
Apocalypse Ascendant

"Surviving the apocalypse? Child's play. I once survived a guild meeting where half the wizards tried to curse each other over tea. The zombies? Less dramatic." "The zombies are the least of your worries. I’ve lived centuries, faced demons, and still have to listen to a five-year-old argue why ice cream counts as dinner." "So the world’s ending and you think you’re in charge because you’ve got a shiny dragon scale? Adorable. Sit down, Sparkles, and let the grown-ups talk." "I’m sorry, did you say you were the strongest survivor here? That’s cute. When you’ve defeated an entire undead army with one hand, we can compare notes." ---- The cover is mine. The cover is MC. Please don't Abuse the novel

Zeal_Faust · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

9. Auction House

The Auction House of Solace was one of the most prestigious in the city, known for its rare and exquisite items that catered only to the wealthiest and most influential. Its grand halls echoed with the murmurs of the elite, each visitor eyeing the other with thinly veiled curiosity. For most, today's auction promised to be just another routine display of riches.

But not for Alvin Bencio.

Dressed in a sleek, understated black suit, his long sky-blue hair flowing elegantly down his back, Alvin entered the building with little fanfare. He wasn't here to dazzle anyone or participate in social games. No, Alvin was here to auction off something that could fetch him a substantial amount of money: the jewelry of the Siren Princess. The iridescent set of gems had once belonged to royalty, and they sparkled like the very ocean itself—perfect for an auction.

Alvin approached the front desk, where a refined woman greeted him with a polite smile. "Welcome to the Auction House of Solace. How may we assist you today, sir?"

Alvin handed her the paperwork for the auctioned item. "I'm here to auction this. And I'll need access to one of your VIP rooms."

The woman's eyes widened slightly when she saw the description of the jewelry set. "Ah, yes, of course, Mr. Bencio. We've prepared VIP Room Four for you. It's a shared room, but I'm sure you'll find it to your liking. The auction will begin shortly."

Alvin nodded and made his way up the grand staircase to the private rooms. The air was rich with the scent of polished wood and expensive colognes, all meant to signal wealth and luxury. As he reached VIP Room Four, Alvin pushed open the door, only to feel the weight of a gaze immediately fall on him.

The room was designed for two, and someone had already taken the other seat. Sitting with perfect posture was a man with sharp features, exuding an air of quiet authority. His deep red eyes locked onto Alvin the moment he walked in. The man's gaze was piercing, intense, and... filled with something like surprise.

Xavier Loid.

Alvin felt the scrutiny but shrugged it off, walking past the man without a second glance. He sat down on his side of the room, leaned back, and casually yawned. To him, this auction was just a brief errand. He wasn't interested in whatever minor social interaction was expected of him.

Meanwhile, from Xavier's point of view, things couldn't have been more different.

Xavier Loid had never thought he'd find himself at an auction, much less one searching for a birthday gift for his mother. But Natasha had insisted that the Auction House of Solace would have something "perfect" for their mother's upcoming birthday. Xavier, being practical as always, had decided to check it out.

Unfortunately, he had found nothing even remotely interesting. Vases, art pieces, and rare wines—none of them had sparked any enthusiasm. He was about to leave when the door to his private room creaked open, and a figure stepped in.

What walked through the door, however, made Xavier pause in his tracks.

An extremely beautiful young man with long, sky-blue hair that seemed to shimmer in the dim light strolled in. His skin was flawless, his movements graceful, but it wasn't just the physical beauty that caught Xavier's attention. There was something in the aura around the man—something powerful, calm, and almost... untouchable.

As Xavier stared, he realized his heart had started beating faster.

Xavier had seen his fair share of beautiful people in his line of work. Being part of one of the most powerful families in the country meant constant exposure to the best of the best, but this was different. It wasn't the man's beauty that drew him in—it was the way he carried himself. Effortless confidence, a calm detachment, and a clear sense of authority. It intrigued Xavier in a way he hadn't felt before.

