
Apocalypse and reward

This is just like any other day for atan, he went to school, sleeping in the class, getting lunch when it break..... Or so how it supposed to be, until that damned voice echoed inside every being on earth.

[greeting to all of you, my name is regulator or what you can call world fixer and just like my name my job was to fix a broken or near broken world into it best state, in case of broken world l ussually killed all the race who made the world broke and they C-A-N-T RUN AWAY hahahaha, but fortunately for you human earth was merely in a state of near broken so l can't just wipe you guys out so jist like any other near broken world that l fix, now is the time for... SURVIVAL TIME or what you guys call as apocalypse]


A sound of someone flicking their hand was heard and a giant tremor happened, but it stopped moment later when all of the human was wondering what goings on that damned voice come again.

[oh right l forgot something, for this time apocalypse it will be you human againt all animal and plant on earth, but don't think it will gonna be easy as l will give them the talent of evolution and high fertility rate without side effect for those who have low fertility rate, but you human don't need to worry as l was a fair man l will give you guys with five slot, four for ability and one for job just like in the game and you guys can't get the ability and job from killing animal or plant, but it only work once so work hard hahahaha]

Hearing the voice all of human was overcome with many emotion, such as annoyance, fear, excitement and many other. When human was still overcame by their emotion the damned voice come again.

[oh yeah because l feel you human will die easily l also added item, coin and shop where you can buy food, item, job, or even ability, oh yeah also for the first ten people who killed a level 1 animal or plant they will get a chance to get ability or job and it won't take any slot and that's all for now bye]

After the voice ended almost all of humanity prepared themself for thei new reality when suddenly the damned voice again.

[ah uh l forgot to tell that all of the landmass now becoming one and the language barrier was gone so you guy can talk with each other, oh yeah also l revived some beast from the past to make it fair hahahaha]

The voice dissapeared again but all of humanity waited for the voice to come again thinking that the voice will come again but even after five minute the voice didn't come, but a new voice come.

[Lenzi panzkouef became the first human to kill a level 1 giant rat, reward given one rare job token (berserk warrior)]

A hearing the announcement many who first was still doubtfull now believed it, this announcement also stired all the people who don't want to be left behind but not long later five new announcement come out.

[roman mackglend became the second human to kill a level 1 wind mosquito, reward given one unique ability blood wind]

[sayuri hatanaka became the third human to kill a level 2 illusion butterfly, reward given was doubled one rare job token (ice samurai) one unique ability illusion katana]

[xiao hongyi became the fourth human to kill a level 1 iron viper, reward given one rare job token (iron master)]

[kim yonhee became the fifth human to kill a level 1 mad cat, reward given one unique ability beastiary aura]

[naran baatar became the sixth human to kill a level 3 devil horse, reward given tripled one unique job (dusk majesty) one unique ability evil stallion]

Inside the classroom atan heard the announcement and he became flustered 'shit there are already six people and what the fuck with that last one he fucking killed a level 3 while l don't even see a level 1 yet' feeling more panicked atan left the classrom and went to the forest behind the school, arriving at the forest he found many people was in the forest some are killing animal but uet strangely there was no new annoincement after killing it, atan looked at the animal corpse that littered the ground but he didn't found any skill book, job token, or even the so called coin.

"fuck these guys are just like a hungry ghost not even leaving behind shit, but jist how come there was no new announcement when this many corpse?, don't tell me these corpse are not even level 1!!! l better search for a new place" just as he turn around a new announcement sounded.

[ryan feln became the seventh human to kill a level 2 needle lime, reward given doubled one unique job token (nature exterminator)]

"huh needle lime that sound just like pla-, right plant l can also kill plant l just know the right place" atan then left as fast as he can when he suddenly heard a loud scream behind him, when he turn a round he saw many student run away from the forest and behind them was a swarm of fist sized bee, he saw how one of the student get stung by the bee and frouth come out of his moith before being swarmed by the bee.

"shit what kind of bee is that, run!!!" he howled and run even faster as if there was no tommorow, atan ran and ran until he was arrived at abandoned car grave, he then hide inside one of the broken car.

"shit, those misleading announcement hearing them killed a level 1 animal in such a short time make many people forgot about the real danger" atan muttered to himself while hiding inside the broken car.


He heard something breaking from behind him and when he looked back he found that a plant suddenly grown and broke the glass, the plant looked like palm tree with a height around one and a half meter, Atan looked at the plant and with some hesitation he try to kill it by dugging it root, at first he was still hesitating wheter to do it or not until the eight announcment rang.

[sharkan biam became the eight human to kill level 1 buzz fly, reward given one rare job token (sound manipulator]

Hearing the announcement atan panicked and he hurriedly punched the palm tree as fast as he can, but he feel it was useless what's more his fist are hurting, getting impatient he kicked the plant again and again.


The palm oil tree broke, atan waited in excitement for the announcement and the announcement really did come.

[maya lestari became the ninth human to kill level 1 bronze worm, reward given one unique ability metal creator]

"huh, it was not me?" atan was dissapointed when it was not his name but then a new announcement with his name sounded.

[surya atan became the tenth and first human to kill level 2 mesozoik era leptocycas, reward given tripled with additional coupon, one unique job token (ancient slayer) one unique ability absolute control, one day 50% off coupon]

Hearing his name atan was shocked and delighted, and he became even more delighted when the leptocycas produced three item, one token, two ability book, and many coin. He looked at his spoil and started to inspect it on by one first was the token it was a rare job token (plant killer), then the two ability book one was a common ability called stone manipulator while the second one was rare ability called space controller.

Then he looked at the three item it was an earing, a guandao, and a mask. Atan touched the earing and he saw a panel appeared in front of him.

[earing of petrification: earing that can petrified any and all being without restriction by detroying it (one time use item)]

"what kind of op shit is this?" atan said with his mouth hanging open.