
Apocalypse - Strongest Zombie Fusion System

Darkness descends upon Earth, bringing with it countless terrifying monsters and various catastrophic natural disasters. Meanwhile, Maxwell arrives in a world overrun by zombies, and during a moment of crisis, he awakens the Zombie Fusion System. "Ding... Congratulations to the host for successfully fusing two level 1 zombies. You have obtained a level 2 mutant zombie: Crawling Beast!" "Ding... Congratulations to the host for successfully fusing five level 10 zombies. You have obtained a king-tier zombie: Tyrant Lord!" With the Strongest Zombie Fusion System, Maxwell gains countless resources. While other players are still struggling to survive, When others are merely scraping by in the apocalypse, Maxwell has already led his zombie legion to sweep through the entire apocalypse! "What, you want to get on my ship?" "Sorry, no beauties, no admission."

MoonTreeBA · Sci-fi
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66 Chs

Newbie Treasure Chest

After figuring out how to use the system, Maxwell turned his attention outside. Low-level zombies were still wandering around the town. Although they were considered trash in others' eyes, to Maxwell, they were treasures! Just then, the system's voice chimed in again:

"Ding... Congratulations on completing your first Fusion. You have received a newbie treasure chest. Would you like to open it?"

"Open it."

With a click, his inventory was suddenly filled with many items.

"Ding, congratulations, you have received Strength 10, Speed 10, Spirit 10, Gene Points 2, Vitality 1."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received 10 compressed biscuits, 15 beef jerky, 15 mutton jerky, and 20 liters of purified water."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received an exclusive storage space of fifteen cubic meters."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received a high-grade steel samurai sword."

"Ding, congratulations, you have been granted a permanent system ability: Virus Immunity. You will never turn into a zombie."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received the ability: Rapid Healing Level 1. Non-fatal injuries can heal in five minutes, and the healing speed for fatal injuries is increased by five times."

"Wow, all this?" Maxwell was astonished as he casually flipped through the items.

He then chose to fuse the attribute points first since, in this kind of hellish place, physical fitness was paramount.


A slight cracking sound came from within his body. With a clenched fist, Maxwell could feel his strength had at least tripled. His jumping power and agility had also significantly improved.

After adjusting for a while, he held the samurai sword in his hand and walked over to the bay window, looking down.

"There shouldn't be any mutant zombies down there, right?"

After carefully checking twice, Maxwell was still somewhat uneasy.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any mutant zombies here, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. If one were encountered, it would be a sure death! 

"No wait, I have an assistant!"

Suddenly, he remembered the Level 2 zombie from the Fusion. After summoning it, the zombie's appearance and attire resembled that of a previously undisturbed one and was passable.

"Go scout out the town!"

Like a robot, the zombie simply turned its head woodenly and walked downstairs towards the outside.

"What's this?"

Suddenly, Maxwell made a new discovery. On the system panel, icons of an eye and an ear appeared. He casually clicked on the eye icon, and an image from a first-person perspective appeared on the screen.

"Is this what the zombie is seeing?"

He muttered softly and clicked on the ear icon.

"Not bad, it's like a remote-controlled robot."

After getting used to it, he controlled the zombie to roam around the town.

"One hundred zombies, none mutated."

"But whether there are any high-level zombies still needs to be confirmed."

After making a round, he had a rough understanding of the situation in the town. Mutant zombies were easy to recognize because the energy crystals affected their eye color, which varied by rank.

However, it was difficult to discern the strength of zombies below the first rank by sight alone.

"A zombie troop led by mutant zombies rarely stays in one place."

"And the zombies now in town should all be from those guard squads."

"It's only been three days; there shouldn't be many high-level zombies."

"Let's start with those three guys!"

After deciding, he controlled the female zombie to approach the three zombies that had been wandering below his building and started to shuffle along with them.

Swinging along, this female zombie became the leader for the three of them!


Maxwell clapped his hands and laughed. Among such low-level zombies, there is no communication; without humans around, they just wander aimlessly. If they are in a group of three or five, they instinctively follow the lead of the first zombie.

"Go, go,"

"Keep going."

After half an hour, the female zombie led the three zombies upstairs. Maxwell then collaborated with her to subdue these three zombies—two males and one female.

Maxwell fused with a Level 2 male zombie, while the female zombie, being Level 1, couldn't fuse with the Level 2 female zombie and was instead placed in a box.

Now, he had used three slots in his inventory: two female zombies, one Level 1 and one Level 2, and a Level 2 male zombie.

Then he sent these three zombies back out.

Another half-hour later, these three zombies each brought back two more, totaling six zombies. This was a result of Maxwell's deliberate control; bringing too many at once could be unmanageable. Moreover, encountering a higher-level zombie could spell disaster.

Among the newly arrived six zombies, one was a Level 2 male zombie. Maxwell now had two Level 2 zombies and one Level 1 zombie.

Four against six.

Though outnumbered, they quickly subdued them.

Continuing the zombie elimination game, he fused two Level 1 male zombies into a Level 2 male zombie. He then brought together two Level 2 male zombies.

"Ding," a Level 3 zombie was born.

Seeing the 'three' above its head, Maxwell's smile crept up; the zombie elimination game was indeed fun.

He then set aside the remaining Level 2 male zombie for later use.

Next, he faced a choice among three Level 1 female zombies: an older woman, a girl, and a woman in her twenties.

"Forget it, let's go with this cute little girl!"

Between a woman and a girl, the girl is cuter! Sighing, he dragged his finger across the screen and first fused the older woman into the little girl's body. Then, he combined the previously mentioned woman in her twenties with that Level 1 female zombie, creating three Level 2 female zombies. He could now create a Level 3 female zombie.

As for which one to choose, it definitely had to be the little girl. After all, she was the prettiest among these three zombies.

Soon, the number above the little girl's head changed to 3. Right after that, he noticed that the little girl seemed to become prettier.

"Could it be that beauty can also undergo Fusion?"

"Let's test it later!"

He muttered softly, looking at the five zombies in front of him: two Level 3 zombies, one male and one female, and two Level 2 zombies, also one male and one female.

"Damn, not enough slots?!"

That's when Maxwell realized that male and female zombies can't fuse with each other, and there are limits between different levels. Most awkwardly, he no longer had slots for fusing Level 1 zombies unless he directly captured two Level 2s!

"Ding, congratulations, Host. Fusion space has reached the upgrade criteria."

"Congratulations, Host. You have upgraded to a Level 2 Fusion space, adding three slots and receiving one upgrade treasure box."