
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs

Secrets of the Disc

When Cindy removed the disc and inserted a new one, the screen once again showed the figures of a woman and three men.

This time, the woman was not Hill, but rather an old woman with wrinkled skin.

She appeared to be around fifty years old, with wrinkles covering her skin. Her disgusting chest was shriveled, resembling a deflated balloon.

However, this did not stop the old woman from enjoying the thick, long shaft of a black man.

While rubbing her old crotch and embracing the impact of the black man's large shaft, she was also giving a white man with a large shaft oral sex, with an expression as if she were savoring a delicious delicacy.

"Hiss!! Is this... is this Pelosi?" Deborah was the first to react.

Deborah, as the top pimp in the United States, was naturally very familiar with the elites of American politics.

Deborah almost instantly recognized Pelosi.