
Apocalypse Ascension: The Chronicles of a New Dawn

In a world abruptly thrust into chaos by a cataclysmic meteor shower, Carter Hayes survives a near-death experience only to discover he's the host of the Aeon System, a mysterious force with the power to enhance his capabilities beyond human limits. As civilization crumbles under the onslaught of a deadly virus and the rise of the infected, Hayes must navigate the ruins of society, facing both the horrors of the apocalypse and the dark facets of human nature. Equipped with newfound abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Aeon System, battling to save humanity from the brink of extinction and to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

DaoistS6gi2f · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Survival Manual of the Apocalypse

Although Carter had mentally prepared himself, he couldn't help but feel incredulous at the miraculous effects of the elixir.

"The world has indeed changed," Carter realized that the current world was beyond the knowledge he had gained from reading books for over a decade.

"A survival manual," Carter realized that upon entering the Aeon System, he had been preoccupied with the system's rewards and had forgotten about the survival manual.

Entering the Aeon System again would be too much trouble. Finding information in his own memory was no problem. Carter found a comfortable spot in the warehouse, sat down, and prepared to absorb the knowledge.

"The first volume of the Apocalypse Survival Manual, Zombie Evolution and Mutation, do you wish to open it?" As Carter settled down, it was as if he were reminiscing, searching for information about the Apocalypse Survival Manual.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched on the topic of the survival manual, the thick book emitted a voice similar to that of the Aeon System.

"Open," Carter was startled by the sudden sound, but he quickly realized. The book was apparently also intelligent.

"Zombies are a product of human infection with a virus that failed to evolve successfully," as per Carter's instructions, the book's first page began to flip, and soon, Carter fully understood how zombies came to be.

"The evolution of zombies is divided into five stages, with one Zombie King arising among every one million zombies."

"The early stage of zombies is called a Level One Zombie, with slow reaction speeds but tremendous strength, five times that of an ordinary human."

"About a month later, most zombies begin to evolve. Fifty percent of zombies will become Level Two Zombies, losing the weakness of slow speed while continuing to increase in strength."

"At the same time, ten percent of zombies will transform into 'Corpse Beasts,' entirely red, with long claws, immense strength, fifteen times that of a human, and possessing some intelligence."

"In other words, Level Three Zombies: 'Corpse Beasts'."

"And that's all," just as Carter was getting absorbed in the listening, the voice in his mind stopped.

"Didn't it mention five evolution stages?"

"Continue," Carter's voice had just fallen, and the book's voice sounded again.

"Uh," Carter felt a bit frustrated; the tone of the book's voice was so similar to that of Aeon's.

"After the evolution, 'Corpse Beasts' will evolve into Level Four Zombies at a ratio of one thousand to one after four months. This evolution involves an increase in both strength and speed. Due to their massive size, they are called 'Green Giants.' They possess terrifying speed and strength, equivalent to that of a hundred humans."

"Level Five zombies are the elites among zombies, comparable to human intelligence, with massive bodies that can reach up to ten meters in height. They appear at a ratio of one hundred thousand to one."

"With strength surpassing that of a thousand humans and commanding a hundred thousand zombie subordinates, why bother confronting them? Are we not allowing humans to live?" Carter had thought that having the Aeon System and the Apocalypse Survival Manual would be enough to ensure his survival in the apocalypse. But now, just as he touched on the contents of the survival manual, his confidence took a fatal blow.

"However, Level Five zombies appear at least a year later. In other words, there won't be such monsters within the year?" Carter, although filled with complaints, already knew this fact and could only face it.

At the same time, he also believed that zombies with the strength of a thousand people, like the Zombie King, would be no problem even in the face of missiles and nuclear bombs.

Thinking of this, Carter felt a lot more relieved.

At the same time, he began to formulate a plan.

He couldn't stay in the Carrefour supermarket for too long; it had been three days since he last saw a living person. If this continued, his body might be fine, but his spirit couldn't handle it.

"Continue," Carter shifted his attention elsewhere, not listening to the contents of the survival manual for the time being.

"Of course, let's continue," realizing that the apocalypse wasn't as simple as he had imagined, Carter couldn't afford to be lazy anymore.

"The second volume, Animal Evolution and Mutation," getting Carter's affirmation, the survival manual turned another page.

While the book emitted sound, Carter could also see the contents of the book. It felt as if he were using his eyes to read the book.

And the content of the book was even more miraculous. Like a photocopier, after listening once, Carter could recall it clearly and remember it completely.

The more he read, the more interested Carter became.

As time passed, more pages of the survival manual were flipped, and Carter's mind became filled with more knowledge.

"It's so incredible," Carter exclaimed after spending the whole night absorbing information. After one night of absorption, his mind was filled with many strange things, along with many incomprehensible ones, but there was also a lot of useful information.

"Strength, what is most needed is strength," after spending a night absorbing information, Carter's entire demeanor seemed to have changed, whether it was due to gaining more knowledge or something else. In just one night, Carter's entire being seemed different.

He also understood that in surviving the apocalypse, strength was the most important thing. Whether it was zombies or mutated monsters, in the face of absolute strength, they were no problem.

"I wonder where this Apocalypse Survival Manual came from," Carter stood up and stretched his waist. He had spent the whole night. The content he had read was not even one-tenth of this book.

The knowledge he now remembered was only about the early stages of the apocalypse.

"Let's eat something first, then rest for a while."

Although Carter now possessed the strength of five people, compared to before, his physical fitness could be said to be excellent. But spending a whole night remembering, his mental state had also deteriorated somewhat.

Although it had only been four days since the beginning of the apocalypse, yesterday, there had been the appearance of Green Giants, which might only appear after a month. Who knows if "Corpse Beasts" might appear today?

Although Carter believed in the content of the survival manual, accidents were inevitable.

The times of evolution mentioned above were only approximate.

"It seems like my appetite has increased again," Carter felt the change in his appetite after eating.

"If my physical fitness reaches level one hundred, will I become a bottomless pit?" Carter came up with such a funny thought. Five levels had already doubled his appetite before.

"It seems like I really need to expect the appearance of Green Giants and Corpse Beasts," Carter thought before he fell asleep leaning on several bags of rice.

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