
137 New Skills

[: Daniel POV :]

With the tablet of records in hand, I set my sights on fusing skills

to create an even more powerful skill.

For my selection, I decided to choose the Samsara Eyes and

Omega Lock since both of the skills were related to the eyes, hence, the compatibility between those 2 might bring forth a new skill.

I wonder what would the results be.

Just thinking about the results filled me with excitement, and although it cost 200 Trillion Gold, 200 Trillion Mana, and 2 Trillion Diamonds, it was nothing but a small drop in the ocean given the vast resources I had.

As the fusion process began, my heart beat in excitement.

[: Samsara Effect (EPIC):]

- A fusion skill between the Samsara Eyes and Omega Lock, forging an unprecedented ability synonymous with massive destruction -

- Its capabilities encompass Push and Pull Force, Sealing Technique, the ability to perceive the flow of Mana, Mana

Absorption, Soul Extraction, Lock Laser, and a brand-new fusion ability known as the Death Effect -

Gazing at the newly created skill, I couldn't help but break into a wide, satisfied smile.

While the skill's rank hadn't changed, I was far from disappointed. The enhanced abilities within Omeggan more than made up for it.

Eager to continue experimenting with the tablet, I moved on to the next skill.

But honestly, the sheer number of skills at my disposal was overwhelming.

I had thousands of them to choose from.

Even with my newly acquired resources, it was clear that I wouldn't have enough gold and diamonds to fuse them all.

The thought was almost comical-it felt like I was complaining about having too much of a good thing.

Nonetheless, I decided to make the most of this opportunity.

For now, I wanted to focus on fusing skills that could amplify my damage output.

With multiple skill selections available on the tablet, the process of fusion became far more manageable.

I dove into the array of skills at my disposal, seeking those that would significantly boost my damage output.

It was a fascinating exercise, choosing among the thousands of skills I possessed, each holding its unique potential.

[: Wind Scythe + Sharknado + Acidic Rain + Lightning Barrage + Earth Tremor + Magma Burst + Tsunami Epoch + Snow Storm + Radiation Light + Sand Attack = Calamity Burst (SSS) :]

[: Calamity Burst :] - Consumes 500k Mana. Summons forth countless disasters upon the surroundings that cause massive damage.

I couldn't help but be awed by the potential of Calamity Burst.

It was a skill of SSS rank, promising to unleash an array of disasters that would wreak havoc on anything in its path.

As time passed, my fascination with the tablet of records deepened.

Skill fusion had become a mesmerizing endeavour, resulting in abilities that left me in awe.

[: Void Stealth(S) + Portal Creation(S) = Void Hop(SS) :]

[: Void Hop(SS) :]

- By breaking down Void Stealth and merging the Element of Void with Portal Creation, I could now hop between places I had previously visited. The power to create portals that transported anyone or anything anywhere, using locations I had encountered. Each portal consumed 100,000 Mana and lasted for a day -

[: Parasite Control + Rust Corruption + Spirit Invoke + Tattoo of Karma + Sage Body = Karma Calamity (SS) :]

[: Karma Calamity(SS):]

- Enter the state of Karma, multiplying all stats and regeneration

by 1000 times.

- Summon Spirits of Elements that followed my command.

- Absorb or negate any form of physical, magical, or soul attacks,

then maximize their damage back to the attackers.

- Absorb Mana from attacks or through contact.

- Modify the weight and size of an object at will.

- Utter a word, and any lifeforms or matter would disintegrate

into nothingness or become mindless zombies capable of exploding, either infecting others or disintegrating them -

As I continued to experiment with skill fusion, a tempting thought

crossed my mind.

Could I fuse the forbidden fruit powers?

It wasn't a bloodline power unless it was like the Immortal

Phoenix, but the possibility intrigued me.

Is it possible?

With that question in mind, I delved into the fusion process once


Placing the skills of Lightning and Light together, I was presented with options, and a wide grin spread across my face the moment I

saw the notification.

It was a potential outcome I had never expected but greatly


However, my greed got the better of me.

I still possessed numerous elemental skills. What if I combined them all at once? It was a question that demanded an answer, and

I was eager to see what would be the result.

