
Apocalypse Buyback System

In a world teetering on the brink of an unfathomable apocalypse, Luke Teller finds himself inexplicably thrown back in time, given a second chance to avert the catastrophic end that awaits humanity. With only memories of the horrors that are to come and the mysterious Apocalypse Buyback System at his disposal, Luke embarks on a desperate quest to rewrite fate. Set against the backdrop of the Equia continent, Luke's journey is one of resilience and determination, as he leverages his newfound wealth and knowledge to secure a sanctuary in the mystical jungles of Jungoria. Amidst the towering trees, he constructs a haven, a bastion of hope not just for himself but for the one person he vows to protect at all costs—his young sister Emelia. As Luke navigates the complexities of preparing for a future only he knows is inevitable, his bond with Emelia deepens, a beacon of light in the growing darkness. But as the countdown to the apocalypse accelerates, the silence of the early mornings he once cherished becomes a harbinger of the chaos that breaks earlier than expected. With time running out and the very fabric of society beginning to unravel, Luke's preparations are put to the ultimate test. Can he shield Emelia from the brutal reality of a world on the edge of destruction? And as the lines between past and future blur, will the secrets he harbors and the choices he makes be enough to alter the course of destiny? This gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds of family invites readers into a world where the end is just the beginning. Will Luke and Emelia find salvation in the sanctuary of Jungoria, or will the shadows of the past prove too formidable to escape? The answer lies within the pages, where every chapter is a countdown to the unknown, and every moment is a fight for tomorrow.

BS_Entertainment · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Apocalypse Livestream Part 2

As I hastily backed away from the doorway, my trembling hands betrayed me, brushing against a picture frame perched on a nearby table.

The frame teetered precariously for a moment before succumbing to gravity, crashing to the ground with a resounding shatter that pierced the heavy silence of the hallway.

"Shit!" The expletive burst from my lips before I could stop it, a sentiment immediately echoed by the flurry of comments from my viewers.

**NinjaPenguin42**: "Andy, FFS, stealth mode, remember?"

**CookieMonster123**: "Dude, your luck is absolute trash."

The brief moment of collective cursing was shattered as violently as the picture frame had been.

The woman, previously engrossed in her macabre feast, reacted with terrifying swiftness.

Her head twisted in an unnatural, spine-chilling 180-degree turn to face me, her body grotesquely contorted, still hunched in the opposite direction.

The sight was so unnatural, so horrifying, it felt like my heart had plummeted into my stomach.

A guttural scream erupted from her throat, a sound so feral and filled with hunger that it froze my blood.

Bits of flesh and blood, remnants of her ghastly meal, spilled from her gaping maw as she launched herself toward me with a horrifying agility.

**GalacticGecko**: "OH SHIT! RUN, ANDY, RUN!!!"

**LlamaDelRey**: "GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!!"

The panic in the chat mirrored my own, their urgent messages a chaotic soundtrack to my frantic flight.

I turned and ran as if the very hounds of hell were on my heels, the adrenaline surging through my veins obliterating any thought other than the primal need to survive.

My breath came in ragged gasps, the sound of my own heartbeat thundering in my ears, drowning out the chaos of the chat and the text-to-speech translations that were desperately trying to keep up with the influx of frantic messages.

The hallway, once familiar and mundane, now felt like an endless labyrinth, each turn a potential trap, each shadow a lurking menace.

The livestream captured every heart-stopping moment, the viewers unwitting voyeurs to a nightmare that had become all too real.

In that moment of terror, the line between the digital world and the stark, horrifying reality had blurred, leaving us all grappling with the unimaginable horror that had invaded our lives.

The hallway, once a mundane path I traversed daily, had morphed into a scene straight out of a nightmare.

The undead woman, her humanity stripped away by whatever hellish force had taken hold, moved with a chilling speed and ferocity.

My heart thundered in my chest, fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins as the distance between us rapidly closed.

Instinct took over.

Gripping the metal bat with both hands, I swung with a desperation fuelled by the primal urge to survive.

The impact was jarring; the sound of metal colliding with skull, a grotesque crack, echoed in the narrow space, a chilling reminder of the brutal reality of our new world.

The bat sunk into her head with a sickening thud, the force of the blow causing an eruption of flesh, bone, and blood.

The visceral spray painted a grim picture across my face and clothing, a macabre testament to the life-and-death struggle that had just unfolded.

