
Apocalypse - Infinite Modification System

"Apocalypse in three minutes?" What should I do stuck in this dilapidated van in the middle of the city center? No worries! Infinite Modification System activated! [Ding! Successful modification of the dilapidated van, acquired one LV1 armored vehicle!] [Ding! Successful modification of the abandoned base, acquired one steel fortress!] [Ding! Successful modification of the exoskeleton armor! Acquired one Unicorn Gundam!] Transport plane? Cargo ship? Firearms? Ammunition? All modified!

moone_heroall · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Tide of the Dead! The Exploited Survivors!

Five minutes later!


A bullet flies out, dark blood splatters.

The last zombie also falls to the ground, and now over a hundred zombies lay scattered across the floor.

Looking around, there were no other zombies approaching. Ray holstered his gun and looked towards Zhao Zhirou beside him, "That should be about it. Let's start sniping!"


Zhao Zhirou agreed, promptly putting away her gun, and lay on the car roof. She took out the sniper rifle from its bag and set it up in front of her.

"Distance 589 meters, southeast wind, wind speed 10 meters."

Once she was ready, Jarvis's voice immediately rang out in her Bluetooth earpiece, reporting the situation to her.

At this moment, the situation on the cross-river bridge, through the magnification of the sniper rifle's scope, became clearly visible to Zhao Zhirou.

Based on her observation, there were over three hundred soldiers guarding near the checkpoint, among them five high-ranking officers, one lieutenant colonel, two majors, and two captains.

In a split second, Zhao Zhirou made her decision, aiming directly at the lieutenant colonel without even needing to pre-aim, and pulled the trigger.



As the sound of the gun, fitted with a silencer, echoed, a 12.7 mm large caliber high-power bullet flew out instantly. The next moment, the lieutenant colonel's head in the scope exploded, turning him into a headless corpse.

Before the soldiers could react.



Two more sounds of heads being shot rang out, and the two majors followed the lieutenant colonel into death.

"There's a sniper!!! Find cover immediately!"

Only at this moment did the soldiers finally react, promptly picking up a loudspeaker and yelling out.

It may seem like a long time, but the interval between Zhao Zhirou pulling the trigger was merely half a second.

That means, three shots were fired in just one and a half seconds!

No wonder they only reacted then.

Watching all the soldiers immediately go into alert mode, hiding behind the trucks blocking the bridge, along with the survivors at the bridgehead, looking bewildered and still unclear about the situation.

Zhao Zhirou, with a calm expression, aimed at the fuel tank of the truck blocking the bridge and pulled the trigger again.



Boom boom boom—

Following the sound of the gunshot, the twelve-meter-long semi-trailer was instantly ignited by a 12.7 mm incendiary bullet, bursting into flames.

The next second, the huge fire engulfed the connected trucks around it.

Boom boom boom—

Without any surprises, the connected trucks were also ignited, exploding in succession like firecrackers.

In an instant, the checkpoint on the bridge was swallowed by the massive fire from the exploding trucks, blowing a huge gap in several large containers.

The soldiers hiding behind the trucks were naturally affected, some were directly blown up, others were set ablaze, screaming as they jumped off the bridge into the river below.

Only those soldiers who were farther away from the first truck that exploded and managed to dodge in time, narrowly escaped disaster.


"Mission accomplished!"

Withdrawing her gaze from the scope, Zhao Zhirou put away her rifle and stood up, turning to Ray who was still covering for her.

Ray, who observed everything happening on the cross-river bridge with his vision far exceeding that of an ordinary person, smiled slightly, "Well done. Now, it's time to guide those survivors."

Saying that, he pressed his Bluetooth headset, "Jarvis, call their phones, tell them, if they want to live, now is the best chance to storm the checkpoint!"

"Alright, sir," Jarvis responded.

The next moment!

At the edge of the cross-river bridge, survivors, their eyes wide with shock as they gazed at the blazing checkpoint, heard their phones ringing en masse.

And as they answered the call, puzzled, a voice that sounded almost enlightening, mechanical in nature, immediately filled their ears.

"Do you want to live? Now is your best chance to storm the checkpoint!"


Watching at the edge of the cross-river bridge as the survivors, looking almost crazed, rushed towards the checkpoint, Ray withdrew his gaze, satisfied.

"Let's get in the car. It's time for us to go."

Back in the car, Zhao Zhirou replenished her magazine with bullets while Ray took over the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and headed towards the cross-river bridge.


At the cross-river bridge!

Nearly a thousand survivors, after receiving the call, madly rushed towards the checkpoint.

Seeing such a scene, the remaining hundred or so soldiers at the checkpoint instantly raised their assault rifles and pulled the trigger.


Gunfire was intense, bullets created a barrage, raining down on the survivors like a storm.

However, even with the dense gunfire, they couldn't stop the overwhelming number of survivors.

Seeing their chance, their eyes now red with desperation, they charged forward through the gunfire, unstoppable.

Before long, some of the survivors had managed to get close to the checkpoint, seized the gate controls, and decisively pulled the switch.


As the gate switch was pulled, the broken gate was immediately opened.

"Ha ha! The gate is open! The gate has finally been opened! Charge!"

Seeing this, the frenzied survivors, as if seeing the light of victory, hurried their steps and rushed forward with loud cries.

"Heh heh... heh heh..."

"Ao ao..."

However, they failed to notice that the explosion of the trucks had already attracted the attention of the zombies near the cross-river bridge.

Thousands of zombies, braving the scorching sun, emerged from the shadows with roars and converged together, surging towards us.

Upon closer inspection, among these thousands of zombies, there were at least ten evolved zombies hidden within!


Just then, an armored vehicle, unstoppable as it broke through the not yet fully formed wave of zombies, creating a breach and crushing the zombies as it sped towards the cross-river bridge.

Crossing the bridge took just about ten seconds.

"Look! What is that!"

"Holy shit! An armored car?"

"Damn it! Look behind! The wave of zombies is coming!"

At this moment, the survivors frantically attacking the checkpoint noticed its arrival, as well as the surging wave of zombies.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded. Ray, driving the armored vehicle, aggressively broke through the defensive line made of cars by the survivors, entering the checkpoint area, under the watchful eyes of both survivors and soldiers.

"This armored vehicle is too insane, isn't it? It just directly smashed our cars?"

Witnessing this scene, the survivors were shocked and began to think desperately for help.

However, Ray didn't even glance at them, driving past them directly.

Seeing this, the survivors didn't give up. They tried to climb onto the armored vehicle as it passed by them and some even aimed their guns, firing at the vehicle in an attempt to force it to stop and take it over.

But, what was the use?

The speed and formidable defense of the armored vehicle were not to be underestimated.

Those survivors who tried to climb onto the armored vehicle had their arms ripped off the moment they grasped it, due to the vehicle's powerful speed.

And the bullets fired at the armored vehicle were like throwing pebbles against a tree, leaving no mark.

"Quick! Stop him! We can't let him break through the checkpoint!"

Seeing the armored vehicle approaching, all the surviving soldiers panicked.

They no longer cared about the survivors and concentrated their firepower on Ray's armored vehicle.

Ding ding ding—

The next second, a series of metallic collision sounds rang out as 5.56mm assault rifle bullets unceremoniously hit Ray's armored vehicle.