[: True Light Manipulation + True Light Creation + True Lightning Manipulation + True Lightning Creation + Jahanam + Absolute Zero + Oceanus Control + Gold Converter + Djinn Equip(Paimon), Djinn Weapon Equip(Paimon) + Magma Man + Sandman +....+100 = True Calamistic Authority (EPIC :]

[: True Calamistic Authority (EPIC):]

- Able to manipulate and control all Elements of Fire, Wind,

Water, and Earth without the cost of Mana -

- Capable of converting other essences into different Elements at

the expense of Mana -

- Consumes 1 Million Mana Per Second to Equip Calamistic Djinn (Paimon) and wield unimaginable power -

The power and potential contained within True Calamistic Authority left me speechless.

It was an epic skill that granted me mastery over all elemental

forces and the ability to reshape the very essence of the world.

After an extensive bout of skill fusion, utilizing every resource I had at my disposal, I finally reached a point where satisfaction washed over me.

A contented smile played on my lips as I surveyed the results of

my efforts.

Sy"rro for tigank otms of the ;emit I think ew nac hdea ckab,"

I said, a hint of guilt tinging my tone as I realized I had kept Bella

waiting while I indulged in my skill fusion.

Bella's response was nothing short of understanding and


"There's no need to apologize. My entire fate depends on you, and

it must be something important, so how can I be mad?"

Her smile conveyed her feelings, instantly easing my guilt. "Ah, right. Instead of flying over there, how about you hold onto

me right now? I've got an interesting ability to try out,"

I offered my hand to her without hesitation. Bella accepted it readily, her curiosity piqued as she wondered

what new ability I had acquired.

"Hold on tight, Princess," I said with a playful tone, and in an

instant, both of us vanished into thin air.

Bella, now caught in the midst of this unexpected travel, couldn't

help but wonder what was about to unfold.

But her surprise knew no bounds when the surroundings around

us distorted and transformed, depositing us in the very environment we had visited earlier at John's house.


She was left nearly speechless, struggling to find the right words

to describe this incredible experience. Despite the multitude of surprises she had encountered throughout the day, I had managed to surpass her expectations

once more.

Yet, her smile remained, one of wonder and appreciation.

"Pretty cool, right? It's a new skill that I've fused," I proudly


Bella's smile mirrored the satisfaction of a mother watching her

child enjoy playing with a new toy.

"We've arrived at the Bronzo's household using one of my


I explained enthusiastically, much like a child eager to show off a

new toy.

Thankfully, Bella had spent enough time with me to no longer be astonished by my abilities.

"That's a pretty interesting ability,"

She complimented me genuinely, and I couldn't help but smile in


Upon entering the Bronzo household, we were met by John, who wore a delighted smile and clasped his hands together in welcome.

"I welcome the Princess and the marvelling warrior back from the quest," he greeted us with warmth and astonishment.

The fact that we had completed a quest that none of his men

could, against a staggering 10 million monsters, left him utterly amazed.

'What kind of force could they possess that allows them to clear the quest?'

John couldn't help but ponder this question, his curiosity piqued. Simultaneously, he couldn't shake the growing conviction that the side he should support was none other than the Princess's Faction.

"Isn't it obvious? They were both able to complete the impossible

quest to be cleared. There would only be death if I choose the wrong side,"

John's thoughts turned toward the benefits of aligning with Bella's


The quest had undeniably showcased her might. Even if it might not be solely due to her strength, luck played a

significant role in the life of an Emperor or Empress. John weighed the odds carefully, contemplating the advantages of choosing the path that aligned with Bella's faction.

"You seem happy, John," Bella commented, noting the smile on his


"How could I not be? I've been wanting to take over the land for a

long time, and both of you have cleared it," he replied, his enthusiasm evident.

"I wouldn't wish to hold the Princess for too long, so how about

we head inside and discuss the future?"

John suggested, and both of them followed him into the guest


Once inside, John began his pledge to align with Bella's faction.

"I, John Bronzo, will pledge loyalty to the Princess and be a part of

her faction," he declared.

Bella accepted his pledge with a nod, and they concluded the brief

ceremony before delving into discussions about the future.

"Now that I've become part of your faction, there's something we'll have to discuss,"

John said with a serious tone, prompting a slight furrow of Bella's eyebrows.

"What is it about?" she inquired.

"I don't know if you're aware of this, Princess, but it seems that

the remaining factions from the Silverscale Family and Astra Family have pledged their loyalty to Jake's Faction, and even one

of the two remaining perpetual rulers has sided with him," John revealed.

Jake's message conveyed unfortunate news that complicated Bella's plans to visit those three factions..