In the aftermath, as the adrenaline began to ebb, the weight of what I had done settled over me like a heavy shroud.

My hands trembled, the bat feeling like a leaden weight in my grip.

The stark, horrifying reality of the situation was undeniable—I had just taken a life, even if it was one already lost to the darkness that had descended upon us.

Panting, my breath forming misty clouds in the cold air, I managed to choke out a single word that encapsulated the horror, the disbelief, and the overwhelming sense of dread that had taken root in my heart: "Fuck."

The silence that followed was oppressive, the only sound my ragged breathing and the distant, ominous noises that hinted at more nightmares lurking in the shadows.

The hallway, once a familiar refuge, now felt like a treacherous maze, each corner potentially hiding another horror.

Standing there, drenched in blood and reeling from the violence I had just committed, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the moment that defined my survival, or if it marked the beginning of the end.

The line between life and death, so starkly drawn in the blood and gore that coated the floor, seemed to blur, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty and fear.

As the dust settled and the echo of the gruesome encounter faded into the eerie silence of the hallway, the reaction from the livestream audience was immediate and intense.

The chat, once a place for light-hearted banter and playful jabs, erupted into a cacophony of shock, horror, and, for some, a dark sort of exhilaration.

**GamerTag1**: "Holy shit, did that just happen?!"

**HorrorFan88**: "I'm gonna be sick... that was too real."

Amidst the visceral reactions, a surprising shift occurred—the viewer count, usually hovering around a modest 10, skyrocketed to an unprecedented 1,000.

The screen lit up with notifications, donations pouring in as viewers were drawn in by the raw, unfiltered reality of the situation.

**AdrenalineJunkie**: "First kill achievement unlocked, Andy! You're a legend!"

**CookieMonster123**: "RIP to the zombie lady. Press F to pay respects, boys."

The chat was a mix of disbelief and grim celebration, some treating the encounter as if it were part of a game, while others grappled with the stark reality of what they'd just witnessed.

But as the initial shock began to subside, a sobering realization swept through the audience.

There were no 'loot drops,' no experience points to be gained. This was not a game with rewards and level-ups.

The stark, brutal reality set in, silencing the cheers and quips.

**RealistRiley**: "Guys, this isn't a game. That was someone's life... This is real."

**EmpathyEmma**: "This is horrifying. Andy, you need to be safe. This isn't about 'achievements.'"

The mood shifted palpably, the gravity of the situation dawning on viewers as they came to terms with the new world order, one where the lines between digital entertainment and real-life survival blurred into obscurity.

Amidst the flood of comments, donations, and rising viewer count, I stood there, bat in hand, a survivor in a world that had just shown its true, terrifying colours.

The weight of their expectations, fears, and the reality of our shared situation was a heavy burden, one that I was now unwittingly carrying for an audience of a thousand.

Still reeling from the harrowing encounter, I took a moment to catch my breath, the weight of what had transpired heavy on my shoulders.

The chat was buzzing, a whirlwind of reactions that ranged from shock to support.

Glancing at the screen, I noticed the viewer count had skyrocketed, and donations had started to pour in, a small silver lining in the midst of chaos.

I wiped the remnants of the ordeal from my face as best as I could, steadying my voice before addressing the livestream.

"Hey, everyone... I, uh, wow. I'm not sure what to say. That was... intense. Thank you all for being here with me through that. I can't tell you how much your support means right now."

Scrolling through the messages, I made a point to acknowledge those who had donated.

"Big shout out to ZombieHunter123 and SurvivorSam for your donations. Seriously, guys, it means a lot. Every bit helps, especially now. I'm not sure what's going on, but we're in this together."

The chat continued to flood with messages, a mix of concern, curiosity, and the odd joke, trying to lighten the mood.

Then, amidst the flurry of comments, one donation caught my eye, standing out not just for its generosity but for the chilling request attached to it.

**HighRoller999**: "Just dropped 10,000 coins. Andy, be our eyes. Check the other rooms. We need to know what's out there."

The sheer amount was staggering, and the request sent a shiver down my spine.

The thought of venturing further into the unknown, especially after what had just happened, was daunting.

Yet, the part of me that knew I couldn't turn back now, that I had an obligation to my viewers, and perhaps a deeper need to understand the extent of the nightmare we were all facing, couldn't outright refuse.

"HighRoller999, that's... that's incredibly generous of you. Thank you." I paused, the gravity of the request weighing heavily on me.

