

Everyone in the world has superpowers or is am alien or hybrid of the sort and well normal humans are common just not treated right so here lies our protagonists a human descriminated and captured for experiments until his body collapsed having been sent into a new one he's rescued by another organisation Here's where their trouble begin

Kvng_zeno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


The announcement was sent over the loud speaker that there would be no missions of any sort and they where to have fun? while most actually knew what to do zed was a bit different

'well don't this suck? not like I can't go outside but where the hell would I go if look like a lost child and those two they said they already had plans damn traitors ' he thought as he strolled through the halls and eventually met with Gliss.

' haven't seen her in a while ' he thought as h waved at her and she immediately smiled back .

" Hey zed how's it going?"

"good I guess ?"he said

"something the matter little man?" a vein appeared on his head

"Don't call me a little man I am a fully grown...you know what never mind" he calmed down after taking a look at himself .

" sooo in guessing the problem is you can't go out since you have no idea where to go?" Zed didn't answer and just turned his face away to his his embarrassment.

" hehe that's okay wanna come with me ?" she asked to which zed slowly nodded .

" great " she said as she quickly grabbed him and started running.

" hey wait put me down I can move myself" he complained as she continued to carry him .

"I know I know but I've still got to admit even for a seven year old your still pretty small and that's what makes you so cute " she said as she paused a little so she could rub her cheek against his

"i-i , I'll report you damn it let me go " he struggled to no avail , no don't get him wrong he could break free but he'd probably hurt her in the process so he just decided to give up .

"see it's not so bad now is it ?" she said after they reached the door and she pulled out a peice of chocolate " here"

" do you think I can be so easily bribed?" he said as he raised an eyebrow.

"can't you?"

" of course I can " he said bad he snatched the chocolate from her and just obediently allowed himself to be carried as they stepped out of the facility .

Back at the base jin was still lamenting at the fact that they had to bring back the old squad he trudged through the halls to see if he could get his mind of it .

' is there seriously no I can talk to to get make me not think about how troublesome this will be ? seriously ill take anyone at this point .' he complained mentally when.

"kyaaa OMG it's my baby!!!!!!!" a female voice screamed as this person crashed into Jin causing him to fall over . " miss me babe?" the woman asked as she sat lay over jin's body

' Anyone but her, God are you trying to torment me? ' Jin complained even more as he looked at her .

" hi trixy it's been too long you're still looking good " he said as she sat up on his body .

"Oh my thank you you're making me blush" she said while shaking her head in mock embarrassment.

" hey doc what's...um?" Demiurge and Sona walked in on this little performance .

"Are we interupting something doc?" Sona asked with a mischievous smirk.

"It is a bit open for *ahem* "

"Don't you dare get the wrong idea you brats and you get off me "

"oh almost forgot" she said as she jumped off him

after they both stood up jin started explaining

" Okay you two allow me to introduce you to my ex-girlfriend Trixy"

" ex?" they both looked at him confused as they looked at the pink haired beauty in front of them And both thought.

'who dumped who?'

" you damn kids I can here you cursing me in your heart" jin said as a vein was throbbing on his head .

" oh come now don't be like that" she said as she tapped his chest " so these are the kids huh but I thought there was one more

"oh zed ?" Demiurge said as he pulled out a phone " here's what he looks like .

"A girl?" she asked

" oops wrong picture" he said as he quickly swiped it away" she stared at the screen for a few seconds.

"OMG Jiji look at this how cute he is he looks just like my little bro " she said as she showed jin the picture.

" stop don't call me that"

'jiji? " they both thought as they tried to contain their laughter

"you kids laugh and it's the box for you both" he threatened

" Bad jin still threatening people with that evil box of yours" she said as she pinched him on the back

" stop embarrassing me dammit"

"hahahahaha, seems like you've met your match huh tough guy " hercules laughed as he strolled in with his hand on a boy with pink hair .

" hello sister" .

" big bro, hercules!!!" she said as she went to hug them .

"nice to see you again Drake" jin said bitterly as he gave out a hand for a handshake

" oh I thought you would have kicked the bucket already you damn clown"

"what you call me you human squirt gun?" .

They argued bad they shook hands with their killing intent leaking out .

"um should we?"

"just leave them alone, more importantly why don't you guys show me around the base " Trixy said as she shoved them along .

From the rails above a young looking girl was looking down at the bickering pair.

" Can't believe we actually accomplished any missions with those two " she said .

"Now now mercury they have their faults but they get the job done that's what makes them human." a man with dangerous looking eyes and spiky black hair appeared .

" The immortal deadman huh?" she said.

" At your service" he said with a slight now .

" so it seems they really did summon everyone " she said .

" That seems to be the case you think Rouges finally gonna do something or are we just gonna be bodyguards?" the man asked.

" to be honest I wouldn't mind being a bodyguard for once " she said as she shrugged.

" Guess your right huh, I would definitely prefer that to being blown up again" he laughed slightly.

" you're the only one who can laugh at getting blown up Romeo" the girl said as she stepped away from the rail .

" true as that may be let's hope it's nothing serious just for you poor mortals sake okay"

" humph, if it really is serious even being immortal won't save you, remember that brat"

hope you enjoyed the chapter

Kvng_zenocreators' thoughts