
Apocalypse - Infinite Modification System

"Apocalypse in three minutes?" What should I do stuck in this dilapidated van in the middle of the city center? No worries! Infinite Modification System activated! [Ding! Successful modification of the dilapidated van, acquired one LV1 armored vehicle!] [Ding! Successful modification of the abandoned base, acquired one steel fortress!] [Ding! Successful modification of the exoskeleton armor! Acquired one Unicorn Gundam!] Transport plane? Cargo ship? Firearms? Ammunition? All modified!

moone_heroall · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Dare to Provoke Me? Then Taste the Consequences!

The synthesized rocket launcher, in appearance, is no different from a regular rocket launcher.

Without changing the appearance, it can, however, be equipped with three rockets at the same time!

This gave Ray a new understanding of the power of the modification system.

Shifting his gaze from the rocket launcher, Ray looked at the pile of ammunition on the ground and muttered to himself, "With the new firearms caliber change, some bullets are now obsolete."

The Type 85 sniper rifle, after a unilateral performance modification, has become a 12.7mm caliber sniper rifle, just like the Type 10, and the calibers of other firearms have also changed to 7.62mm.

As a result, 1500 rounds of 5.8mm and 1500 rounds of 5.56mm bullets were no longer usable.

"Let's see what kind of bullets can be synthesized."

Thinking this, Ray immediately added both types of bullets to the third set of synthesis and modification plan panel, and then directly opened the list of selectable synthesis options below.

This list, similar to the firearms synthesis list, had icons for bullets that could be synthesized lit up, while those that could not be synthesized were all grayed out.

The categories were also varied, including common types such as regular bullets, armor-piercing rounds, incendiary bullets, explosive bullets, tracer bullets, armor-piercing incendiary bullets, hollow-point bullets, blank rounds, and tungsten-core armor-piercing incendiary bullets, among others.

There were also less common types, such as noise bullets, fire extinguishing bullets, and eavesdropping bullets, among others.

Besides these, there were many other types of bullets he had never heard of before.

Of course, like the firearms, the majority were grayed out because the conditions for synthesis were not met.

And for those few that were available, the cost of synthesis was extremely high, requiring dozens to hundreds of regular bullets per round!

Seeing this, Ray did not hesitate and directly skipped over them.

"Now that ammunition is limited, it's better to research these options when we're more financially stable."

Looking at the bullets, Ray pondered for two seconds before making his decision.

He used all the 5.8mm and 5.56mm bullets to synthesize 500 rounds of 12.7mm regular bullets, 150 armor-piercing rounds, 100 incendiary rounds, 100 explosive rounds, and 50 tungsten-core bullets that combined armor-piercing, incendiary, and explosive functions.

"Let's also enhance the 50 grenades left!"

After synthesizing the bullets, Ray's attention turned to the grenades.

Ultimately, he modified them into 25 enhanced-power grenades.

Having done all this, Ray checked the points panel and found he had just over 500 points left.

"Spent over 2500 points to get two big weapons and enhanced so many others, worth it!"

Afterwards, Ray put all the modified firearms and ammunition back into the weapon bag and checked the time.

"It's past 11, I wonder if they're asleep."

Saying this, he pushed open the bedroom door and stepped out.

Huu— Huu—

Two soft snoring sounds immediately entered Ray's ears.

Ray looked towards the sofa and saw Liu Yuqing and Zhao Zhirou, who had somehow fallen asleep on the computer.

But considering, it made sense. Liu Yuqing had never been as tired as she was today, plus she hadn't slept well the night before.

And Zhao Zhirou, even more understandably, being a police officer, hadn't relaxed for a moment since the apocalypse started, and now, in what could be said to be an absolutely safe environment, she could finally relax, making it easier for her to fall asleep.

Both women were dressed lightly, even Zhao Zhirou's robe had slipped slightly to one side.

"I underestimated her during the day..."

After admiring for a moment, Ray bent down and gently picked her up.


Being picked up by Ray, Zhao Zhirou instinctively let out a murmur as her head rested on Ray's shoulder.

Ray glanced at Zhao Zhirou, who was asleep with her eyes closed, shook his head, and with big steps, pushed open the door to her room and walked in.


Zhao Zhirou lay on the bed, seemingly a bit more comfortable, she slightly turned over, causing her nightgown to lift a bit more...

Ray let out a deep sigh, pulled the blanket over her, and then turned around to walk out of the room.

It wasn't that he didn't have desires, but now wasn't the right time.

He and Zhao Zhirou had only met today, and although he could feel that after spending the day together, Zhao Zhirou had developed some fondness for him, he didn't believe that such a small amount of affection would make her accept him as her man.

Of course, if he insisted, Zhao Zhirou wouldn't be able to resist.

But what he disliked the most was forcing things.

One option is a fast food meal, and the other is a long-term home-cooked meal that can be enjoyed every day.

And one choice leads to becoming enemies, while the other leads to becoming the closest of partners.

Is there even a need to choose?


Listening to the fading footsteps, Zhao Zhirou immediately opened her eyes, instinctively touched her cheek, and thought of the feeling when Ray held her, her cheeks growing even hotter, feeling as if a little deer was bouncing around in her heart.


Ray didn't know that Zhao Zhirou had woken up. By this time, he had already returned to the living room and picked up Liu Yuqing, intending to take her back to her room.


However, before he could take two steps, Liu Yuqing, like a little kitten, moved her head resting on his shoulder, snuggled into his chest, and at the same time, raised her hands to gently embrace his neck.

Liu Yuqing had actually been awake already, just pretending to be asleep.

The one embracing his neck didn't know her pretend sleep had been seen through. Noticing Ray hadn't moved for a while, she quietly opened her eyes, meeting Ray's gaze.

Liu Yuqing's eyelashes fluttered, and she quickly closed them again.

After being saved by Ray in the supermarket yesterday, she had already taken a liking to him, and today's experiences and developments made it clear to her that she truly had fallen for Ray.

She's not a promiscuous girl!

However, with Zhao Zhirou joining today, coupled with the effects of alcohol, she inexplicably felt a sense of crisis.

Especially Ray's action of hugging Zhao Zhirou first just now, it stimulated her again. So when Ray hugged her, she couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck.

But she didn't expect that Ray would notice her thoughts.

At this point, Ray headed back towards the room, but with a slightly different direction, and chuckled, "You teased me last night and dared to come again today, then let you taste the consequences!"

He wasn't a saint, and if he could still hold back now, he wouldn't be much of a man.

With that, he carried her into his room and kicked the door shut.


Not long after, the room was filled with a series of moans.

Naturally, Zhao Zhirou, who was sleeping in the adjacent room with the door left open, heard it. After all, her door wasn't closed earlier.

Although Zhao Zhirou had never been in a romantic relationship, she had seen some movies and knew a bit about these matters. Naturally, she understood what was going on.

As a result, she couldn't sleep because the sounds didn't stop all night!