
Apocalypse: A Gathering of Beauties in My Base

In the haze of the world's end, humanity is plunged into despair. Yet, amidst this desolate apocalypse, there is one who shines like a meteor piercing the dark night. Dylan, a fortunate soul reborn by accident, possesses spatial abilities from his past life. He returns to the world ten days before the impending apocalypse. Unlike others, he does not succumb to fear and sorrow but brims with ambition. To him, doomsday is merely a millionaire's vacation. He lavishly hoards supplies, constructs the most luxurious temporary shelters, customizes deluxe off-road RVs and large yachts. While others struggle to acquire temporal energy, he indulges in luxury, reveling night after night. Yet, he is not merely a hedonistic tycoon. Confronting the invasion of extraterrestrial species, he faces them without fear, directly challenging their strongholds. Behind him, stands a group of beauty supporters who find hope because of Dylan's existence. And those extraterrestrial species will face unprecedented threats. In the world of doomsday, Dylan becomes a beacon of light, his life akin to an eternal flame, illuminating humanity's path of hope. As for the extraterrestrial species, they may think they can easily crush humanity's last hope. However, they fail to realize that they will face a challenger brimming with courage, an indomitable symbol of humanity—Dylan.

MidnightEcho · Sci-fi
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100 Chs

Don't Pass Up Freebies, That's Just Being Dumb

"Yeah, Constance, you know what Louise does.


 She needs a lot of girls," one of the men said, urging Constance.


Constance hesitated noticeably.


 He was usually a cautious person, but the encouragement from the people in the car was starting to get to him.


 Especially if going back with these women could make Louise look at him differently, his days ahead would be much easier.


Seeing Constance's indecision, the driver became impatient.


"Constance, make a decision quickly, or they'll get away, and we won't catch up!"


"Yeah, Constance, tie up those two chicks when we catch them.


You can enjoy them in the front mobile home first.


After you're done, we'll take our turns.


These women are a bargain for someone!" another man chimed in.


"Let's go!"


"Let's do it!"


"Turn around!"


As soon as Constance heard about playing in the mobile home and that there were two of them, he got excited.


The girls under Louise's command were too expensive. They either demanded resources or demanded time.


Although he had some privileges under Louise, resources were precious in the current environment.


Before the disaster struck, they were struggling for survival every day.


With the world in its current state, could he keep serving indefinitely?


 If there were freebies available, not taking them would be foolish.


Once Constance spoke up, the people in the car became excited and cheered.


Being able to join in would be a great opportunity for them.


The lead car suddenly made a sharp turn on the road and gestured to the four pickup trucks behind them.


The four vehicles immediately turned around and followed.


"Don't let the two cars behind stop the Bobos; we three in the front will intercept the heavy-duty off-road vehicle ahead!"


"Got it!"


As soon as Constance spoke, someone in the back row opened the window and signaled to the cars behind.


 Then, the five vehicles split up and began chasing after Dylan and his group.Georgia kept a close eye on the movements of the cars in the rearview mirror.


 Initially, when she saw them driving away, she didn't think much of it.


But now, she suddenly noticed the pickup trucks turning around and chasing after them.


She immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie to call Dylan.


"Dylan, those pickup trucks are turning around and chasing us. What should we do?"


Dylan smirked coldly.


 "If they're coming for us, show no mercy!"


"Understood!" Georgia received the command and instructed Kelly, Kimberley, and the two nurses in the car, "Buckle up safely." The four of them quickly complied, feeling incredibly tense.


At that moment, the three pickups overtook them, heading toward Dylan's heavy-duty off-road vehicle up ahead.


The two pickups behind them, one in front and one on the left side, blocked their path.


The window of the pickup on the left rolled down, revealing a man with a fierce expression brandishing a knife, shouting at Georgia's group to stop the car.


"Idiot!" Georgia muttered, then sharply turned the steering wheel to the left.


 The pickup on the left was caught off guard and swerved off the road, crashing into a tree.


Georgia smirked contemptuously.


As the captain of the Bluewater Bay City Security Team, someone dared to challenge her driving skills?


 They must not have a clue about their own capabilities.


