

Everyone in the world has superpowers or is am alien or hybrid of the sort and well normal humans are common just not treated right so here lies our protagonists a human descriminated and captured for experiments until his body collapsed having been sent into a new one he's rescued by another organisation Here's where their trouble begin

Kvng_zeno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


After a very embarrassing display Zed decided it was time he met up with team only to see mercury, Romeo and Drake .

" what's with the old people ?" Zed asked

" Show some respect child where here to assist you with training "

"pff you ? I mean don't get me wrong but first of " be pointed at mercury " she doesn't look like she's more than 12, The dancing guy I can respect, but you? glasses man you don't even look as strong as doctor Jin " he mocked .

Everyone gave Drake a little space and he took of his glasses .

[ Room] the room started to look like it was made of liquid and a hand extended our of it and slammed into the spot where zed was .

Everyone just quietly watched waiting for the dust to settle .

" Guess I was wrong " zed dodged the arm and seemed to be inspecting the damage " you're at least as strong as a security guard"

" A vein appeared on his forehead as and multiple spikes started to appear form the ground, Zed just flew upwards and stayed there ..

"Come on old man I'm up here,you took off your glasses to look cool but now your aim sucks... put em back on grandpa"

'He's just like him'

Enraged he dived into the floor and multiple hands started to come out of the wall ground and grabbed hold of him .

[ disintegration field] the arms disappeared and zed was still smirking .

" Brat!!!" Drake shouted from wherever he was then a hand literally swatted zed towards the ground and a giant mouth had appeared and swallowed him before it fused into the ground

" ..."


" This reminds me of -" Romeo wanted to say but mercury but him off

" Don't say it"

' Drake may not look it , but that idiot has a temper' Mercury thought.

The ground split open as Zed came out with half of his hair and one of his eyes black with his voice slightly distorted he spoke.

" Bastard tried to kill us, we couldn't breathe" a giant fist came out from the side " ugh enough of this "

' huh?'

[ King of Jupiter] Sona quickly put up a barrier and covered them as the gravity increased to a catastrophic level anything that tried to come out out of the walk was instantly pushed down .

" Don't get cocky!" he shouted and an attack came from above since he was pushing everything down it would be stronger than usual .

" predictable " Zed raised as hand and as soon as it touched him.

[ Reverse gravity] He stopped the attack but then the rock started to crack. ' hmm ?'

Drake had appeared from inside the rock and seemed to have cut himself .

[ Titan Awaken.]

" That idiot!! remove your barrier !!"Romeo shouted and she immediately withdrew it and as soon as she did

[ Shadow world]

*Boom *


Jin was discussing with James hercules and Trixy when the announcement came a

" what in the world?"Hercules exclaimed

" Da fuck!!?"

"Language Jin there's a child here "

The entire room had been blown apart and Sona and the rest could be seen crawling our of a black spot on the ground and the two instantly look up and shudder.

" what...the...hell..is.. that?" A tall no tall is wrong a towering giant could be seen standing that looked like it was malnourished, looking like it had very little skin with steam coming off it's body .

" That's Drakes awakened form " Mercury answered " it's powerful but he loses a bit if his reasoning"

" Holy shit is that his awakened form? " Zed was struggling in his grip as he had been caught when he transformed. " eh?"

Zed was thrown to the ground with enough force to make the ground explode .

"* cough. ..*cough. * dust " he complained he had fully awakened before he hit the ground

#BE CRUSHED# The Titian was now attempting to step on him but zed quickly rolled away.

[ Black Star] The black mass had formed but the Titan had been absorbed and exploded, Zed quickly undid his transformation .

" phew that was-gah" Faster than the first and more quiet another had formed and it just kicked him like a soccer ball "


"ouch" Mercury flinched when the kick came

" Zed!!" the remaining too shouted .as they saw he I did hi transformation before .

" oh here he comes you guys might wanna..... really?"

*splat* everyone had move away while he hadn't noticed and he got stomped .

# GRAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!# it roared as everyone covered their ears

" He's lost it" Mercury added

{ SHUT UP} The giant's head had been blown off but it regenerated again and it turned to face it's aggressor.

Floating midair with his body covered in blood and a thick black aura like smoke spreading around him already in his awakened State.

{ this is going to hurt kid you sure ?}

[ Apocalypse : Full release]

A new form? stay tuned for next time on Dragon ball Z

Kvng_zenocreators' thoughts