
Apocalypse - Infinite Resource System

Catastrophic disasters descended, the world underwent tremendous changes, and doomsday arrived, with zombies and mutated monsters everywhere. Amidst the struggle for survival, Waldo suddenly discovered that he had obtained an infinite resource system, granting him one unlimited-use item every day. [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited bullets.] [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited painkillers.] [Congratulations on obtaining...] While everyone else in the outside world faced countless natural disasters and resorted to desperate measures to survive, Waldo had already settled into a luxurious mansion, leisurely sipping wine and enjoying grilled meat...

AllenWorker · Fantasy
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583 Chs

Killing zombies, leveling up

The seller who received the water and food felt smug. Trading an empty-bullet handgun for so many essential supplies was a bloody profitable move.

But when he saw the trading partner's ID, he was startled. Isn't this the rumored scammer?

So it's not?! The seller announced this information on the chat channel, causing a commotion. However, Waldo was unaware of all this, and he didn't care either.

Hearing the notification sound of an email, his hand trembled slightly as he clicked to open it. Inside, a P92 handgun lay quietly.

[Accept the delivery]

Waldo's backpack now had a dark weapon.

Gripping the weighty P92 handgun, Waldo suddenly felt a sense of relief. He opened the window and fired a few shots at the zombies on the street. Impressive accuracy.

With the blessing of unlimited ammunition, a few zombies let out screams and fell to the ground, unable to rise again. The sudden gunshots startled Alanna, causing her to sit up.

Then she looked at Waldo in astonishment. Watching the fallen zombies and the others around them roaring, Waldo closed the window with satisfaction, only to discover Alanna staring dumbfoundedly beside him.

Waldo just smiled and then caressed the handgun in his arms, softly whispering, "Finally, finally, no more fear." At that moment, Waldo heard the familiar voice in his mind.

[Gained 1 experience]

[Gained 1 experience]

[Gained 1 experience]

[Gained 1 experience]

[96 experience points remaining until the next level]

Waldo looked in surprise at his personal panel; he could still level up. He wondered what benefits he would gain after leveling up. After gaining experience, Waldo noticed a new window on his interface displaying his personal information.

Clicking on it, he could clearly see his body's numerical values.

Level: 1 (4/100)

Strength: 10

Agility: 3

Stamina: Vigorous

Waldo wasn't sure what the reference standard for the data was, but for now, his strength seemed relatively high. It might be because of his vigorous stamina.

There was a note beside the personal data: "After each player levels up, there will be a random allocation and improvement of values. The acquisition of experience points depends on the number and level of zombies killed."

Waldo closed the personal panel and pondered with his chin in his hand. It seemed that hiding in this abandoned supermarket was just a temporary solution.

This annotation mentions zombie levels, so it's highly possible that there will be zombies capable of invading the supermarket in the later stages. This place is not safe.

Waldo's joy of obtaining the weapon was overshadowed by a strong sense of crisis. To ensure his own safety, he needed to take the initiative and go on the offensive to level up and improve his physical abilities.

Waldo opened his backpack to check his equipment. He had a P92 handgun as his main weapon, a military dagger, a few Molotov cocktails, smoke bombs, and some iron rods and iron pipes.

Waldo wasn't satisfied with the quality of his equipment. Frankly speaking, when facing zombies, only the P92 handgun and Molotov cocktails would be useful.

As an ordinary person, Waldo didn't have the confidence to engage in close combat with a military dagger. One careless bite, and it would be game over.

After all, he had seen zombies outside withstand several shots before falling down when he watched from the second-floor window. Such physical abilities were truly daunting.

Waldo climbed to the rooftop of the abandoned supermarket and took out binoculars to observe the distant zombies. The view from here was good, and he intended to kill zombies from a safe distance to gain experience points.

After estimating the distance, Waldo chose a relatively safe position and began shooting with the P92 handgun. Many zombies fell to the ground without even reacting, while the others who were slower to catch on turned towards Waldo, roaring.

Waldo was startled at first, but then he realized that these zombies, aside from running closer to him, didn't make any other moves that could threaten his safety. These should be the lowest-level zombies, mere walking corpses.

Waldo breathed a sigh of relief and continued shooting. The experience bar kept increasing.

[Gained 1 experience]

[83 experience points remaining until the next level]

[Gained 1 experience]

[66 experience points remaining until the next level]

[Gained 1 experience]

[49 experience points remaining until the next level]

After a while, Waldo suddenly felt a rumbling sensation in his body, as if a shackle inside him had been released, making him feel lighter. Then, the system voice appeared.

Congratulations, player, on leveling up! Please keep up the good work!

Waldo was overjoyed and immediately clicked on his personal information to see the changes in his values after leveling up.

Level: 2 (0/200)

Strength: 12

Agility: 5

Stamina: Normal

He had gained a total of 5 points, which seemed similar to an online game. Waldo looked at his personal panel and felt quite satisfied. After leveling up, he clearly felt that his speed and reaction were much faster than before.

The handgun in his hand also felt lighter. In the later stages, it wouldn't be too difficult to engage in close combat with zombies or even tear them apart with his hands. However, at this stage, Waldo didn't want to dwell on these thoughts.

He would take it step by step. He climbed down from the rooftop and returned to the second-floor living quarters. As soon as he entered the office, he saw Alanna wriggling on the floor like a caterpillar.

Two consecutive days of hunger had already started to make her have hallucinations. Ahem. Waldo coughed. Alanna was startled. At this moment, she was like a tightly strung bow, where even the slightest external interference was a strong stimulus for her.

Waldo had just taken out a plate of delicious fried rice, and Alanna's green eyes fixed on it. Waldo secretly clicked his tongue. He had seen that look before, but only on hungry wolves in the animal world.

Should she eat or not? Waldo helped Alanna up and sat in front of her with the plate of fried rice in his hand.

While listening to Waldo's tempting words, Alanna didn't respond, and her eyes seemed somewhat dim. Even though her stomach had started growling.

Just then, Waldo suddenly used his left hand to hold Alanna's cheek, opening her mouth. The tender touch of her skin made Waldo's heart skip a beat.

He gazed at Alanna, who appeared mentally exhausted but still had a beautiful face, and was momentarily stunned. Alanna, puzzled, said disapprovingly, "Are you crazy or something?"

Waldo didn't say anything. He directly scooped up a spoonful of fried rice and fed it to Alanna's mouth. Alanna instinctively chewed and swallowed the rice, and the aroma almost made her tear up. But she quickly realized.

"You won't make me surrender!"

Waldo continued to pick up another spoonful of fried rice and brought it to Alanna's mouth.

"One more bite?"

Alanna was incredibly hungry, and even though she had been resolute just moments ago, her mouth opened involuntarily.

However, in the next moment, Waldo turned the spoon around and fed the rice to himself.

Then, with a satisfied expression, he closed his eyes and said, "Mmm, it's so delicious!"