a guy for God's sake


I walked in the gymnasium with the girl in my arms

"Where are the others"I asked

"Mark, John and Mia went out to survey the area if they could find any means of transportation." the skinny looking boy said

"And the rest?"

"They're having a meeting."

* * * *

Walking into the private room set aside for our meeting

"Oh, kate, you're back" Sophie said

"We're just discussing another important matter" Stacy added

Taking my seat I asked

"And what might that be?"

"We were thinking... Though it may sound weird but... Kyle brought an idea to use the remains of the mutated spider you killed to make some weapons... It would be extremely useful don't you think?" Stacy explained

"T-that's actually a good idea"

"But there's a problem with the plan" Sophie added

"There's a catch?"

"Yes, albeit the plan is great, there's still a problem... First of all we don't have anyone courageous enough to go out there to remove the tough skin of the spider and secondly even if we do have some people who would be brave enough to go out there admist all the chaos, we don't have the proper tools to do the work" Sophie explained


"...we could scavange the school for some useable items" Ben said

"That's smart, infact I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said Ben" Kyle said with a teasing tone

"Yes, and we can also use that opportunity to collect some clothes... I'm feeling a little bit uncomfortable with this one" Stacy said pointing at her white loose top which she had been wearing for a while now

"Now our biggest worry lies on the fact that no one would want to go out there willingly." Sophie added

"Yeah, that's right, what to do now?" Kyle said stroking his chin

"...For that, I have a plan" I said drawing everyone's attention to me

"We could give them some kind of reward"

"And what kind of reward would make them want to go out there?" Ben asked

"I don't know about that but it should really be something worth it."

"We can't give them money because they have no value now.... But we can give them something with more value.... Food." Sophie said with a smirk

"Yes, we could give them twice the size of what they're getting now, I bet it would make them follow obediently." Kyle added

"Then let's do it...."

* * * *


Mia, John and Mark walked in

"Did you guys find anything useful?" I asked while they approached their seats

"Yes, we found a total of 4 buses and 2 luxurious cars." John said

"That's good, infact it's great... But did you guys check if the diesel would...." Not waiting for me to complete my statement Mia interrupted

"Yes, we did and everything is set." she said

'Is she still not happy about moving' I thought

"Now that we have everything... what's the escape plan" mark said

"...I haven't actually thought of that yet." I said

"What! you don't even have the faintest of ideas to get out of here, and you're supposed to be our leader!" Mia blasted at me like she had been storing it up for a while

"Calm down Mia, we're all busy, we all have our things to do and our problems to solve, she just needs a little more time." Sophie tried to defend me

"Sophie's right Mia, even we don't have a plan, who could think straight when everyone knows zombies are at your doorstep waiting to pounce on you." Kyle tried to calm the raging Mia

"Hmph" Mia pouted like a little child which made her look more adorable

"Well then, we should focus on our next goal."

"What goal?" John asked

it was no surprise that Mia, John and mark were feeling left out so I had to brief them on our new plan

"Our new plan is to bring some survivors who would help remove the hard skin of the mutated spider which we would use to make weapons." I explained

"T-that's smart, but.... Who would be willing to go out there so casually and where would we get the equipment to do such work?"

"That has already been planned, for the equipment, we would take a few survivors to scout the nearby buildings for anything useful and as for the second question... we would bribe them."

"With what?, incase you didn't notice we're in the middle of an apocalypse, so money don't hold any value." Mia said

"Not with money... With food."

"But isn't that cheating to the other survivors?" Mia asked with a worried look

"It's not cheating... It's business, you work you get paid with food." I said


"Don't get me wrong, but we can't keep on working while the other survivors lazy around waiting for the food that they didn't work for, I can't bust my ass doing the work 10 men would do alone!" It was infuriating, how people would sit down doing nothing while others worked for their survival."