"Checking the other rooms... that's not going to be easy. But I understand why you're asking. We all need to know what we're up against."

The chat erupted with a mix of encouragement and caution, the community torn between the desire for knowledge and concern for my safety.

"Alright, team," I continued, a newfound resolve steadying my voice.

"I'll do it. But I'm going to be extra careful. We've seen how bad it can get. I need to stay safe, not just for me, but for all of us watching. Let's find out what's happening together."

With the bat still in hand, and the weight of a thousand eyes upon me, I steeled myself for what lay ahead, the unknown of the other rooms looming ominously as I prepared to step back into the darkened hallway.

As I braced myself for the daunting task ahead, another notification caught my eye, the ping almost drowned out by the cacophony of the chat.

A new donation message flashed across the screen, its contents sparking a wave of mixed reactions.

**BigSpenderElite**: "Here's 1,000 coins, Andy. And I'll give you the same for every 'zombie' you take down. Consider it a bounty."

The chat exploded, a frenzy of comments cascading in response to BigSpenderElite's unsettling proposition.

**GamerTag1**: "Is this guy for real? Andy's not some bounty hunter!"

**HorrorFan88**: "This isn't a game, people. These were humans once."

Yet, amidst the outcry, a few voices chimed in with a different take, seeing the offer as a necessary evil in the face of our grim reality.

**AdrenalineJunkie**: "It's survival of the fittest now. Andy, if it keeps you alive and kicking, do it."

**DarkComedyKing**: "Zombie apocalypse and we've got live bounties. What a time to be alive... or undead, I guess."

I felt a knot form in my stomach, the weight of the decision pressing down on me.

The offer was tempting, a means to potentially secure whatever resources I might need in this new, chaotic world.

Yet, the moral implications of turning this fight for survival into some sort of twisted game were not lost on me.

After a moment of contemplation, my resolve hardened.

"BigSpenderElite, I... Thank you for the donation. It's more generous than I can say." I paused, choosing my next words carefully.

"But I want everyone to understand—I'm not doing this for bounties or rewards. I'm doing this to survive and to keep others safe if I can."

The chat quieted somewhat, the community pondering the gravity of the situation alongside me.

"I'll accept your offer, not as a bounty hunter, but as someone trying to make it through whatever the hell this is. If taking down those things means I can secure more resources to survive, then... then I'll do it. But not for sport. For survival."

The decision made, I tightened my grip on the bat, the weight of it suddenly more significant.

The viewers, their emotions a tangled web of excitement, fear, and concern, watched on, the reality of our new world setting in.

Together, we were about to embark on a journey into the unknown, the lines between right and wrong blurred by the necessity of survival.

As I steeled myself for the harrowing task ahead, the chat continued to buzz, a mix of original followers and new viewers drawn in by the escalating situation.

**NinjaPenguin42**: "Andy, just be careful, man. We're here for the laughs, not to watch you get hurt."

**CookieMonster123**: "This isn't what we signed up for, but we've got your back, Andy. Stay safe."

The weight of their concern was a sobering reminder of the reality we all faced, even as the donations and the promise of support offered a glimmer of hope in these dark times.

**NewHorizons**: "Just tuned in. Can't believe what I'm seeing. Go Andy, but don't lose yourself in this madness."

**SurvivorSeeker**: "1,000 coins per zombie? This is insane. But if it helps you survive, then I guess we're all in this together."

The moral quandary of the situation wasn't lost on me or my viewers, the gravity of BigSpenderElite's offer hanging heavy in the digital air.

**BigSpenderElite**: "It's about survival, folks. Andy's doing what he needs to do."

Despite the unease, a part of me understood the necessity of the situation.

With a deep breath, I reaffirmed my stance to the viewers, my voice steady despite the turmoil within.

"Thanks, everyone. NinjaPenguin42, CookieMonster123, all of you—your support means everything. And to the new faces, NewHorizons, SurvivorSeeker, welcome to... well, whatever this is now. We're in it together."

The chat's response was a mix of encouragement and trepidation, the community rallying around the grim task at hand.

**GalacticGecko**: "In Andy we trust. Just make sure you come back to us, man."

**LlamaDelRey**: "This is some dystopian stuff right here. But Andy, if anyone can handle it, it's you."

With the community's mixed blessings, I moved forward, the bat in my hand a symbol of the fight for survival.

The line between the digital world and the harsh new reality had blurred, but one thing was clear: we were navigating this uncharted territory together, for better or worse.