After several moments of silent observation, Xavier finally decided to speak, curiosity getting the better of him.

"What's your name?" he asked, his voice low but clear.

Alvin didn't even bother looking at him as he replied, his voice laced with sarcasm. "You know, it's considered impolite to ask for someone's name before introducing yourself."

Xavier blinked, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "Fair enough. My name is Xavier Loid."

Alvin didn't respond immediately, his eyes still half-lidded in boredom as he glanced at the auction floor below. But after a few moments, he turned his head slightly toward Xavier, giving him a lazy, half-amused glance. "Alvin Bencio."

Xavier leaned back in his chair, feeling oddly satisfied by the exchange. "Bencio... Haven't heard that name around here before. You new in town?"

Alvin gave him a sideways glance, raising an eyebrow. "And if I am?"

"Just curious," Xavier replied smoothly. "You don't exactly look like someone who mingles with the usual auction crowd. You've got more... presence."

Alvin snorted, clearly unimpressed. "And what kind of presence does the 'usual' crowd have? Bored rich people looking to waste their money on things they don't need?" His tone was sharp, as if he were making a joke only he fully appreciated.

Xavier couldn't help but laugh at that. "Fair point. That's exactly what it is. But you seem different. Less... materialistic." He eyed Alvin with growing curiosity. "What brings you here?"

Alvin sighed, as if the conversation were a mild inconvenience. "Selling something. The only reason I'm sitting here is to make sure the process doesn't drag on."

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "Selling? Now you've got me curious. What exactly are you auctioning?"

"Jewelry," Alvin said simply, his tone casual as if he were discussing the weather.

Xavier nodded slowly. "Must be something special if you're here for it."

Alvin didn't respond immediately, and for a moment, the room fell into a comfortable silence. But Xavier couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue that this man stirred in him. Alvin was different—aloof, yes, but there was something underneath that detachment. Something sharp and dangerous, yet captivating.

As the auction began, both men watched in silence, though Xavier's gaze frequently shifted back to Alvin. Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him once more.

"Why are you here, really?" Xavier asked, his voice quieter this time, more genuine. "You don't strike me as someone who cares much for auctions."

Alvin sighed, his patience clearly thinning. "I already told you. I'm selling jewelry. End of story." He glanced at Xavier, his expression flat. "What's with the questions? You writing a biography?"

Xavier chuckled. "No, just trying to get to know you. You seem... interesting."

Alvin rolled his eyes, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I'm sure I'm fascinating. But I'm not here for conversation, Loid. I'm here to sell my things and leave."

Xavier leaned forward slightly, his interest only growing. "You know, it wouldn't hurt to relax a bit. Enjoy the company."

Alvin gave him a sharp look, unimpressed. "Your company, maybe. But I don't do small talk."

The back-and-forth continued for several more minutes, with Xavier trying—and failing—to get more information out of Alvin, who responded with increasingly sarcastic and curt replies. Eventually, Alvin seemed to grow tired of the endless questions. He pulled out a small piece of paper from his jacket pocket, scribbled something down, and handed it to Xavier without even looking at him.

"Here. My number. Now stop pestering me."

Xavier blinked in surprise, taking the slip of paper. "Your number? Just like that?"

Alvin leaned back in his seat and yawned. "You're annoyingly persistent, and I have better things to do than answer your endless questions. If you're that curious, call me sometime. Now can we focus on the auction?"

Xavier smiled, tucking the piece of paper into his pocket. "Fair enough. I'll take you up on that offer."

Alvin didn't respond, instead turning his attention back to the auction floor as the next item was displayed—a beautiful set of Siren jewelry that gleamed with iridescent stones. The auctioneer began the bidding, and Alvin watched with an air of calm detachment.

But Xavier's attention was elsewhere. For the first time in a long while, he was genuinely intrigued. Alvin Bencio—whoever he was—had sparked something in him, and Xavier had a feeling this wouldn't be their last encounter.