
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs

Mutated Zombie

As the group looked to where Paul was pointing, they saw a mangled corpse slumped next to the shelves.

"It's... this is... this is Daryl!" Sophie quickly recognized him as the person who had gone to the supermarket with her husband Rick to search for food.

"How could Daryl die here?" Sophie's face turned pale, and her body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Daryl was Rick's good friend and a valuable assistant.

Daryl's death here further confirmed their earlier ominous premonitions – Rick had already met his end!

Sophie suddenly burst into tears.

"Alright, Sophie, now is not the time to grieve! It's very unsafe here; we must quickly find food and leave!" Seth stepped forward, naturally embracing the grieving Sophie and gently helping her up.

"Bill! Where's Paul?" Charlize suddenly looked around anxiously!

Paul, who had been following behind Bill, suddenly disappeared!

"Paul!" Bill nervously called out in a low voice.