
Apocalypse Ascension: The Chronicles of a New Dawn

In a world abruptly thrust into chaos by a cataclysmic meteor shower, Carter Hayes survives a near-death experience only to discover he's the host of the Aeon System, a mysterious force with the power to enhance his capabilities beyond human limits. As civilization crumbles under the onslaught of a deadly virus and the rise of the infected, Hayes must navigate the ruins of society, facing both the horrors of the apocalypse and the dark facets of human nature. Equipped with newfound abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Aeon System, battling to save humanity from the brink of extinction and to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

DaoistS6gi2f · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter One: The Aeon System

"It's April 3rd, 2012, 12:38 PM. According to the astronomical observatory's forecast, a 'meteor shower' will soon sweep across the Earth's upper atmosphere," Carter Hayes idly sat on the sofa, watching the CCTV News Channel's "News 30 Minutes."

"But, in broad daylight, can we really see a 'meteor shower' streak across the atmosphere? The news these days seems to be getting less and less reliable," Hayes had seen several news channels broadcasting this message for the past few days. But in broad daylight, could one really see a meteor shower? Hayes was quite dismissive of the idea.

However, online, there was still a lot of discussion about it, with some either alarmingly or sarcastically suggesting that this meteor shower could bring an apocalyptic disaster to humanity.

Hayes just laughed off such news.

"With about ten minutes to go, we can already see very clearly through the high-definition astronomical telescope," the TV continuously played the beautiful anchor's introduction.

Hayes got up and drew the curtains of the window, skeptically looking at the sky outside.

Though he didn't quite believe that meteors could be seen in the daylight, his curiosity was piqued.

And from the TV broadcast, Hayes could indeed see what looked like numerous stone-like objects hurtling towards Earth.

"Drip, drip."

The wall clock ticked away.

"It's 12:47 PM." As time slowly approached, Hayes earnestly gazed at the sky.

It was then that the previously endless blue sky suddenly underwent a drastic change.

The wind surged, and the bright sky instantly darkened.

"Could it really be that generous?" Hayes looked at the sky, now dark as night, and incredulously remarked.

Looking down at the street below, many people stood watching the sky, now cloaked in darkness, their faces alight with thick smiles.

Seeing a meteor shower in broad daylight, especially the largest in history, was something no Earthling would want to miss.

"Drip," a long sound rang out, marking 12:48 PM.

By then, Hayes had lost interest in the wall clock at home.

Outside the window, the dark sky suddenly lit up with an exceptionally bright 'fireball,' trailing a long tail across the sky.

"How beautiful," Hayes, standing in front of the window, could clearly hear the cheers from the people in the street below.

At first, it was just one, then two.

But as time slowly passed, more and more meteors appeared in Hayes's view.

It was then that the previously cheering crowd began to feel fear. The loud noises from the meteors' intense friction with the atmosphere, coupled with the increasing number of meteors, changed the sky's color again. The black was gone, replaced by a sinister blood-red. Such a scene instilled a primal fear in people, reminiscent of scenes from apocalyptic movies.

Suddenly, a meteor, which had merely streaked across the sky, was now hurtling towards the ground.

A huge fireball enlarged in Hayes's pupils, and at that moment, he could even feel the heat wave hitting his face.

Before Hayes could react, the massive fireball disappeared from his view, followed by a tremendous noise and an earthquake-like tremor. Hayes knew the fireball had exploded somewhere in their city.

With such an event unfolding, the previously somewhat frightened crowd began to panic. The laughter and joy disappeared in an instant, replaced by a wave of fearful voices and the crying of children.

"What's happening?" Although Hayes didn't see where the massive fireball had fallen, he could guess from the sound and the intense tremors that the impact site wasn't far from where he lived.

Hayes steadied himself and turned back to see the CCTV live broadcast. News was the best way to understand sudden events, and the screen was still broadcasting a special report about this meteor shower visiting Earth. He believed that with such a significant event occurring in their city, many national departments would be monitoring it.

The TV was their fastest way to reassure the public.

However, things weren't as Hayes had imagined. Turning back, the previously clear broadcasting LCD screen was now a gray mess of snow and dots.

"Could it really be like what was said online, that today is the end of the world?" Hayes thought, which would have made him call himself an idiot under normal circumstances, but now he was somewhat a believer.


Another loud noise and violent tremor almost knocked Hayes to the ground. After steadying himself, he saw flames soaring into the sky outside, knowing another meteor had made intimate contact with their city's ground, and this time it was even closer to him.

"What should I do?" Hayes, foolishly standing at the window watching the flickering flames outside, felt panic rising.

Just past twenty-two years old, he was essentially still a big kid. His parents had passed away early, leaving him with quite a few properties. He lived off the rent.

Decades of uneventful life left him utterly unprepared for such an event.

Going outside wasn't an option, nor was staying at home.

In the case of an earthquake, running to an open area outside might be safe, but now it was different. Seeing meteors still streaking across the sky, who knew when another might fall?

Hayes's eyes dimmed as he stared at the blood-red sky.


"No way?" Hayes jumped at the sound of intense friction. A fireball, about a meter in diameter, was hurtling towards the window where he stood.

It enlarged in his view.

Caught off guard by the sudden fireball, Hayes was too startled to even think of running, standing frozen in place.

After a moment, Hayes finally reacted, but by then, the fireball was alarmingly close.

Hayes instinctively stepped back, but a shelf that had been shaken down by the earlier tremor was behind him. Unaware of the shelf, Hayes stumbled backward with a light clang and fell.

"Am I going to die?" Hayes watched the fireball grow larger in his view and closed his eyes in despair.

At that moment, a burning sensation truly enveloped him.

"Boom!" The fireball contacted the windowsill, emitting a tremendous noise. The force of the impact pushed Hayes, who was lying on the ground, away, slamming him against the wall and then onto the wooden floor, making intimate contact once more.

The two powerful collisions knocked the already not so sturdy Hayes unconscious.


"Physical strength weak."

"Reaction capability weak."

"Speed sluggish."

"Strength weak."

"Intelligence average."

"Potential value excellent."


One by one, the data was announced.


"The host is currently in a critical state. 'Aeon System' automatic repair device activated."


A numb, mechanical voice echoed in the room where Hayes originally resided.

As the repair device activated, Hayes, who had lost all sensation, was enveloped in a golden light.

The fireball's impact had caused numerous burns on Hayes's body, but under the golden light's influence, the wounds gradually healed. Within minutes, his skin returned to its original, unblemished state.

"Ugh." Time passed unknowingly, and Hayes slowly opened his eyes.

"Am I dead?" was the first thought that crossed Hayes's mind upon waking.

Because by then, it was already the evening of April 3rd, 2012, at 7 PM.

The 'meteor shower' had long disappeared, and the room was pitch black.


"According to the terminology of your planet, the host is still alive," a cold voice echoed in Hayes's mind as he attempted to rise from the ground.


"Who's there? Show yourself," Hayes was startled by the sudden voice.

In the dark room, the cold, emotionless voice made Hayes fear the worst.


"I am within you, 'host.' You only need to immerse your mental energy into your mind to see me," the voice responded coldly to Hayes's question.


New book, please take good care of it. If there are any areas that need improvement, please let us know.(come from qishuweb(www.Qisuu.com))

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