
Apocalypse: A Gathering of Beauties in My Base

In the haze of the world's end, humanity is plunged into despair. Yet, amidst this desolate apocalypse, there is one who shines like a meteor piercing the dark night. Dylan, a fortunate soul reborn by accident, possesses spatial abilities from his past life. He returns to the world ten days before the impending apocalypse. Unlike others, he does not succumb to fear and sorrow but brims with ambition. To him, doomsday is merely a millionaire's vacation. He lavishly hoards supplies, constructs the most luxurious temporary shelters, customizes deluxe off-road RVs and large yachts. While others struggle to acquire temporal energy, he indulges in luxury, reveling night after night. Yet, he is not merely a hedonistic tycoon. Confronting the invasion of extraterrestrial species, he faces them without fear, directly challenging their strongholds. Behind him, stands a group of beauty supporters who find hope because of Dylan's existence. And those extraterrestrial species will face unprecedented threats. In the world of doomsday, Dylan becomes a beacon of light, his life akin to an eternal flame, illuminating humanity's path of hope. As for the extraterrestrial species, they may think they can easily crush humanity's last hope. However, they fail to realize that they will face a challenger brimming with courage, an indomitable symbol of humanity—Dylan.

MidnightEcho · Sci-fi
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100 Chs

She's a Police Officer?

Their strength had undergone a qualitative leap. The three of them couldn't be happier.




After resting, Dylan drove the off-road camper directly to a large shopping mall, the largest one in this university city.


Since the off-road camper was too tall to enter the underground parking lot, Dylan parked it directly at the entrance of the mall.


"Kimberley! Stay here and watch the car! Use the walkie-talkie if anything happens!"


Dylan handed Kimberley a walkie-talkie, then took out the car key and led Alberta and the others towards the mall!


The outer door of the mall was open, but the various areas inside had iron gates lowered.


There were no signs of the iron gates being tampered with, indicating that no one had come or had been unable to enter.


This was good news, at least indicating that the supplies inside had not been touched.


Although these iron gates were sturdy, they couldn't stop Dylan.


Dylan took out a crowbar and, relying on his physique, easily pried open a corner of the iron gate.


Once inside, they headed straight to the supermarket on the first floor.


The supermarket was large, and the supplies were plentiful. Dylan didn't hesitate to collect all the items and even the shelves directly into the space.


Watching this scene, the three women behind him couldn't help but marvel.


They had seen Dylan take things out from the space before, but they had never seen him put things into the space.


In less than two hours, Dylan emptied the entire supermarket.


The three women couldn't help but sigh. How big was Dylan's space? It could hold so much!


After clearing out the supermarket, they went to the clothing section on the second and third floors. Dylan didn't hold back and collected all the clothes there into the space.


Although most of them were summer clothes, they would come in handy in the future.


Especially bras and underwear, which Alberta and the others would need, and they would need to change them frequently!


Dylan even sorted the bras by size.


"Hmm, this one is breathable and black, suitable for Alberta."


"Hmm, this one is slightly smaller, suitable for Jodie."


"Hmm, this one is a bit larger, perfect for Dorothy!"


After collecting all the clothes, they went to the fourth floor.This floor was mostly restaurants, with few usable supplies, so they headed towards the fifth floor.


On this floor, there was a cinema, as well as some gyms and clubs.


Dylan didn't think there was much to find, but Alberta and Jodie, under Dorothy's lead, each grabbed a yoga mat.


Dorothy suggested doing yoga with Alberta and Jodie. When Dylan heard this, he thought, "Yoga sounds good!"


This was another sight to behold. Dylan immediately offered to sponsor yoga clothes for them.


Before the apocalypse, he had bought quite a few yoga outfits online.


Just as he was imagining this pleasant scene, the walkie-talkie buzzed.


"I'm Kimberley. Several people are being chased by a group of zombies and running towards our camper! What should I do?"


Dylan was stunned. Were they being targeted or just passing by?


Regardless, it was best to go out and see what was happening.


"Stay in the car and don't come out. We'll be there soon!"


Dylan replied and hurriedly led Alberta and the others downstairs.


But when they ran out of the mall, they found the off-road camper surrounded by a group of zombies.


Looking around, there were only zombies, but no sign of any living person.


Did they hide in the off-road camper?


"Kimberley?" Dylan called out through the walkie-talkie, wanting to see if she was still alive.


"I'm here. Our camper is surrounded by zombies!" After a moment, Kimberley's voice came through the walkie-talkie, deliberately lowered.


"What about those people?" Dylan asked.


"They're inside the car!" Kimberley sounded nervous, indicating that she also felt it was wrong to put them into the camper without permission.


Dylan felt a surge of anger. Kimberley didn't know if she was friend or foe, yet she put them into the camper?


Dylan looked at the zombies surrounding the off-road camper. There were nearly a hundred of them.


Forget it, let's deal with these zombies first.


As for those people, if they were sensible, they would leave quickly.


If they weren't, well, they could blame themselves for being ruthless.


A hundred zombies were nothing to Dylan and his group. They pulled out their magic swords and quickly cleared out the zombies.


They approached the off-road camper, with Dorothy quietly raising her hand behind Dylan. If things went wrong, she could let the people inside taste the power of lightning.


"Kimberley, open the door!" Dylan shouted.The door of the camper opened, and the step extended out. Kimberley came down from the camper.


Seeing that Kimberley wasn't being controlled, the group felt a bit relieved. It seemed that the other party didn't have malicious intentions.


"Why did you take the initiative to let them in?" Dylan's tone was not friendly.


"They... they are officers from the Public Security Brigade, so I... I just..."


Before Kimberley could finish her sentence, a woman came down from the camper.


She had short hair, fair skin, clear eyes, and a dignified demeanor.


Just by standing there, she exuded an extraordinary aura.


She was a police officer?


Dylan had seen police officers before, but never such a beautiful and elegant one.


"Hello, I'm Georgia, the captain of the Public Security Brigade at the City Police Station. These two behind me are my colleagues. Here is my identification!" Georgia introduced herself and pulled out her credentials.


Dylan took the ID and looked at it. The photo was not as good-looking as the real person.


But he couldn't help but think it was a bit amusing. What use was showing ID at a time like this?




Dylan admitted that it still had some use. After all, before the apocalypse, they were very trustworthy.


He believed that at least for now, she wouldn't have any malicious intentions!


"Hehe, hello, Captain Georgia!" Dylan greeted with a smile.


Georgia looked at Alberta and the others behind Dylan and praised them, "You guys are really amazing.


 Four people can easily take down so many zombies.


 If we weren't injured and afraid of causing trouble, I would have come down and fought with you!"


Dylan listened carefully and noticed that Georgia's clothes were torn in some places, indicating that she had been through a big battle.


Looking into the camper, he saw a woman bandaging a man's hand.


Dylan suddenly became alert and asked, "Did any of you get bitten by zombies?"


Dylan knew very well that if they had been bitten by zombies, they must not be spared.


The zombie virus was highly contagious. If someone was bitten or scratched by a zombie, they would turn within three hours at most.


Georgia didn't understand why Dylan suddenly became so cautious. Wasn't it normal to get injured?


"Well, me and a female colleague accidentally fell while fighting zombies. The male colleague accidentally got bitten by a zombie on his hand, but it was just a little blood and nothing serious!"