The pickup in front, seeing its companion forced off the road, quickly swerved toward Georgia's group from the left side.


 Georgia aimed directly at the left rear of the opponent's vehicle and floored the accelerator.


The front pickup was sent spinning and drifted towards the roadside curb.


"Boom!" The pickup flipped over, with all four wheels up in the air.


"The two behind are down.


 Do you need help with the ones in front?" Georgia radioed through the walkie-talkie.


"Nicely done! Don't worry about me, go finish them off!" Dylan replied.


"Understood!" Georgia got out of the car with her compound bow. The other four followed suit with knives.


"Follow behind me. If you see anyone not dead yet, finish them off!" Georgia instructed the four women. She pulled back her bow, aiming at a man who had just climbed out of the pickup truck.


Meanwhile, Dylan found himself sandwiched between three pickups, one in front, one behind, and one on the left.


He couldn't help but wonder if they knew what it meant to attack a heavy-duty off-road vehicle with a weight of 23 tons.


Let them see the difference between a gold needle mushroom and a cucumber!


Dylan made a left turn, then floored the accelerator, sending the pickup in front flying far away.


 Then, he sharply turned the steering wheel to the left, sending the pickup on the left flying onto the roadside curb.


He hit the brakes, causing the pickup behind to crash into the rear beam of the heavy-duty off-road vehicle.


 Dylan shifted into reverse, then used the acceleration to send the pickup behind crashing into a tree by the side of the road.


The tree, as thick as a person, snapped in half, while the pickup was nearly twisted into a pretzel.


The entire sequence of actions was completed seamlessly.The three pickups were completely defeated.


 The people in the first two cars were left dizzy from the impact, and it was likely that there were no survivors in the last pickup.


Dylan stopped the car and immediately grabbed his knife, while Alberta and the others also got out of the car with their knives, their gaze ice-cold.


"Damn! This driver is so fierce, just ramming into us without saying a word!"


"Look, they've stopped.


The people are getting out!"


"Damn! So many girls. Constance, we hit the jackpot!"


"Hurry up and get that guy out of the car. This idiot actually dares to get out of the car! He's so brainless, no wonder our brothers got lucky with these chicks!"


Ten people got out of the two pickups, holding machetes and cursing as they charged towards Dylan.


"Kid, I told you to stop, but you dare not to stop. Looks like you've had enough of living!"


"Hey, pretty lady in the back, quickly move aside. Once we finish off this kid, we'll take good care of you!"


These people completely underestimated Dylan, treating him like some rich second-generation survivor who only knew how to fool around, besides, they weren't afraid of knives?


What a joke! Every regular at the biggest nightclub in Bluewater Bay, "Royal No.1," had come out of such scenes!


"Kill him!" Constance ordered, and the other nine people excitedly rushed forward with their knives.


"Swish! Swish! Swish!"


Before Dylan could even make a move, Alberta, Jodie, and Dorothy stepped forward, each swinging their knives.


"Splat! Splat! Splat!"


The people charging from behind suddenly saw the heads and hands of their three comrades fly up into the air.


The blood spraying from their necks splattered onto their faces.


Despite having witnessed bloody scenes before, they were still shocked by what they were seeing.


The key moves were made by the three women.


But before they could recover from the shock, they suddenly noticed Dylan across from them making a move.


The people in front suddenly felt something pierce through their bodies.


 Before they could even look down to see what happened, they felt something being pulled out from within them.


In just a moment, blood gushed from the bellies and chests of the four people in the middle.


Dylan's rapid actions directly pierced through the hearts of the four men, leaving them with incredulous looks on their faces as they collapsed.


Constance and the remaining two were terrified and turned to flee towards the front pickup truck.


Encountering a tough opponent, it would be stupid not to run.


"Whoosh! Whoosh!"


Two arrows flew through the air, hitting the back of the heads of the two fleeing men.


After two muffled groans, they fell face-first into the snow.


Dylan glanced over to see that Georgia had already dealt with the ones behind them and had freed up her hands to shoot two arrows.


Dylan nodded in approval and then turned his attention to the last straggler about to reach the pickup truck.